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Everything posted by Hamm66

  1. Glad to hear it is still a possibility!
  2. I suppose it may come down to how much time you have to devote to a game and what you do with your non-gaming time. I personally have a very busy and challenging career and personal life so I have little time to devote to hobbies and gaming. Thus, I prefer games where I can come and go without getting left behind. Its not so much about difficulty as (I'm losing my thread cause the baby is biting my finger...do you see what I mean) I'm going to drop this half cocked as she is getting figety
  3. No worries mate, no offence taken and no offence intended. Just a difference in opinion and the world need that.
  4. Thanks for the comments Admin, I understand your reasoning. Mr Blackwell: No offence taken and none intended, I know that these forums can occasionally get 'spicy' but I like a hot curry and lager so I'm fine with it. Re: mission development, what you are suggesting is precisely what I would like to see, a growing developing 'world'. What I dread is the kind of scenario I have witnessed to often before (not just in the video game world) where an elite group hijacks the game and makes it un-enjoyable for all newcomers just to satisfy their personal egos.
  5. That is very much what I am thinking and I have high hopes that some such game is what we will see on offer.
  6. I certainly touched a nerve here haven't I. Mr Blackwell: No I don't want a game you don't need to be good at to play and when I refer to 'Gamers' I refer to the players who do not really care what the environment is they just want the next hot fix to be the 'best' at. A game does not need to either a game or a simulator it can be one, the other, both or neither. I am very much given the impression that this will definitely be a 'Gamers' game with little or no thought given to the many, many people who are interested the real history as well as games. But hey ho this will not be the first time nor the last. Mr Reb: I was amused by the comment that I am being presumptuous in asking for the game to appeal to the wider public, I certainly did not say ignore the gamers but if you think gamers outnumber the wider public when gamers are part of the wider public you need to brush up on your math.
  7. I just thought I would drop in my tuppence. It looks as if this will be a game designed for 'Gamers' not aimed at the wider public. I am frankly disappointed. No matter how good it looks or how well the action plays if we are looking at a game where you have to play on line and work your way through the ranks to get access to the 'gems' (or, perish the thought, a chance to ravish the virtual ladies) I will not join in. There is very large group of people, online players and offline players, who do not want to get caught up in the 'Gaming' world. Players of historical simulators, online 3D graphic board games and the like are eager for game that will satisfy their interests and, to be blunt, they have the money to spend on a product that meets their requirements. I will keep watching in the hope that this will be the game that eventually offers the goods.
  8. I have just notice the Topic 'Single Player??' in the General Discussion which bears closely on this Topic. I would put a link but for some reason I am not able to do so. I would point anyone interested in Offline Play and Single Player action to read that thread as well. (To my mind it makes quite disappointing reading.)
  9. You make a good point Mr Blackwell but I would point out that a full basic offline version with a Mission Builder would sell and if they made it available through an online agency where login is required for even offline play they would still reap the benefits of the advertising income. I am comparing in my mind with the way Il2 Cliffs of Dover is marketed (I know a failed game initially but that was a programming fault not a marketing failure). It is only available through Steam, you need to BUY the initial game, it is primarily for online play, BUT it contains a full mission building capacity and is very offline friendly. This is what I hope to see with this new game. Not a locked in level one to twenty and then you are done with it kind of game with 30 extra static scenarios that you can play. I can see how that kind of game would have a very limited shelf life.
  10. It has been suggested that this should be a topic of its own. Here is what I wrote in another thread: 'As this is a suggestions thread I am hoping (and suggesting) that offline play will (and should) be a full and readily available option. People like myself, an avid history buff, love recreating history in 3D environments for our own pleasure and education. Going aboard a real ship is of course fantastic but we are highly unlikely to be able to take part in a naval sea battle or cutting out expedition in the real world. For this reason I love any kind of game which allows me the option of setting up a scenario, controlling aspects of all sides, allowing the action to go on without me whilst watching from various camera angles and weighing up the odds of success and testing them in an active environment. Of course sometimes I want to be the Captain or the Admiral and lead my ships into battle and test my skill against the enemy but personally I never want that enemy to be a real person nor do I want to play alongside anyone else in a co-op situation. Call me unsocial if you like but my real world is full of enough cooperation and competition and when I play I want to play alone. I have not seen up till now weather this is to be primarily online or if the offline options will exist but here is my vote for a fully functional offline player experience.' Thanks to Baggywrinkle for suggesting this be a topic.
  11. As this is a suggestions thread I am hoping that offline play will be a full and readily available option. People like myself, an avid history buff, love recreating history in 3D environments for our own pleasure and education. Going aboard a real ship is of course fantastic but we are highly unlikely to be able to take part in a naval sea battle or cutting out expedition in the real world. For this reason I love any kind of game which allows me the option of setting up a scenario, controlling aspects of all sides, allowing the action to go on without me whilst watching from various camera angles and weighing up the odds of success and testing them in an active environment. Of course sometimes I want to be the Captain or the Admiral and lead my ships into battle and test my skill against the enemy but personally I never want that enemy to be a real person nor do I want to play alongside anyone else in a co-op situation. Call me unsocial if you like but my real world is full of enough cooperation and competition and when I play I want to play alone. I have not seen up till now weather this is to be primarily online or if the offline options will exist but here is my vote for a fully functional offline player experience
  12. Downplay if you like Admin but what you have so far looks brilliant! I am very excited and will remain so. I had to wait for the invention of the PC to start to see my imagination come to life so I can wait a little longer. But I am thrilled to see another part of my imagination taking shape in the 'real' world of video simulation (if that makes sense). I cant wait to give it a go (but I will of course)!
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