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Lord Amplify of Key West

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Posts posted by Lord Amplify of Key West

  1. 1 hour ago, admin said:


    In one of the nearest patches green protected zones reinforcements will be changed. 

    Instead of ships of the line local authorities will send veffels vessels that are appropriate to the attacker ship strength. 
    For example: If 3 frigates rates attack a trader, 3 buffed reinforcement 5th rates will be sent as protection. 

    Please adjust your trading routes or production accordingly, and spread this information to your nation's officers. 

    devs go down the same road of "fixing" something that wasn't broken. this will not improve the game. it will only kill the population even more

    • Like 9
  2. 15 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    Problem is you dont see the BR of the enemy group or even your group. So imagine having 10 different ships on each side and trying to figure out who has to leave the group in order to attack.

    Also its too strict imo, fights vs 2x BR are okay otherwise noone will attack groups like Rubli or exile

    lol 2x br so swedes can swarm lol


  3. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Hello Captains

    We already announced the changes that will improve the hostility missions and victory mark distribution in game, giving everyone equal footing. Individual port ownership will grant you victory marks and even owning one port will make your conquest efforts count. You will no longer be limited by your nation capabilities and your small clan can influence the conquest, and get rewarded even if you are the only clan in your nation.

    Now it is time to improve pvp itself.

    In one patch a new type of mission will be added to the game. This mission will completely change the mechanics and motivation behind progression and will route the player to one of the most fun and varied activity in the game.

    PvP missions will reward player based on the damage he was able to inflict on enemy shipping. PvP missions will reward the player with ships, repairs and small amount of pvp marks. The goal is to remove gear fear from pvp and motivate fighting, not ship preservance. 

    Example of the mission for the light frigates

    La Mona Naval Patrol

    • Captain: Your task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy players shipping in the designated areas of the Caribbean. Running is discouraged, preservation of your vessel is not important! Assigned ships Cerberus, Renomme, Surprise.
    • Goal: Inflict 5000 damage on enemy shipping in the area.
    • Rewards: Random light frigate note, 30 rig repairs, 30 hull repairs, 250 rum, 5 pvp marks, combat ready upgrade, some money for fitting and guns.

    The player will have to arrive to the designated area, damage enemy ships and probably sink as a result, but he will learn something. Of course due to 2.5x pvp xp bonuses he will be leveling up faster and such navy patrols will help him recover losses.

    This feature will be further underlined by the fact that tutorial master exam will award the player with the M&C rank making him immediately useful + such missions will route him to the most fun activity in game. 



    sounds intresting but make sure it doesn't start targeting nations trade routes since this will only push people out of the game in short keep it to free towns is the best option
    PS. any news on the poods nerf or new ships @admin ?

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Tac said:

    So after tense negotiations with the russian nation Cabals Documentary team gained access to the last Russian council meeting this is the result.



    and amplify doesn't even get the glory for taking carta with his screen fleet #sadface


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    When we are growing up we accumulate brain patterns. Patterns that we like and recognize and if something does not fit the pattern we think that something is wrong.

    But in this case your brain pattern is wrong. Somewhere in the past you read something or played something where ships only shot at hull and that was it. Maybe it was total war or age of sail 2 where they had minimal demasting due to old tech and conservation of fps. That pattern stays and its hard to defeat it. But with time it will change. Like accepting the fact that age of sail ships could sail backwards. Or accepting demasting as one of the key tactics (which could be countered)

    Demasting was one of the main tactics
    from small action 

    to large 50-60 ship battles


    We have no desire to fight with your brain pattern, but please STOP posting your ideals as facts.

    • Say it as it is: you hate (dont like) demasting, 
    • dont say its unrealistic and it never happened.


    You can counter demasting making it impossible, but you dont want it, because of that brain pattern. Learn to overcome it Captain and you will do better. Equip upgrades to masts, speed does not matter since couple of last patches. 4 mast upgrades slow you down but make demasting impossible, you will enjoy those battles immensely - laughing when enemies spend half an hour trying to get your masts down while you sink them all. 

    mods wont' save your ship against a pen modded ship just sayin

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