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Lancella Dutch de Wildt

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Posts posted by Lancella Dutch de Wildt

  1. Admin

    So you gave me 1mil gold but you cost me almost 4 times that. Thanks for nothing. You know where you can shove it.

    On top of that, my main port, which (according to your map) was due to be turned over to Pirates, wasn't. What the hell?


    Let me know when you dipshits go gold with this game. Maybe I'll be back then.

    Until then, ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐.

    Your language mind you... bye bye!

    • Like 1
  2. It should be connected to the random trim: in example, if the system sorts out "speed" as random trim for your except oak ship, than you need some fine fir in addition to craft the trim of the ship (in fact if you chose speed trim as choice for an exceptional ship, you need that material in order to craft it). If you do not have in the warehouse the required material for the random trim, than it shows the message.

    Yeah figured as much, thanks! Still seems something off then because under the new crafting system you get a really small

    change to succeed in crafting random then, seeing the great efforts you must make to let alone get one kind of fine wood.

  3. *Maybe posting in the wrong forum, sorry in advance!*

    Not big of a problem since I only was experimenting with crafting under the new system but I noticed when trying to craft an exceptional St. Pavel
    and when under Trim choosing "Random" you see the desired extra's which in this case is 4 HGN's and 140 fine oak (Picture 1) but when crafting
    you get sometimes a message like: "Not enough Fine Fir" (picture 2), other times: "Not enough Canvas Rolls" (picture 3) or "Not Enough Fine Teak" etc.

    Was wondering, what's up with that? It seems to have no consistancy whatsoever or is that on purpose just for picking a random trim? Would make less
    sense seeing you already take a risk by picking random lol. Curious to know :)




  4. Wow, once again nice pictures and gorgeous exhibition. That's one hell of a maritime archaeologists wet dream (like some colleagues of mine undoubtly would have lol)!

    Most recent ship our company excavated:



    • Like 1
  5. I want that case, but cant justifying buying a new case when this one works perfectly fine :/

    I dont like the looks of the HAF cases. Annoyingly, all the cases i like the look of like the Enthoo primo, enthoo evolv, Fractal Design Define S all have not so great air flow, though IIRC all of them have better airflow than the h440


    Lol yeah I know the feeling :P Well at the time the Enthoo Primo wasn't on the market yet so I contacted the European Manager (situated in Rotterdam) and said I was so

    in love with the case and asked if I could get him earlier so I could build my new rig just in time for Rome II:Total War. And so happened :) Still loving Phanteks and their cooperation for that :P

    • Like 1
  6. It looks great, and thats where it ends:


    It got poor airflow


    Its too tight in the back(thats what she said) for cablemanagement


    They say its designed for watercooling and silance, but it feels like thats the last thing it is made for since if you wanna put a rad in front you have to remove most if not all of the hard drive cages :/

    Indeed. I've got the 440 as well but quickly bought a Phanteks Enthoo Primo for the exact same reason.

  7. CPU: i7 4770K @ 4,4 GHz

    RAM: 16GB Ram DDR3 Kingston HyperX Beast
    GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 SC Gaming
    PSU: Corsair AX860i


    Storage: 256 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD

    Storage: 500GB Seagate Momentus SSHD

    Mobo: Asus Z87-Sabertooth

    Operatingsystem: Windows 10 64-bit
    Monitor: Asus PB278Q (WQHD)

    In my most beloved Phanteks Enthoo Primo case :P

    Still secretly an AMD fanboy though :(;)

  8. What is you problem with moder architecture?


    Well to be honest, kinda everything: the materials used, shapes and look of it.

    Personally I'm more into the early Renaissance architecture right up into the early modern and industrial era (and of course most ancient architecture :P).


    But I get most people will disagree with me on that lol


  9. We come across such messages sometimes.



    Would like to comment on slow game development and delayed patches statements as they come up from time to time (sometimes sprinkled with low content point)

    We are not "No Mans Sky" and want to manage expectations. Undepromise and overdeliver is what they teach in good business schools in the East Coast.


    Excellent post and you may rest assured that I for once expect the worse and get the best (with most patches) ;)


    I bought this game somewhere in Februari this year. I'm gaming for over 20 years now and only game I played more then NA is

    Rome II: Total War (with a margin of only 100 hours or so), gives you an idea how much I love all the effort you put in this game.


  10. 1) No battles in bad weather while there is a storm in OW: kinda unrealistic
    2) A much brighter sun when it is nice weather, reason: we are in the Carribean and I want to 'feel' the heat  ;) 
    3) More variation between ports and how they look should like (historically Dutch harbours looked different then Spanish for instance)
    4) An egocentric one: possibility to buy a dock in order to store more ships, reason: I like to collect ships and I'm willing to pay for it :P
    5) Be able to customize name of the ship (includes names on the models if possible), could even use a prefabricated list of shipnames to choose from

    6) And last but certainly not least: need Dutch ships to sail with! Only nation which hasn't a ship of his own ;)

    • Like 2
  11. I had it once as well, restarted computer and thereby Steam, and it was solved (although I must admit I guess you already tried that but it seemed to do it in my case)...
    If I recall it correctly Steam thinks you try to play NA 'outside' Steam, which clearly isn't the case.

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