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Posts posted by --Privateer--

  1. 43 minutes ago, hoarmurath said:

    You have to make your nation capture the producing port...

    I'm not even sure they're trying to force RVR with this. With only one or two teak ports and 11 nations, no one's even going to try, especially considering the proximity of the teak port to the french capital, how far the teak would have to be hauled back, and how overpriced it is. And timers rule out some major RVR clans. A set up that promotes RVR would have multiple teak ports, each would be equally spaced between 2-3 capitals, creating some obvious territorial disputes. If anything, the current set up promotes the DLC, which can conveniently be redeemed in any wood type.

    44 minutes ago, hoarmurath said:

    Or at least make it simpler, and not try to force everyone into it.

    Maybe not simpler, but less of a grind, I don't play on the PVP server to grind out AI fleets. I liked the flag system, they'd just have to raise the price if flags and limit the number that can be active at one time.

    • Like 1
  2. Even with 150 ping I have to get about 1.5 ship lengths past the line to get the attack.

    3 hours ago, Aster said:

    One issue I do have with it is if your not careful and you attack on the edge of the circle the attack option can flicker and the attack will auto fail. I think the attack should only fail if the timer hits 0 and it actually fails. It should not fail because the attack option flickers for a moment and now your stuck with a attack cool down.

    Yep, and then they get to port while it counts down. I don't understand why it wouldn't count down as normal.

  3. On 4/9/2019 at 4:22 PM, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    If you lose an Endymion or indefatigable you don‘t know when you can have another.

    This is actually a really big problem that seems to be ignored because everyone has left over ships from before crafting became impossible. When the Christian became "craftable" a few weeks ago, I decided to craft a replacement in case mine ever sunk. Nearly 4 weeks later and I still don't have enough teak or the permit. I probably play an above average amount, and would consider myself a successful "pvper". I have plenty of doubloons and combat metals, yet no access to teak or Christian permits.

    I heard via global chat that the Christian permit has a 1/100 RNG drop rate from Admiralty Chests (devs pls correct me if this drop rate is incorrect). If it does take, maybe 50 Admiralty Chests to get a Christian permit, that's 50 pvp missions for me to complete. At 10 ships per mission that is 500 ships sunk in pvp to replace one of my ships. 500 players ships lost for 1 player ship crafted? seems a bit unsustainable.

    Now to tie it back to combat metals. The permits should be able to be bought in the shop for combat metals. If the devs want them to be rare, then make them cost more combat metals, but they should at least be available. Actually, I'd go so far as to say they need to be available if the game is supposed to last past the next ship wipe/release.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Diceman said:

    If that noob doesn’t have the DLC ship, he doesn’t get into that fight, you don’t get to wreck him

    Look, you found the problem, but didn't recognize it. The DLC shouldn't be necessary to participate in pvp. New players need to be able to play the game they bought without further purchases, and they need to be able to do this in a time frame that keeps them interested.

    • All permits need to be purchasable via combat metals in the shop.
    • Rare woods have to become less rare.
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  5. 9 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Biggest way to fix this is to give us the BP for it too.

    Then no one would buy the DLC because people with the blueprint would just craft and sell them. Best option would be a unique paint or skin for the Pandora. Or just give us the yacht. Or any unique item.

    It is very disappointing that the Pandora won't be unique to testers. And it'll look like I bought the DLC when sailing it.

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  6. C6F5E635E4DC5D8667292164D7C9E85406EEDDAB

    I entered a battle in the R zone at KPR in a fir+carros indef. It ended up being a 4v1 and soon my indef was in pretty bad shape. So, I boarded the Hercules, took control of it and proceeded to sink the Trinc and Belle Poule. I also went back and looted my sunken indef, I ended up with a few thousand doubloons in my hold along with some mediocre mods and was the last one afloat in the battle, a clear victory for me.

    The feeling of victory against such odds quickly faded however as I was not able to keep any of my doubloons, or upgrades, or extra repairs because I was on a DLC ship and they all stayed in the hold of the ship when I exited battle. And, when I exited, it popped up in combat news that Hades had sunk a pirate player near KPR, which he most certainly didn't. Pretty much, the mechanics of the DLC ships punish other players and can turn battles that should be sound victories into losses. It's like a built in trolling mechanic.

