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Sju Sjösjuka Sjömän

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Everything posted by Sju Sjösjuka Sjömän

  1. Sorry but where did I insult you? All things I've stated in my thread I have legit proof to back it up with. If you feel hurt because of my words then I'd like to start of by saying; How do you think I feel when all I do is being nice towards everyone, even my enemies that attacks me alone with 6 ships, and I get called a idiot in the sweden chatt for saying that I want to battle the danes? How do you think I feel when I see the flame festival that starts in the global swedish chatt as soon as any known member of DRUNK says a single word that even midly goes against yours? I honestly don't hate my nationa teammates, I do however feel extreamly misstreated by them which have resulted in a quite bad habit of feeling anger whenever I see certain names writing about DRUNK. Do you even remotely understand what a large group of the swedish player base does towards DRUNK? Are you even remotely able to understand how much the game is being ruined for us because of that, atleast for me? But fine, if I somehow insulted you by writing a open letter where I expressed my feelings regarding the national political climate and the community itself, I am sorry. EDIT; Mods, I'm truely sorry that I'm so bad on responding to multiple posts in one comment. Please don't hate me.
  2. The ammount of hate that we recieve for doing PvP. That's one of the reasons, and the largest one in my eyes, for our unhappiness. Regarding the port battle, once again, we attacked after the danish fleet attacked sweden. We thought quickly and returned fire, effectivly.
  3. You've done it once, maybe twice. Maybe three times. We go deep into enemy waters every single day with our fleet, multiple times. We go to the danes and battle, then to the south to let the danes cool down and disorient them of our whereabouts, in the south we take down french. Then back up north because of the previously stated reason. You see it as cowardness. I see it as playing smart, and if I may quote;
  4. Interesting thought, I do not however know if it's the best solution. But it's a good one for sure. Just a thought, do you believe that we'd need more ports in the map in order to make this happen? I'm affraid there would be too many port less clans.. but maybe they would be able to use the neutral ports I suppose..? Actually made me laugh, almost spilling my coke.
  5. As a DRUNK, I wouldnt have a problem with that. RNON are very humble and polite and I am sure we would have a lot of good and fun fights sinking eachother. I've never once stated that I want the entire faction of Sweden to goto war with Denmark-Norway. I've simply stated that I want to battle them. Is it really that hard to exclude us from the peace treaty and leave us alone? Just like you said.
  6. These lines made me really smile. And yes, I highlighted PvP in the original post because of just that reason. It is a PvP server so let it be just that, a PvP server. Which is also why I questioned the gigantic pressence of danish ships preppared for battle in both the port battle versus a swedish port (this was started before DRUNK attacked the danish port) and swedish waters in general. Why didn't they instantly contact eachother with their diplomats as shit hit the fan? Why are the danes being provoked by a, if I sum other comments, "known rogue clan that griefs"? Why shit hit the fan to begin with was because a random clan less guy attacked the danish port Fort Baai, once again, why wasnt this instantly solved internally between the "kings and leaders" instead of bringing up two tribunal posts against two "known rogue clans that griefs" that hasnt even done anything wrong?
  7. Everyone, I've added a small paragraph on the very end of the post itself. I hope everyone can read it and honor it. What would this system look like? We need details if we are to suggest it to the developers. Would it be one ruler over a faction? A council of the clans with x ammount of players? A council with one representative from every clan? Faction elections where one player has one vote? Should these votes be majority by 51%? 75%? 99%? 10%? How would people refusing to follow be dealt with? How would loyalty be uphold? Why would your suggestion be good? Why would your suggestion be bad? Details, so we can discuss and developers can think and see what the community wants.
  8. And yet again, you do nothing but brand DRUNK and RNON for no reason what so ever. Instead of trying to achieve something better for both of us. You can obviously see that many people agree with our cause and even people who don't who can still respect us, they agree to disagree and move on. So I'll tell you the same thing I told someone else not long ago, would you like to continue this unwanted drama that does nothing but tear Sweden into two fragments or would you like to sit down here in this thread and work for a solution? Your move.
  9. And this is what I've been trying to get across. There is no legit power, hence I can privateer in then name of Sweden for as much as I can. Once again, for the 100'th time, official statement granting authority and I will follow. Untill then, no. And this is what I've been trying to get across. There is no legit power, hence I can privateer in then name of Sweden for as much as I can. Once again, for the 100'th time, official statement granting authority and I will follow. Untill then, no.
  10. This. This right here. Seriously buddy, what is your real life adress? I swear to god, I'll send you a chocolate chip cookie.
  11. If that explenation is to be considered valid because there is no real goverment, then you are not the royal navy either because there is no real king. You seem to have failed to notice that this thread was made to try and solve things, not throw shit at eachother. Want to help me solve it or continue to fight on the forums and in the global chatt? Your move.
