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Posts posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 7:20 AM, Pobols said:



    Thx for that epical battle, I admire your cold-blood  !!

    No many players in this server would have get out of this gank alive,

    (I like your spirit shouting and cheering on your own  :lol:)

    Spain would need players like you, maybe one day the old guards will be Spanish again.

    • Like 1
  2. On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 11:48 AM, LegoLarry said:

    So what tends to happen is i will fight couple 6th rates outside capital to open slots, then go play something i can get some fun out of.  I know is a sailing game so travel is expected but the whole realism guys obsession with huge time sinks, making lineships rare, etc  has made NA feel like going to work.

    Somewhere along the testing fun seems to have been forgotten, balance has always been an issue throughout testing and seems like nothing has been learned.

    How true !!

    In case Dev's had kept a full copy of NA mechanics in 2016,

    they could open another war server with those mechanics (loosing all improvements developped after 2016...)

    I guess this new server will fastly get the largest population

    • Like 5
  3. 19 minutes ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

    Lol even the chinese clan play for russia lol, the game is so dead ^^

      Celtiberofrog sorry but your post looks like:



    Game is not dead, the game is only pixels, what gives life or death to a game are the players.

    RvR is the heart of War server, when large clans will decide to SPREAD and settle in different factions then we may see a lively RvR. 

    When clans leaders will be agreeing with other faction main clans to cooperate, it might change balances.

    What RvR is missing so far is a number of inspired clan leaders who got the mean to impact the war server balance.


    • Like 3
  4. Parece que algunos jugadores se lo toman muy seriamente.

    Uno saldra siempre de caza con barco ligero de escape porque su prioridad es sobrevivir en la mayoria de los casos.

    Hundir un barco enemigo se convierte en una busquera muy larga hasta pillar una presa apropriada con minimo riesgo.

    Es una forma de jugar y divertirse, pero hay que tener una paciencia del copon...

    • Like 2
  5. What one can see as recent RvR events :


    - Empire of Russia includes an impressive additional clan, the HAN, with well equiped players !

    - The United Provinces is top three super power in territory, have they built up respectful heavy fleets to defend their expanded lands ? 

    - Spain is active, would they manage to set an alliance with its neighbourgs to breath deeper and increase wealth as well as strength ?

    - Swedish has waken up and extended their territory in Hispaniola !

    - Danes have settled firmly in Puerto Rico lands.

    - Prussians have kind of vanished from RvR theater, have they still the courage to defend their fragile possessions ? will the Spanish wait any longer to recover by force those historical Filipina lands ?

    - GB is... there, not very noisy but still as super power. give it a few weeks more and their fleets will become threatening again.

    - France is under pressure for a good while, there is no better occasion to inspire their players to fight side by side and defeat their oppressors ! 

    - USA seems to have a strong playerbase. The day will come when this Faction (from its damned map corner) will cooperate with its neighbourgs, it will become one of War server heavy weights.  

    - Pirates are quietly becoming a significant force ruling the central map area. Who will stop chaos & anarchy ?! rumors say that british civilians are packing back to Europe !!

    - Poland is still owning their Basse Terre Principautée. Will there be new polish settlers to confirm Poland's colonial ambition ?  

    • Like 3

    Maybe a player that create a group (clan) would have the choice between 3 categories of group

    - Guild = crafting preference

    - Company = Trading preference

    - Fleet = Combat preference

    Then a sane faction would better include a variety of group specialties. 

    This detail might also help new players to join other players with same prefered gameplay 

    • Like 5

    On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 2:05 PM, Kloothommel said:

    You know that every time you mention @Lord Vicious a puppy dies, right?

    When I first started NA I was puzzled when discovering the LV caracter and his effect on the community.

    After all these years of low content in war server, most players might realize now that LV was acting "bad" for the advantage of the whole server.

    Great pity not to see more of this type of players now a day.

    • Like 2
  8. For cosmetic only but to make a nice particularity with Naval Action,

    the word "clan" should be erased,

    When creating a group (formerly called clan) a player should have choice to call it either :

    - Guild


    - Company


    - Order


    - Brotherhood


    As "historical" nations still persist why not keeping some historical group names,

    CLAN is poor and so common naming...

    • Like 11
  9. How often it was said that NA's foundation is its "old player base".

    As long as smart & dedicated clan leaders will use existing RvR rules to their advantage instead of general game advantage,

    the new players will be losing interest cause the game has little content.

