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Everything posted by Pilious

  1. You have to remember casualties are killed and wounded, when you look at Gettysburg Fredricksburg ect there were some very heavy losses when you included wounded into the numbers.
  2. One of the things that can be looked at is how Hero's and Generals do a dynamic campaign map, clearly you would have to start officers at a lower rank otherwise there will be millions of troops fighting. I could see a map of the US with points those points would be tied to different battle maps. Every "player" would start with just 1 division as you win battles and play you will rank up to control larger armies. When you log out your "officers" would control the divisions in battle. Once 1 side wins you reset the map again every one starts over. It has worked fairly well from what I saw in that game even though that is primarily a FPS if there is enough points you might have smaller battles then every battle being Gettysburg or Fredrickburg. It would encourage players to work together, and plan there attacks and menuvering on the map as 1 division against 10 even if the AI is controlling the 10 has no chance to win like in real life
  3. OK I have been thinking about Port battles and war in general. Why not ad a feature where the contesting nations to to reinforce the port or the landing troops. Keep the area active for pvp because people will have to ferry in troops, ammunition, food ect. This is where the will of a nation to capture or hold a port can be taken and will also provide a gold sink for a lack of a better word to help reduce inflationary pressures in the game. If a nation wants to hold a port they will have to invest in the defence if a nation wants to take a port they will have to invest in the capturing. You could make it a 7 day timer where players can see progress updating at down time. This could also play into the manpower commodity as you will have to use available manpower to create soldiers combining man power with say fire arms and food or something along those lines. It will also remove port battles from being a time zone issue. Pilious
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