  12. The Danes is a threat, regardless if you'd like to agree to it or not. Regarding the Dutch, if my fleet sees a Dutch ship or fleet in Swedish waters, we will engage it. As simple as that. Also, there is no goverment that we follow because there is none. As said, official statement and we will follow. Atleast I will. I've said that we are a Swedish Privateer clan because we are Swedish and we are privateers, does that not make us Swedish privateers? Well, I might be willing to give in. But I havent seen a single comment here offering us something in return. It has to be a "give and take", not a "take". That's how diplomacy works, the very thing you guys preach.
  13. +1. Very good. I wouldnt mind being branded as a privateer by Denmark and publicly known. Hell, it would actually just be good. In real life, the danish goverment would warn their fleets about known privateer fleets. Their whereabouts, their operations, size, goal.. Everything. If the larger Swedish clans decide to sell this information and actually kinda become traitors themselves, so be it. We are Swedish privateers, we will privateer in the name of Sweden.
  14. I've stated it multiple times, if there is a official announcement that gives authority to one or multiple players or clans and that you are bound to follow them if you do not seek punishment, I will follow them. But there is no authority like that for the time being, so why would I be obliged to follow them?
  15. It might be the easier way to solve it, yes. But I don't seek to become a pirate nor does many members of DRUNK. We wish to be a Swedish Privateer Group. Now, I don't know what type of diplomatic attempts have been made from Kungliga Flottans side (I keep writing Kungliga Flottan because they are the one with the most influence) to try and use us as a tool instead. We have obviously done a very good job to damage, raid and pilage danish traders, fleets and gankers. To my understanding, I might be wrong however, there has been to attempts to ask us to do joint operations versus the targets who Kungliga Flottan see as valid ones. I would almost, note almost, happily run Privateer missions on behalf of Kungliga Flottan but I will not stop doing it to the threats that I see real because of that.
  16. The attack on the Danish port was launched after the attack on the Swedish port. It was a counter attack. And I've already stated that I do not seek anyones love, agree or approval. All I seek is mutual respect. Nothing more, nothing less. My TL;DR on the main post sums it up very very well to be honest. I don't believe that I'll become friends with everyone and that everyone will love me and share my thoughts. But I damn well believe that I am worth mutual respect, human beings alike.
  17. So what in the end however? I want to battle danes because I like history and I live in the region where Denmark and Sweden fought countless brutal battles for control. Ofcourse I want to sail a blue and yellow flag and sink ships with a red and white flag..?!
  18. A very good and mature comment. I did read it multiple times, actually trying to completely understand and analyze your thoughts and I feel safe to say that I truely understand your points. However, I feel the need to say that regardless of the majority vote or not in some kind of council or vote, why would the players who are against have to follow the players who are for? One thing that many in this thread has failed to realize is that DRUNK is a privateer clan of Sweden. We are supposed to be "Swedish pirates", because that is what a Swedish privateer is... Govermental pirate. And who would they target? Ofcourse they would target the largest threats in a attempt to demoralize, damage and slow down the enemy or/and threat. This is exactly what DRUNK is doing, so what is truely the problem? Yes, the Peace treaty.. but again.. this treaty is founded by a false authority, so it's not relevant at all really..? I havent spoken to anyone of my fellow captains from DRUNK since the port battle last night so I might be going out of my League now, but I would happily sit down with anyone and discuss politics. We are privateers yes, but we have still done a lot of diplomacy with the ones who have shown us mutual respect, note that I said mutual because I'm tired of people twisting words, and even seized fire upon certain Clans to my understanding. Note though, I am not a officer of DRUNK so I cannot make any calls on my own. But I would happily listen and take it up with my leaders. Anyone from americans to privates, from danes to spanish. Whoever wants to speak, I'll listen. Edit: I'd also like to thank you. Why? "A very good and mature comment.". And you actually try to move forward in the discussion and perhaps solve something. That was my intentions for this thread.
  19. Danes are a threat, yes. And I play as a Privateer of Sweden and DRUNK is a Privateer clan of Sweden. Who are we to target if not the threat? In a attempt to make them weaker, even by the slightest? And yes, some of actually play drunk. Not even kidding. We had one drunk guy fall asleep mid combat versus a french fleet a few Days ago, almost sunk a friendly ship because his hand pressured the mouse resulting in his ship non-stop firing broadsides.We could also hear him snoar on TeamSpeak.
  20. I mostly studied older history, from the third dynasty to the begining of the medieval aera. I've studied a lot about the second world war too, but nothing else. No need to be rude about me being slow on one name from a period I havent read nor studied much about.
  21. Oooooooooh. The royal british navy officer.....I feel stupid now..... ;_; In my defence, I don't know much about british naval history actually. The little I do know is World War II only..
  22. Eklipz, please..Not once did I call anyone a "complete asshole", or anything even remotely close to it. I'll politely ask you to either stop commenting or change your tone, for the sake of a good and mature discussion and hopefully a change because of it. Thank you. You seem to actually be one of few who understands why I mentioned World of Warcraft and my history with it. Actually made me happy as I started to worry I wrote it in a bad way to connect it to Naval Action. But yes, your comment is very very true friend,
  23. Our clan and a danish-norweigan one, yes. RNON is their name, both threads is in the Nation News if you want more reading buddy.
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