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Posts posted by RyebreadMike

  1. Well when I get time I'll work on getting the in-game values from friends and my own ships.

    I haven't had time to integrate all the upgrade mods and woods into ship builds like Netlify does in order to show how they affect ship dynamics (speed, armor, etc.).  But I still want to be able to have correct max-speed values for comparing the different ships.  If other sites don't work on getting the correct values in place then I may try to add that ship-build capability on my site as well.

    Oh Damn!  I forgot about the speed-to-wind charts .. argh.  So yes, I'll definitely have to work on obtaining the correct speeds via the game (unless we can somehow come up with a viable alternative) so my dynamic speed-to-wind charts are correct.

  2. Yep ... there was talk many moons ago about dividing the MaxSpeed value for each ship by 13.03 to obtain the actual in-game base speed for each ship.  This is, indeed, no longer working correctly.  My site (for some reason I can no longer remember used 13.436 instead of 13.03).

    I just took an a look at my Implacable and Christian ...

    In-game base speed here is calculated simply by subtracting the 'green' increase from mods from the displayed speed

    Implacable base speed in-game is 11.34 -- dividing API MaxSpeed (137.298004150391) by this value = 12.1074

    Christian base speed:  in-game is 10.87 -- dividing API Maxspeed (137.298004150391) by this value = 12.0629

    So, we no longer seem to have a simple single-value solution.  There must be some other value(s) in play.  

  3. 9 minutes ago, Anne Wildcat said:

    Would like to see

    Small battle room with no loss and no reward, good for training.

    The moon at night




    I really, really miss the dueling 'missions'.  Please find a way to bring them back.  With all the seal-clubbing going on these duels are a fantastic way for new players to learn how to maneuver and fight.  Also yes to no xp or loss in the duels.  For training only.

    And, yes, the moon :)

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, Angus MacDuff said:

    If you want to bring more value to DLC ships, then give an option to take them as a permit instead of a Ship note.  I can see that as a way to apply port bonuses to them.  Simply redeeming a note with choice woods and then adding the port bonuses on afterwards would be a mistake IMHO.

    Maybe so, but I sure would like to see this addressed; and I'm sure there is a solution out there that would make sense.,


  5. 2 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    This would bring back OP DLC ships and resume the raging about PTW.  DLC ships are fine as they are now.  Crafted ships are superior and that is as it should be.

    I'm not sure I agree.  The DLC ships will become overpowered as the game and port benefits progress.  There are ALWAYS options on what the proper benefits would be for a DLC, but it should not be CHEAP and it should be greared toward what the DLC owner's clans's port benenfits are currently.

  6. 2 hours ago, CITOYEN said:

    possibility to make a fairing to a dlc ship in a port to make him benefit from bonuses (for doubloons / reals or other)

    This would be a nice addition.  Just make it moderately expensive. So ..

    - Each time you redeem a ship you would go through the process of paying (Reals/Doubloons/Combat Medals/?) for a DLC-ship upgrade to accommodate the current port's shipyard benefits.  This will allow the DLC ships to keep up with newly-created ships.

  7. 1 hour ago, Felix Victor said:

    Clan docks to store and share clan ships

    I really like this idea.  However, I wouldn't want a huge dock used to stockpile fleets of ships.  Maybe five or six slots for the purpose of handing new ships off to their new owners when the two players (crafter & new owner) are not on at the same time.

    -- would be even better if, while in these docs, the ship was 'owned' by both the crafter, owner and clan leader so nobody else could wander off with it.

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, vazco said:

    Yes, there are :) Forced alliances don't work, we tested it in the past.

    It's fun to throw those ideas out, without thinking through all details. The funny thing is, details usually break them :P One introduced succesful idea is more worth than 100 ideas which were not tested yet :)

    Funny :) .. I mentioned that there could be negatives, which pretty much assumes that it might not turn out to be a successful idea.  Some details as to why it didn't work in the past might have been nice though; as were were pondering different aspects of it.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    Whilst we are enthusiastically punching out these great ideas, Devs are releasing the game.  There may not be any more substantive changes in the future.  Fun to dream I guess...

    This is just me tossing out idea for the halibut.  If the devs already have something planned for this, great.  If they don't and see something here workable, great.  If neither, I'll play/enjoy the game anyway :)

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, vazco said:

    Actually a system which wipes out the winning nation could be cool - eg. you get a message "congratulations, your nation just reached annals of history", every member of a clan with X ports gets a medal, and nation gets wiped, having to compete with others.

    You get recognition, but again have to fight for ports.

    A wipe would be good, but would make largest and best organized group dominate again. If only the winner gets wiped, at least other clans would have a chance to matter for a few days/weeks.

    (it's easy to say, hard to plan in a sustainable way)

    That's another take on end-game.  If a single nation takes all ports but nation capitals they 'win' and port wipe.  But, there again we deal with starting over again with resource / port benefits grinds.  Which isn't necessarily a terrible thing.


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  11. ok .. really no thought into this just throwing it out there so flail away :) .. but maybe something like if a nation gets under x ports then taking a port from them gets harder in some manner.  Where 'X' is some number deemed appropriate by the gods-that-be.  Maybe have an assigned 'minimum-port' number for each nation depending on its location and where it lies on the 'hard-to-play' scale.


    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Angus MacDuff said:

    I can see many pros to what you say.  The major con for me though, is the enormous amount of investment that goes into making a "crafting" base now.  A periodic map wipe would destroy all of that. 

    argh, correct.  I don't know what the answer is to nations getting wiped.  Would be nice to have some mechanic in place that would help them get back on their feet.

    • Like 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    If you're happy with your sandwich that's fine.. express your opinions as to why. But we're all entitled to our opinions as long as you're making them from an informed standpoint and not from one of utter ignorance.

    That's all I was trying to put forward.  Constructive criticism sure .. but over time a lot of it (not even TRYING to put a % on it) just became a continuous flow of negativity.  And that is what annoys me, and possibly others.  I got snarky earlier, and admitted it after looking back on it.  "In My Opinion" ... some people, and seriously have no one in mind here, just need to lighten up.

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