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Rhodry Heidenrich

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Posts posted by Rhodry Heidenrich

  1. The notion of wanting to cater to players with the "Disney Pirate" fantasy seems dubious. I'm suspicious that those types of players probably don't have any longevity and may not be worth fussing over. They'll figure out that this game isn't about instant gratification and will move on to Sea of Thieves or Skull & Bones. 

    Pirates being an easy-mode Nation, and the desired void for a "Pirate like" faction being filled by Russia/Poland/Prussia is just so strange. Nation building players should play in Nations and those of us who want to scratch out a living away from the drama, egos and tomfoolery of RvR should be the ones flying The Black. 


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  2. 26 minutes ago, EliteDelta said:

    I'd like to point out something that admin mentioned. The Pirate nation can't be made "hardcore", because too many new players want to play as a Pyrate. 

    A lame excuse if I've ever seen one (if that's what they actually said). 

    The Pirate faction should have been --from the start-- what Prussia/Russia/Poland are, and those same nations should have never been put into the game. But it's a moot point, really.



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  3. On 1/6/2018 at 3:33 AM, Cmdr RideZ said:

    Copper plating seems to still cost millions.  Other upgrades that are equally expensive?

    Increase copper plating drop rate or nerf it?

    Pepperridge Farms remembers when upgrades like copper plating were craftable and available for cheap. 

    It actually gets my hackles up to think about, and the upgrade system as it is today is one of the reasons I have a really hard time logging in. 



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  4. @Sir Texas Sir,

    All I'm looking for is some people to sail around with and get into OW skirmishes, and do what I've always liked to do in group fights which is use a fast/maneuverable ship to "tackle" for the bigger boys. Outside of that, I've always been a privateer at heart. But, all of it is moot if after the merge the server population isn't any different during my play times than it is now on Global. <_<


  5. 2 hours ago, Quineloe said:

    Is that even something that happened...


    NA is by no means a sailing simulator. If it was, the population of players would be lower than it is now. There's so much that goes into getting the most performance out of a sailing vessel (while still respecting the wind enough to not damage the boat and its rigging) that it would be too tedious for a lot of players, I think. 

    I can still remember the "lecture" I got from my father the first time I "gybbed" our 27 Foot Catalina in strong winds. Was lucky I didn't break the boom right off of the mast. 









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  6. I definitely agree that the safe zones are too large. They need to be reduced in size as to only really offer benefits to less experienced players who don't have a need to venture far from home. 

    However, with the current game population (especially on Global) the vast majority of the map is a safe zone. If you don't want to be found, you won't be. So all of this is academic until the game leaves "ghost town" status. 


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  7. 6 hours ago, Christendom said:

    The problem is that unfortunately we have a map size meant for a game with a couple thousand players and it's only being filled by a couple hundred.  Every aspect of the game is going to be hurt by a lack of players, PVP the hardest.  To top everything off with a cherry, we now have another game by the same developer that is directly competing with a game that already has a very small population.  I understand your frustration at not finding PVP, but if you think kicking PVE players off the server is a good idea.....you're an idiot.  

    the simply fact remains that NA needs more players.

    This, this right here. 

    Population would solve a lot of the problems NA OW has, but the problem is the game just doesn't have what it takes to entice the number of players needed for it to flesh itself out. Plain and simple, if we had the population the OP wouldn't have thought to post such a ludicrous suggestion. Why? Because he'd be up to his eyeballs in all of the PvP he could want, and he wouldn't be bored enough to get slapped by the "Good Idea Fairy".  (Always beware the Good Idea Fairy, as the suggestions this little sprite often plants in people's minds are anything but good). 



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  8. I agree, if they want RvR to be a large component to this game, it needs to have more depth to it and Privateers who contract to the highest bidder would be a good addition to the game. I'd certainly hope that Game Labs would do a better job of balancing those type of mechanics. PGI has failed miserably in that regard which is one of the reasons why Faction Play in MW:O is such a god awful mess. Almost all of the heavy hitting units in MW:O are Mercs who spend most of their time on the same side of the "conflict", where they mercilessly farm PuGs. 

