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Posts posted by VirtuallyIdiotic

  1. 24 minutes ago, koltes said:

    Ahh ok! Because looting shit without someone loosing shit is great of economy?

    [sarcastic]Thats why hardcore PVP mindset (risk of loosing everything vs high rewards) has killed EVE Online which has been dead pretty much for 10 years now? Ultima Online been absolutely disaster. Asheron's Call Darktide had less players than any other AC servers. Shadobane attracted no players and Darkfall had people sitting in cities and not attacking each other.[/sarcastic]

    Surely risk of loosing a ship will make everyone rage quit or... finally choose the right server?

    (!) Reminder: you are sailing on PVP server.


    Not going to waste my time debating over a subject I hardly care for, off topic, and other parties involved are unwilling to see other views. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, koltes said:

    This could be combined with my idea of 1 dura ships. Everything is open to loot. All upgrades staying on the ship whether its sunk or captured. Though all upgrades are craftable and thus recoverable.


    Absolutely disagree with implementing one dura to all ships. Find it to be the fastest way to kill the game. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Kloothommel said:

    But isn't that what post battle loot is?


    It is in a way yes. But get rid of the post battle loot system. Add this system in and rather than little guarantee of reward at least this way you can take a chance to be rewarded in mainly ship parts "salvaged" from wrecks and if lucky other rare items. This will be done in an Open World so even others can swoop in and salvage the wrecks. Possibly after a short timer if it gets to where the one that participated in the battle are being beaten to the loot because of loading time. 

  4. So an idea I had bouncing around to reduce the number of people just going straight to port after a battle and increase loot drops is to have shipwreck like objects to appear after a battle. These post battle shipwrecks will reflect in some variable the ships that were in the battle. These shipwrecks would contain mainly ship building parts based on the type of ship sunk. Also, on a various range, dropping rare items as well. Basically salvaging through wrecks after a battle. Just an idea I been playing around with that will hopefully create an increase of open world activity, increasing battle activity, and creating a new element of the game.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Not familiar with SWTOR ( no idea what it is ) but is it a early access title ?

    There are some ( I mean a lot! ) of things that are needed for clan and I'm confident they are in the roadmap.

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Been out for a while so no it is not early access. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, Fletch67 said:

    I did put forward the suggestion that a port battle could have  25 slots but bigger ships take up multiple slots. So a first rate could take 4 slots a second rate 3 slots 3rd rate 2 slots 4th rate 1 slot something along those lines

    I like this concept. Especially with the three ring king of the hill system they are using factions will have to decide team make up even more than they do now.

  7. I agree with this. Frankly, as a PvP2 player, I do not care how common it is to see a 1st rate in a port battle and especially open world. Maybe have 1st rates or whatever top end ship may be restricted to a pb commander. "Flagships" per say.

    This all might all change however too if the population of the game increases and if they implement what I expect will happen, a return of the experience requirements in ranks after full release.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    On another note. I want to have a thread or place for us to post battles that we were outnumbered or outgunned (against a large ship) and yet we still won. I would like to show a lot of players that you can be outnumbered and you can be outgunned and yet you still have many chances to win or get out ahead. Anyone agree?


    at least we can all agree on this <3

    I dont think that there needs to be a thread for it. This games pvp is skill and tactic driven. Numbers until recently with port battles do not play as a significant part as some individuals believe. At least that is what I have found. 


    I also want to state that even though CKA I wont sit back if available to defend GB regions if the clan wants to.

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

    France has had roughly 18-20 players active over the past week.  But only 5 or 6 at any one time.  Plus more than half are rookies who can only crew 250/350 or less.  There are 5 'veteran' players who can crew 1100 that have been active this week (that I've seen).

    There were 10 Dutch in the Windward PB - with several notables missing (Q, oneeye, van decken, Vincent, davos, and others).  I would think the Dutch can field 15+-20 players in a PB - still more than the French and Swedes combined can muster.

    At most I dont think you will see more than 15 a night maybe less. 20 might be the most you will ever see and only on a good night.

    Major difference is the ranks. That is easily reversable. 

    • Like 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    And every nation should be going at war with each other.  Not the two largest nations being in an alliance since AUG and not one Port battle since.  Than again we are hoping with SMS switch over they might get the BRIT/DUTCH part split or even split with US and let US pick up some one like Spain.  

    SMS is not going to rock the boat. Never an intent to do so and dont plan on doing so. Trust me I have no love for Great Britain mainly CKA. Tried to mend a relationship to a good working relationship with them but wasnt meant to be. Especially after being told what Cordova thinks of me and after Cordova came into the Dutch TS talking crap about me while I was there under my new name. I still have friends up there though and plan to help them when I can.

    I dont know how people think the Dutch is a large faction. I think France has more people than us right now. When creating a new char at least people know what France is. Not Viencesh Proviedbjds or however its spelled. Only reason I knew was because of Total War mods. Most people have no idea what it is. Out of the current factions within the triple alliance the Dutch are the one faction that needs it. Dutch are not big enough to cuddle up with a fledgling nation and cant afford to go out on our own. If anything pirates and Danes are just strengthening the belief in the triple alliance in peoples minds.

    Everyone will not be in war with one another. Sorry but need to get out of the past and accept the current situation. Politics are here to stay. Not hating that you guys are attacking Dutch by the way. 

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Maybe ya'll shouldn't have declared war on us in the first place. 

    Everyone is at war with pirates. It is how the game is now with politics. Cannot go back in the past. Either people accept the changes that has and will occur or fall behind and against the grain. The Dutch to declare war I fealt was pointless. No need to state what is already known. Pirates should be attacking everyone and everyone should be attacking pirates especially when the faction is called Pirates not privateers. Hopefully this will change in the future, but right now people have to accept the hand they are dealt.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Loco Bandito said:

    I agree if Pirates can't have ports and want to be treated like real Pirates then let us plunder and pillage. 

    Also would like to see a letter of marque that a national could give to a Pirate to assist in a Port Battle for any nation, so we are Privateers/mercenaries. Letter of Marques could be attained from pvp kills or other tasks or purchased at port. Thus this way a small nation can fill its port battle slots.

    100% agree. 

    The letter of marque is also a concept I would like to see rather than having two different pirate factions (outlaws/republic of nassau). If the pirate faction was able to function much like the pirates did then it should be made possible with one faction rather than two. 

    • Like 3
  13. 11 minutes ago, Loco Bandito said:

    How many raids per nation per day?

    Will there be cooldowns after a successful raid or defence?

    Valid questions. 

    I was more hoping along the lines that the Pirates will be the only ones or be able to raid more than factions can. Although in return have no ports they can call their own and unable to do port battles. I suspected it would be a system similar to how port battles are set up or a non-player driven system.

    • Like 2
  14. Jesus. Enough is enough. Yeah Dutch are crying a bit so what. Let them. Does not mean you Pirates have to go and just bully people on the forums as well. If you were at all decent folk like you say you guys are you would just ignore it. You pirates already control the forums in concerns of PvP2 and you can easily control the server along side the only other major PvP faction the Danes. But my mistake. You guys are patron saints. You do nothing wrong or ill will. I am not commending either my fellow Dutchmen "crying" either. Nor am I condemning the pirates defense on their stance. We are mostly all adults here and we should probably act like it.  With that said I am done with these "national news" forums. Nothing but rubbish has come from it as of late. Although, I do thank Sir Texas Sir for restarting the Political Thread and making an attempt to keeping it on topic. 

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