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Lancella Dutch de Wildt

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Posts posted by Lancella Dutch de Wildt

  1. You need to take into account that Sweden has a broadly setup council, leading to streamlined votes to date.

    That might skew your readout for active players a lot. Other countries might have not so streamlined votes canceling each other out.


    I agree on Sweden still being relative active to date, but also our active players are starting to login less, due to the missing player driven content (RvR) close to the patch.

    I already was wondering why Sweden 'hated' the Dutch so much (numbers deep in red quite often), while the Dutch in majority still vote in favour of you guys ;)

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  2. Although Sweden switched sides, they continued the fight against the pirates and avoided to join the gangbang around the southern fronts. 

    It is something I hold in great regard and respect. o7.


    Danes came along to have fun fights as they were found around our coasts, something I won't hold against them and is what I would have done of I was in their position.


    The Spanish were badly hurt by our support of the British during our campaign against the Pirates with the Swedes and still had an old score to settle by our Venezualan campaign from the early game last year. No wonder they went after us, and they were right employing this tactic with the US not being able to hurt them much and the French having a hard time against our fleet around Pampatar. Good strategy on their part and they are the true victors of this great war.


    The French, well, this was the third war between the Dutch and the French already. Although both sides were always courteous and friendly in constructive peacetalks and treaties earlier, the relationship always stayed  "spirited" between our nations. As much as we had respect for each other, we also knew that we were great communities that could give each other about an equal fight as you could find in Naval Action. If in winning (French lost the first two wars) the third time is a charm, I'd say: three is also the magic number to get one Dutch Lion down on one knee. I hope we will fight a more balanced war in the future again, messieurs!


    Apart then from Pellasgos going into berserker mode to stirr up the Dutch spirit, that about sums it up for me.


    Hope you all had a good time and we'll meet in the next round!

    Great post and that sums it up pretty well!

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  3. Well, I have not right nor knowledge to ensure if some is or is not the voice of another nation... Sorry, that was indeed something we could have avoided. I'm not aware of how the contacts were made/started... But it seems clear they werent the proper ones.

    I hope with thr patch you "herejes" can join back to the empire you belong :P (history speaking) hahaha

    Well I'm glad most - if not all - of us (Dutch, Spanish etc) are aware now ;)

  4. A "peace treaty" was offered to you in the same conditions than the current one and someone (we all know who) reject it because of just pride and "we don't care, we will resist until the patch comes"... Not agreeing with what has happened since then nor how you have ended... I think it was more up to you guys than us... It's like if we have rejected the 3 admirals treaty, what would have happened? We would had been pushed to La Habbana... but we accepted to protect the player base... In other words, you are more guilty than us about what have happened (what I consider wrong). 

    And time and again it is said that that 'someone' doesn't speak for anyone but himself and has not any say in the Council etc :)

    To cut it short: the fights I had with your nation where nice and polite and so it should be.

    • Like 1
  5. This Peacock knows it well enough. And whether or not he thinks it or not, it doens't change his position or the position of the Dutch High council. For all i care you can think you rule the Dutch, as long as the dutch sailors know the truth.



    Although i will never deny Pellasgos does not have a influential position, he is leader of one of the larger clan's and one of the most prominent fleet commanders. But, again, not part of the council, no diplomat, no certain german dictator, no god. A fleet commander, period.



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  6. We hope you will be able to instil some discipline and fear of God in the hearts of those unruly Dutch subjects of yours, and in the process, cleanse them off the abhorrent lutheran heresy that has thrown them into the path of perdition and eternal damnation.


    Liver Turcx dan Paus!

    (Rather Turkish than Pope!)

    (Antes Turcos que Papistas!)




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  7. The Dutch nation hereby announces Monday 19th September as "Adopt your own pellasgos day" diplomats have been sent to Jamaica and the Sorry clan with terms and a financial compensation scheme should you wish to "Adopt" your own pellasgos .

    Pellasgos although troubled is house trained and also toilet trained "comes with his own kitty tray" and also comes with his own team speak and rant list.

    So, do you feel like giving to the community? Do you wish to "take one for the team?" Then today is your day Adopt your own pellasgos as your nations mascot and live the dream.


    Nooooooohh, not on my birthday... :'(

    • Like 1
  8. To get some facts in here:

    First and foremost:

    Sweden had a truce with the Danes, that allowed open-world PvP except for mission jumping and attacking player traders, port-attacks were not allowed at all.

    France and Sweden were at peace with eachother, despite several French clans raiding Swedish waters nearly constantly... while DRUNK actually stopped their raids.

    Now to the timeline: Sweden supported the Dutch against the Pirates (allies of the French) who attacked several Dutch cities, which caused Sweden and the Dutch to fight in the Haiti-Area solely against the Pirates, while some cooperation with the Britsh had to be done to keep the neutral stance.

    France threatened Sweden to not fight the Pirates (without any word about their allies attacking their other allies) and the Danes even threatened the Dutch and Swedes to at least stay out of the southern-Haiti area, so that the Danes could fight the British better.

    The Dutch, supported by the Swedish no matter their decision, denied the Danish threat towards them to stay in the Haiti-area to fight a foe who was raiding Dutch home-waters.

    The French threat towards Sweden remained unanswered by Sweden, a reaction by the French didn't happened.

    etc etc

    Now that looks more like the story from my perspective, amen ;)

  9. It took me way too many small-battles to realise that that one bloke "Blood" was actually an AI player and not a human.


    And I was actually greeting him in every game I saw him saying things like "Hey Blood, nice seeing you again." He never replied back so I just thought he was a quietish type of guy, but also someone who would always just go straight at the enemy without caring whether he lost his ship. A Team Player - not a very good player, but someone you wouldn't mind having on your team.


    Once I accidentally crashed into him and said something along the lines of "oh crap sorry Blood," thinking he was going to start cursing me in game, but he just went on with his business. 


    Felt quite silly when I realised he was just a bot.

    LMAO you Sir made absolutely my day with this story ROFL

    I thank you for that and wish you the best ;)

  10. Sounds like I need to start looking where I am heading so not to get land sandwiched thanks to my own sheer incompetence, be nice to see a development post although I don't blame them if they don't until later due to what happened last time with the community getting frustrated and all for something the team couldn't help.

    Lol was thinking the same (about getting sandwiched) and how it would be typical of me to end up there

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