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Posts posted by Marquiz

  1. I proposed some time ago ( i think this was early beta with open world) that we need somekind of system of sink letters. We can called " Report to Admirality". This letter would be generated automaticaliy after battle to winner in pvp battle only. In this letter would be short message (mail) information about engagement, loses done , place where battle was (no exactly - some approximation) and winner side. This might be important information about strategy on long terms on whole map. This idea is some kind of eve online killmail  variation. It can have many interesting uses in game.


    A friend suggests an egg time in the interface to estimate time till enemy is reloaded. Observe enemy shot and start your egg timer.

    I advised that once better crew and perhaps crew tiring is implemented this timer would be far less reliable.


    For me is wierd idea. How you are suppose to know this. Maybe if we have some officers on board u can assigin some midshipman too mesure how offen enemy shoots. Its only way to implement this in my opinion.



    In Ghost mode - After death wants to be able to see enemy damage from allied ships in observer mode.

    As observer is ok, But in observer mode u are not allowed to chat and inform team allies about real damage.


    But we know from game development experience that hitting enemy for 40% of its side structure with a well placed doubleshotted broadside and seeing that bar fall for "massive damage" gives immense psychological pleasure to some players. Without that bar its harder to achieve.


    Developers know that game should be fun for more player. Not every player is super realisitc fan. Damage on ship isnt easy to notice in early stages, of fight especialy from distant view.  IMO for better encourage new players to game Health bars should be leave as it is. There was be an option to switch it off as, Admin posted.


    A few points:


    (i) In real life you have crew and officers to give feedback. You also do not have to aim the guns yourself. You can keep looking through the spyglass and analysing the enemy ship.

    In game this does not always happen because of the chaos at some shorter ranges

    (ii) Damage is often hard to see and the damage models not detailed enough to show through the spyglass how bad below the waterline, or even the end or side of the ship is damaged.

    I agree.


    yes. Sigfried idea is very good and will be implemented in the future after the merge with open world back end infrastructure (currently most development focus is on it)

    Nice, to consider that in Patrick O'Brian series in Book "The Fortune of War" ,Captain of HMS Shannon show Jack Aubrey some of guns on ship with new kind of gun-sight monted on guns. I am not naval historian, but i think in XIX this was common on battle ships. I support idea of elavation markers ,this be a nice feature to have.



    It's interesting to see the tris count on some of these. Will that be optimized at all, or is that generally what the game can handle?

    You can see, tri count on these SS, there are from 3d max, left up corner of picture is statistic 30k - 60k. I think this is resonable amout of tri per today computers. Nice work guys.



    AvCom system would be (before they decided to adopt the Phantasy Star arcade ping-kiting fest, instead).

    I liked old potbs avcom system ,with stances and guard. It was less running and hitthing, more skill tatics useing. It was since half year game was live, after that someone not wise make wow - clone shit. 

    Afterall i still consider Potbs as the best mmo which i played. 

    • Like 2

    4. I'm not sure too many men could be sent on the pumps. I think each ship had a limited number of pumps, and each pump had a maximum number of men. Sending men to the pumps shouldn't be critical to the other parts of the ship. However, how fast the men pump could depend on their morale and their tiredness.


    Pump flow in m^3/minute = maximum pump flow * ( moral + tiredness % ) * number of men  / maximum men per pump


    6. Second problem: the repairs shouldn't be simulated like in PotBS, i.e. I click and the ship is repaired over time until the cool-down timer is up again. Repairs should be simulated like the pump system. A captain sends more or less men (with no limitation ?) to a part of the ship.


    Repaired area in m²/minute = maximum repairing rate per man * ( moral + tiredness % ) * number of men


    There would be a maximum area to be possibly repaired, depending on the wood reserves a ship would carry.

    Iam fine with this.

    Digby wrote a very detail and realistic way ,with cannonballs going thought ship hull but i think spiting hull into sections , horizontal ,and vertical and adding few parameters too each section will be enought for simple symulation game. 


    So parametrs:

     buoyancy ,planking, hull main structure (beams, columns), crew, equiment on this section,like wise guns ,or other things (cannons, hull patches, gun powder barells ect.) 

    1.  planking first ,  if - does shoot bounce or got trought , i bounce ,do nothing , if got trought apply damage to crew from splinters and cannonball :)

    2. if planking is servely damage (50%+ is chance to bleed damage to hull structure (beams, colums, masts other).

    3. if structure is servely damge in this section apply damage to all sections connect with this. ( if any of these sections is underwater we got more leaks)


    4. if shoot is below waterline (got leaks ,, reduced by pumping out water ,but this leaks dont does damage, like cannonball or Dot, but flood ship with water. And this give handicap to all ship sailing charateristic.

    5. Each sections have strict buoyancy parametr if flooding is over buoyancy this section is flooded and ship may heel over this side of section. Heel depends on how many section in hull we have on all ship.

    Ofc SoL have better buoyancy than frigate and frigate than brig. Because SoL have more sections than frigates.

    This is sketch how this damage model might be.



    I would love to see the Patrick O'Brian series have some influence on the game...many of us computer sailors love this series!

    Yep i love his novels i own almost every one, besides "Desolation Island" which is very rare in polish language.



    • Avoid use of economies, crafting, or pirates, or at minimum allow players to not use those features.  The use of these for many players destroys game immersion for those interested in the naval component of game.
    • Most important features are Multiplayer and the Ability to Control Battle Setup by players.

    u didnt noticed this ?


    Our current priorities are combat and core systems, render development and tools programming.


    Further steps include:

    • Open world gameplay
    • Player Guilds, Companies and Global Conquest
    • Crafting and Trading
    • Guild owned ports and villages
    • In-depth exploration

    Developers writed that open world and crafting and trading will be key feature. So maybe u should rethink yours wishes.

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