    But, a lot these ideas are moot because they can't be properly tested for balance without there being a healthy population. That's not going to happen until we finally can bring everyone into the same pool. Hard to do when there's still a group of loud mouthed cryhards who can't understand that this is a GLOBAL game, and that having restrictive RvR windows is stupid. Especially when those windows only "benefit" players in one or two time zones, and leave everyone else out in the breeze. I'm not really into RvR, but that doesn't mean I don't want it to be fun for those who do. 



  9. I kind of scratched my head a little bit when I saw the mechanics for the new nations, when those mechanics would have been great to give to Ze Pyrates. The last map reset would have a good time to do it as well. 






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  10. 6 hours ago, Aegir said:

    Not to refute your point in any way, but I just wanted to chime in that while as you say it probably sucks in modern-day WoW, open world PvP was absolutely amazing in vanilla WoW. A mish-mash of dozens of players ranging from level 18 to 60 fighting for no real purpose other than the fun of it and the feeling of protecting either Astranaar or the Crossroads. And just as the introduction of battlegrounds killed that off completely, I'm sure that Legends will put a very sizeable dent in NA as well. Not that I mind, since I'm rather disillusioned about the value of NA's OW PvP at the moment.

    I played Vanilla, and it was more fun before... well it turned into what it is today. I was definitely making a modern day comparison. :)

  11. 18 hours ago, admin said:

    majority of games don't give participation trophies. eve/wow/many others. in fact i can't name a single mmo that give xp or money if you did not kill an enemy. We had this effort rewards but they were exploited. Thus we chose a proven way because everyone else (every other mmo designer) have already figured it out.


    You've brought up WoW a couple of times.


    Look, PvP in WoW is not the same as PvP in Naval Action. Open world PvP in modern day WoW is a laughing stock footnote because it's idiotically imbalanced, and there's pretty much no reason to do it. The reward for beating down some poor sod is the mere satisfaction that your class was able to two shot theirs. The only thing anyone loses in a gank is 30 seconds of time, so there doesn't need to be any kind of "participation trophy". OW PvP in WoW has no impact on anything, at all, which is why it's not exactly a selling point for the game. 

    "You should come play World of Warcraft! The open world PvP is amazing" --- Nobody, Ever


    Meanwhile, in the game you're doing a great job of sailing off of the edge of the world to become a forgotten footnote in time (which is sad, because I actually like the game), Open World PvP is one of the focal points. One of the issues with OW PvP is a lot of players are unwilling to fight unless they know they're going to win, which is why ganks and seal clubbing are so prevalent. Getting absolutely nothing on top of what you lose when you sink in this game is counter incentive to want to PvP. I don't think anyone here feels that the losing captain should get anything that resembles the rewards the winner gets. I doubt many people feel that you should be able to "lose" your way to affording a 1st rate. The sentiment is, however, that given the time investment this game requires to be able to be functional within it, some kind of reward should be present for everybody as a way to keep people willing to re-equip and try again. 



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  12. 3 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    A bit dangerous making those pve heavens. I really think we need somekind of signaling perk instead. Going to hunt and you end fighting the same AI you want to avoid is not good.

    In this new system the devs are putting on the table for us, PvP players should have little reason to be hanging out near Capital regions (unless to do econ or some missions of their own), so who cares if they're little PvE heavens. I'm perfectly OK with some "high sec" zones that may help with new player retention which, I hope, will lead to more people getting into both OW PvP as well as RvR. It's a better alternative to what we have now which is Capital Camping™ as a commonplace sport. A whole clan of new players on Global was turned off to the game because they couldn't attempt to grow/expand without being clubbed by bored ass old-timers. 

    Take the broader view. It's what the devs are trying to do in an attempt to plug some of the holes in this sinking ship. 



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