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  7. 7 hours ago, John Sheppard said:

    We are disscussing this on TS and Discord now 

    You should know that a lot of the old players are pissed off more than you can possibly imagine and if it comes to it they-we are even prepared to retaliate on purpose

    I mean farm the new players extensively to force them to quit and give negative reviews .. just letting you know how bad this can turn out.. i don't think it would be in the best interest of the game

    Is there a way to dislike a post? 🙄

    • Like 5
  8. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Pandora will be a DLC like Hercules - usable every 24h. We will post more information shortly. Valve has kindly agreed to add it to all Early access accounts (thank you Gabe) and then add to store on launch

    So not only will non early access people be able to buy it, but I'll also look like a DLC using noob when sailing it? I'd rather get the yacht tbh.

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  9. Everyone's complaining about the wrong stuff, it was maybe implied that we'd be keeping our XP, but honestly if I had to choose between keeping learned books or XP, I would choose to keep my books. You don't even have to be max rank to fully crew a 1st rate anymore. One month after release and everyone will have line ships again.

    What we should be concerned about is the game not feeling like it's anywhere close to being ready for released. Maybe this will change with the next updates, I hope it will. However, I have not seen any indication that the necessary changes will be made.

    My main concern is there are still R zones, rear admirals still hang out in the R zones, pvpers will still camp the R zones, and new players will be sunk around the R zones and quit the game. A couple months after release, we'll probably be back to the same 500 people who play now. Again, I hope this changes, but I have seen no indication that it will. There needs to be something, some area or part of the map that draws people away from the R zones, call it a pvp zone for lack of better name but it needs to be more enticing than the current pvp zone.

    • Like 3
  10. 46 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    If the first impression and cutters are so important, unlock the ranks for all the testers on release in time. After a week give us post captain ranks, after 2 weeks flag captain, after 3 weeks commodores and after month rear admirals... Same result and these that hate re-doing the grind can simply wait and come back later.  

    Best idea yet, hope it doesn't get lost in all the complaints.

    • Like 3
  11. I'll post the first idea, which is a mash up of previous ideas and some global chat discussion.

    Move the GB capital to Belize and move the Pirate capital somewhere, maybe Kidds Island. (not my idea, but I like) This would free up the center of the map around Jamaica for some sort of pvp zone, but it must attract non-pvpers too. The ports in this zone could maybe not have timers, and they could have really good drops. Maybe all the AI in this particular zone are capturable, all the way up to 1st rate. (what could a capped cedar/crewspace santi do to a crafted LO/WO santi anyway) Doubloon drops could be higher in this area. Maybe battles stay open. Outlaw battles? Anything that could attract players. The main point being, move the capitals. :D

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  12. With the low server population and the giant map, it has become increasingly hard to find consistent pvp. This has led to 'hard core pvpers' camping capital/reinforcement zones to find players. They end up finding and sinking new players, who then quit the game. The Devs seem to realize this is a issue and have tried to bring players together away from the capital areas first with 'rumors of sunken fleets' and then with different variations on the 'pvp zone'. Yet it seems even the allure of getting ganked in the 'pvp zone' with no escape timer, for rewards the likes of which can also be found capping ai traders, has not drawn the numbers of players away from the capital zones that the devs were probably hoping for.

    So, this topic is for making suggestions on how to attract players away from the capital areas, and into one place for easily attained pvp.

    First lets ask: Why did the previous attempts fail? How I see it, there are three types of players:

    • the pvpers - solo or small groups, can easily replace ships, go looking for pvp (I'd guess <10% of the server population)
    • the non-pvping rear admirals - max rank, yet stay in the relative safety of the R zones, maybe because they don't have the funding to replace ships (most of the server population)
    • the new players - actual new players, different than noobs

    Under the current system, the pvpers camp the capital/reinforcement zones looking for the large portion of the server that is the non-pvping rear admiral population, because that's where the players are. The previous attempts by the devs to make 'pvp zones' only tried to attract the small 'pvpers' population, which is simply not a large enough group to sustain consistent pvp. (also low rewards from zones and 100% chance of being ganked) So, I think any new suggestions should ignore the pvpers and instead focus on trying to draw the 'non-pvping rear admiral population' into one place, and the pvpers will follow, leaving the capital areas as places for new players to level up in relative safety.


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