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Posts posted by RyebreadMike

  1. 24 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

    There's negativity and then there is constructive comments about the release.  Try not to confuse the 2.

    MOST of us here want a successful release and a playable game in the months to come.  Some of the changes that have been proposed would help towards that end.....but there has been relatively no development comments in regards to them.  This is concerning to some and the lightspeed of the scheduled release guarantees that things, perhaps important things, will be left out. 

    lol .. well let's see, when someone acknowledges they made a mistake, THAT is when you take the time to tell them how to act.  Nice.  As for if/when I make a further mistake, that sir, is not up to you .. hell, it's rarely up to me hehe.  But I do have opinions about what's going on here as well as you.  I agree with many of the  subjects brought up here and disagree with others.  My main beef is with the nature of the comments.  

  2. Some of you work SO hard to convince the rest of us to be as miserable about this game as you are.  Well it ain't going to work.  Cannons, on sailing ships.  It's as simple as that.  Well that and sharing it with others who share my fascination with it.


    There actually IS a difference between constructive criticism and whining.  This, me, right here .. this is me whining about all the whining whiners.  All the people that just can't get it into their heads that there are people that enjoy this game for what it is and really don't give a hoot about what y'all WANT to see in it.

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Latron said:

    People need to just get over it. 🙄 I look forward to going through the ranks again with my bros. Just enjoy the game, and if you aren't satisfied, then stop trying to ruin the fun for the rest of us.

    I liked this, but couldn't like it twice, so I'm reposting it.  Either you enjoy the game enough to spend time in it or you don't. I guess there are some folk who agree with all the complaints going on .. but a large group of us just couldn't care less.  It's a game I enjoy and I'll play it .. until I don't.

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  4. Admins,

    So, I have thousands of hours of game time.  Will there be ANY difference in my account's ability to play the game (abilities, etc.) in the two scenarios:

    1) I retain my account name and country.

    2) I remove my player's name and start a new account.

    It doesn't seem like there would be any difference, but somebody mentioned 'something' about losing those hours of in-game experience if you didn't keep your player.


  5. Once again BETA ... in case you didn't realize it was BETA .. well, it was BETA. 

    Y'all got to enjoy whining to your hearts content for years about how messed up the game was while enjoying a pretty nice gaming environment (and shoot at sailing ships! .. with cannon balls!)  All the while helping the devs to test it by playing it ... in BETA.

    The .. wipe .. was .. always .. coming .. ----> BETA

    I'd hope for a chance of people here being a bit more relevant, but I'm old enough to know better.


    Oh, and ... BETA

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