    I remember Flags furry was wild time, full of content...

    • Like 7
  10. Let's create "Rooky missions" nearby capitals where no one can join but single player (mission creator) or his group against "Rooky AI's" with 1v1 combat ratio.

    Let's create "Blood missions" nearby capitals where no one can join but single player (mission creator) or his group against "Dangerous AI's" with 1v2 combat ratio.


    And for those Factions without capitals, they could create these same missions from their "most developped" port.

    • Like 1
  11. Well, that topic was meant to tell what's going on in RvR since great wipe.

    It was mostly meant to draw attention of newcomers that would realize the consequences of their acts within a WAR server theater.

    Please keep your inputs for RvR sake, we need content, anger & revenge !!

    Could Pirates become more agressive and unpredictible ? We need caracters like LV that would kick the ant nest !!

    Some clan leaders should become wilder and act like durty old captains.

    • Like 1
  12. NAVAL ACTION: Fleets capacity rules & conditions for Nations

    (Numbers are only examples, to be assessed).



    4th rate

    3rd rate

    2nd rate

    1rst rate

    Nation maxi number

    60 units

    50 units

    30 units

    20 units

    Clan maxi number

    10 units

    8 units

    6 units

    4 units






    Beyond standard


    4th rate


    3rd rate


    2nd rate


    1rst rate

    Nation maxi number

    Extra unit =

    +50% unit cost




    Clan maxi number

    Nation effect

    Nation effect

    Nation effect

    Nation effect


    Each of the current eleven Nations have same capacity settings.


    By limitating the number of « expensive » ships per Nations and per clans, it is expected to push for a more balanced RvR theater.


    It will normally spread players among every Nations. It might increase the number of clans.


    To avoid ZERG effect, any clan will have only 1 (one) ally allowed at a time.

    That feature might offer PB's opportunities with less heavy ships and with more ships diversity. Screening will remain an important National strategical step while PB's will become a 2V2 (maxi) clans battle with above ships restrictions.



    Maybe a wrong suggestion, but your feedback is always appreciated.



    • Like 1
  13. Yep, a "waiting list" for players who wanna join clans.

    The clan can look through that list, the list includes few data such as player rank, current wealth, hours of play and, if possible, the number of "name change" or "faction change" that was proceed from player data account. That last feature could help for spotting alts.

    A player can register in only ONE waiting list at a time, untill it is not sorted (cancel, accepted or rejected).

    Abviously, the list allow clans to investigate on the requesting player, chat or talk, before deciding. 

    • Like 2
  14. Hola Francisco,

    Gracias por esta sugerencia, ya has visto las respuestas, pero solo el hecho que te preocupes por este tema quiere decir que vas en NA por la buena vena.

    El modelo del real accuerdo de Indias era y sigue siendo la propuesta mas practicable para la Faccion Española, clanes totalmente indepedientes y libres, pero con la palabra dada de cada leader de clanes. Un accuerdo entre caballeros que respetaran unas reglas, sin mas.

    • Like 2
  15. Hey all,

    Back to RVR history:


    Would you think that today most of Factions include 1rst rate fleets ?

    Rusia, Dinmark, GB, Dutch have made it, what level are the other factions ?

    A few weeks more and there will be respectable fleets in every Faction, I guess.


    Please post here propaganda glorious pictures of your war fleets in OW,

    Deterrence is part of RVR, no ? 

    • Like 1
  16. Es una alegria de ver nuevas recrutas con los FNI y los SH, ya son buen grupos.

    15 minutes ago, Francisco de Balboa said:

    No estuve en la batalla pero debisteis pelear muy bien para ha ello tan bien siendo menos.


    por cierto, que cosas tan grandes podríamos hacer los españoles si estuviéramos todos juntos! 

    Pues algun dia estoy convencido que habra un equilibrio entre Facciones mayores, incluiran cada una un clan "competitivo", con jugadores veteranos y activos.

    En este momento el RVR sera mas qualitativo y engachador.  

  17. Pues creamos una zona PVP "privada" en aquellas aguas de Apalachicola !  8))

    Beneficiara a todos para entrenarse, hacer puntos y con barcos a recuperar a lo mejor.

    he encontrado a CHURRRUUUUU y se esta convertiendo en un virtuoso del empujon por atras con su Trinco  

    Y los demas ayer a noche pues se lo pasaron chachi en batallas interesantes.

    El resto poco importa.

    Un saludo a todos.


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