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Lancella Dutch de Wildt

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Posts posted by Lancella Dutch de Wildt

  1. 6 hours ago, Aventador said:


    So you would both rather keep unhistorical stuff in a game that involves history?

    Didn't say that, just get rid of the modern Dutch flag should have given you a clue of which time of the Netherlands I would prefer...

    4 hours ago, SteelSandwich said:

    The game is set in the age of sail, without using a specific date. Regardless if any date is more historically accurate due to nations/regions. With that in mind it serves no purpose to change the dutch name, since during most of the age of sail they were the dutch republic.



  2. 11 hours ago, Fenris said:

    ? Why should he?

    It is not a secret that with alliances gone, new possibilities are given

    "1 door is closing, another one opening" ;)


    It was a joke.. the emoticon should give it away :)


  3. 3 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    As a french diplomat i can say to the dutch that their relation on EU server may be really friendrly with french commmunity. If you're afraid to be crush on the UE server because some of your old allies would prefer to stay on global, don't be shy. Just come on europe server, the one where you will be able to make all the pb if you want, and start to make a bit diplomacy with us.

    Our ts server is well know from everyone involve in diplomacy or this infos can be asked ingame.

    All just a pack of lies to lure us in!!


    • Like 1
  4. For sure enlist in service of the Dutch Republic on atleast one server, prefering on Global - if there will be enough enemies of course :P -
    but will go where ever the wind and clan takes me.

    New in-game name: Lancella Dutch de Wildt

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, _Masterviolin said:

    Strange thing is that the RUDDER, of all things, had a carved head. Like on capstans and various bits of furnishings, that's pretty cool. But they clearly had such a fine vessel that they felt obliged to furnish the bloody rudder, damn son!

    Indeed a curious thing you would say, although it was more or less common to adorne larger British and Dutch traders in every aspect (that included rudders) with ornaments to display the splendour and to impress 'natives' overseas presumably for the benefit of trading and 'keeping them in line' ;)
    This rudder however indeed looks from a different standard especially considering the size.


    • Like 1
  6. The thing that striked me is, although its age, the remarkable condition of the woodcarvings considering the location where it was found.
    The waters around England, Netherlands etc. do tend to have more microorganisms and oxygen in their waters then for instance
    scandinavian waters.

  7. Identity of so-called Swash Channel Wreck revealed as Dutch merchant vessel named The Fame

    After more than a decade the identity of a 17th Century ship wrecked off the Poole coast has been revealed.
    The so-called Swash Channel Wreck was discovered in a sand and shingle bank outside Poole Harbour in 2004.
    Experts believe it to be a Dutch merchant vessel named The Fame which foundered in a storm in March 1631.
    The wreck is significant not only because of its age, but also because of its distinct carvings, indicative of high status and wealth

    Dutch: https://erfgoedstem.nl/17e-eeuws-scheepswrak-gevonden-engelse-kust/
    English: http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/15181641.Revealed__Identity_of_17th_century_ship_wrecked_off_the_Poole_coast/



    • Like 5
  8. 10 hours ago, admin said:

    Hello Captains. 

    Some of you might remember "such is a lord" topic

    To make conquest bear more importance on release the number of buildings slots in port will be limited. This means that the city governor will be able to only allocate  25 land plots for construction of mines, manufactures and shipyards. This means only 25 Captains can own something in the city. (number is arbitrary and currently is equal to the number of port battle winners)

    The system will work like this. 

    1. Once you conquer the port you will receive land grants from the new governor in all cities in that region.
    2. These land grants  will be required to build buildings in the cities 
    3. If the port is captured by an enemy nation - enemy nation will of course takeover the land and destroy your buildings. 
    4. To be able to build anything in this city you will have to recapture it. 
    5. Those who don't need buildings can of course sell those land grants to adventurous businessmen. 
    6. If you win the port battle alone you will get all the permits to yourself.

    This system main goals are

    • Control resource supply to avoid inflation in the future
    • Provide huge incentive to conquer and participate in conquest

    (ps. that's why night flips are no longer viable and tolerable)

    This would be my first kinda critical post regarding new mechanics since I normally, for the sake of testing, just try it out and see.
    And although I'm more of a PvP-er then PvE-er this is a mechanic I find very restrictive and sooner or later will take the fun and immersion
    away for a lot of players, result less players online. Combining PvE and PvP won't solve this matter.

    I like it you came up with suggestions to get people more participated in PB's but I for one can't seem myself to invest a lot in a port our nation
    might just conquered, in which I participated (hence a free space as a reward) but with the risk to lose it all some days later and might not
    have a chance to take it back (since I do have to work in r/l and have kids to attend to, therefore can't be online "all" the time). Result:
    me, myself and I are going to play less since there is no incentive anymore apart from PvP (do like to trade and travel with goods now and then).

    So yeah, kinda critical to this whole idea, because we all know not all 300 ports are as desirable hence more people want space in a less amount of ports. I was hoping this game would become more OW, free etc not less.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Dreadsteel said:

         Hello, I am going to be playing the game soon. I have a few things I wanted to be sure of. Xp/level and crafting xp carry between servers? Pirates and the U.S. can have first rates and first rates have 1 durability? Also, my main goal is to get a Santisma, would it be better to do this on the PvE or PvP server? There is less risk of losing all the work on PvE. Lastly, are people trying to make first rates a society/nation controlled thing? Just curious because I will have to hurry and get my gaming PC before that's implemented. Thank you!

    First, welcome aboard! ;)

    1) Yes, there are tied to your account
    2) Yes and yes (1 dura at this moment, they can decide to change this in the future)
    3) You decide, but getting a Santisima on the PVE server means you can not transfer him to a PVP-server and other way around. Playing on a PVP-server to me is the reason I play NA and fighting in a Santi vs. real persons is kinda why it is fun to have him ;)
    4) Not neccesary a nation controlled thing no, but most clans tend to organize it together.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Alanxo said:

    The city names, written in enormous letters, above the ports are not realistic and kill immersion in OW.
    I suggest, since, now, ports are "tagable", to remove these awful texts and replace them with a window, top, right, similar to that of ships, activatable after tag on the port.

    Full support!
    Something we indeed asked a few times before and should be fairly easy to do (for devs atleast ;))

  11. 21 hours ago, BungeeLemming said:

    So I went ahead and modeled that ship anew - completely. No I have no confirmation that this vessel is gonna be ingame.

    But I had a lot of fun modeling that lady once again since I really feel I improved my ability to model ships a lot. I am not 100% done but already the vessel looks beautiful. No colours this time. Only texture I use is transparency for the stern windows. Some rudementary lighting and some crude guns on the weatherdecks.


    You did a fine job there BungeeL!! I salute you ;)

  12. Hi all


    well...... we have it all......

    .The many names        Admiraal de Ruyter= Admiraal de Ruiter

    .The drawings

    .The looks

    .The paint

    .The guns( dutch pounds)

    .The community wants HER

    .The 3d module makers are there

    we have water and the sky,we have the game 



    Do we have to vote on something ???


    perhaps the dev s can tell us something on this matter

    I hear You! Motion seconded ;)

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