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Lord Ravenburg

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Posts posted by Lord Ravenburg

  1. From his Majesty King George,


    He has given me the honor and privilege to provide the representatives of the USA with this little song, thanks to the cast of Hamilton:


    'You say, the price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay
    You cry in your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by
    Why so sad?
    Remember we made an arrangement when you went away
    Now you're making me mad
    Remember despite our estrangement, I'm your man

    You'll be back
    Soon you'll see
    You'll remember you belong to me
    You'll be back
    Time will tell
    You'll remember that I served you well

    Oceans rise, empires fall
    We have seen each other through it all
    And when push comes to shove,
    I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love

    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dada da da dayada

    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dada da da da

    You say our love is draining and you can't go on
    You'll be the one complaining when I am gone

    And, no, don't change the subject
    'Cause you're my favorite subject
    My sweet, submissive subject
    My loyal, royal subject
    Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever

    You'll be back
    Like before
    I will fight the fight and win the war
    For your love
    For your praise
    And I'll love you till my dying days

    When you're gone, I'll go mad
    So don't throw away this thing we had
    'Cause when push comes to shove
    I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love

    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dada da da dayada

    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dada da


    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dada da da dayada

    Da dada da da
    Da dadada dayada
    Dadada da da dayada'


    For reference please see this wonderful audio and visual version =P:



    Please, please consider our Majesties humble request, no one likes bloodshed...well perhaps...a little bloodshed. But think of it as more of a reconciling, less of a conflict =P.


    Thought we could have some more funnies rocking around the forum. (Please admins be gentle on me if I have breached some rules!)


    Kindest Regards,


    His Majesties most humble servant, Flag Captain, Lord Ravenburg.

    • Like 5
  2. Enough posturing,

    The last time we were outside Mortimer with even a shadow of a fleet there was no response...other to run and hide. Lord Vicious we have never met in game, but I personally look forward to crossing swords in the future. If what you say is true about the Pirates as a force, I look forward to them returning.


    What we want is war, what we need is battle, the only way this will happen is for our forces to begin massing and good PVP being fought across the map.


    Calling other clans/nations bad or ill equipped to defend themselves or attack is a personal opinion. One that if I do say so myself makes for a toxic community. If we are playing with facts then every ship has the potential to be sunk by another, so enough cat calling and measuring and lets meet it with every kind of remorseless steel instead.




  3. Capt Roberts,


    I am returning to the tempestuous seas for Naval Action after some time away. I am a Flag Captain now (thank you random free upscale of rank). Previously a member of SOB from PVP2 and briefly PVP1, although I believe they are now the KIN clan. However as I can see they are not actively recruiting I would like to offer my services such as they are.

    I fought in the entirety of the first Pirate Wars in PVP2 before our switch to the PVP1 server. I have Australasian time zones to contend with, I assume this will not be a problem?


    Alas I do not have much in the way of gold or ships to offer in the PVP1 server due to the wealth I had in PVP2. However willing to work and fight to earn my place.


    Anyone I should direct my queries to in game to secure a place among your merry band?





  4. I find you making this statement hilarious considering this is how you lost your victory and after you lost it, you sent me hate mail for the next few days. I would link screenshots but you would report it and my post would get deleted (again) because you can't handle someone showing people that you are a joke. The reality of the matter is that it doesn't matter because everyone already knows it.  :)

    On another note, I'd like to point out the glaring hypocrisy of the OP considering the majority of the shit talking is caused, and perpetuated by SOB members posting things on the forums that are heavily censored and manipulated to make themselves look good.


    Your feelings on the matter have been duly noted.





  5. Trust us, we don't enjoy PvT as much as others don't, we would prefer to fight ship to ship, and if there are ships to fight, we will fight.  But if you are going to set your port timers to times when you don't have people online to defend, that is not France's fault.  France set their port timers to prime time hours cause we want the opportunity to defend them if possible.  To use port timers as a your only defensive strategy is not a going to lead to fights, it just leaves the door open to be blitzed.   


    I don't see anything in this thread that can be even remotely called "trash-talking."  This thread talks about French accomplishments, but no where does it say anything negative about the British.  


    Hi Arbour,


    I don't think Howe was speaking about this thread in particular, its quite a healthy thread from what I can read, his comment and my subsequent comment was 'in general'. Some good PVP talk going on here, the French have been making themselves a nation again in the East, something to be celebrated at least. I would like to thank Slamz for taking the time to piece together the current French history as it stands.


    I might be totally wrong however, as I assume I will be on the receiving end of French guns eventually!





    • Like 3
  6. WIS would have loved to oblige you with fun PvP in the area, but unfortunately you decided to wait until 12:55am to attack a port that you knew was held by a group that has never had more than 12 players on-line. (a full 55 minutes after the game was telling us the port timer was closed, so we left to do other things... not your fault, presumably another display 'bug' in the game).


    We still managed to get our 7 ships that were online into battle against your 10,000 BR French fleet, and even engaged you at the very first tower.

    We thought you wanted PvP, and were surprised to find you still going for the speed cap of the towers.


    We were sure we had read you all posting about wanting to fight, and that winning using the BR ratio was wrong?

    We can only surmise that you were uncertain of your chances against WIS, since you only had 5:1 odds in your favor... we know you Frenchies are a skittish lot ;)


    Seriously though...


    Unless something changes I suspect good fights will be harder and harder to come by as time goes on.

    Many people have already grown tired of the lack of game content and left, and the game isn't helped by the constant trash talking both in-game and in the forums.

    This community has been showing the immaturity of many of its so-called adult players really badly over the last couple of weeks, and thats not a good way to retain a player base.

    There are too many other games out there that people can play and have fun, without listening to a constant spew of hate-filled garbage.


    Lets hope the community cleans up its act, and the devs get some more meaningful content out really soon, before we lose too many to make this game fun.

    We want an age-of-sail game to succeed... i hope we can at least agree on that :)


    Could not agree with you more Howe, the community need a change around real soon.

    I am all for rivalries, it makes the game interesting and exciting to have a player you are at odds with. But it does not need to turn personally offensive. Other games have reporting and banning options for a reason, this is no exception.


    o7 Lord Howe, I hope you find fortune in the East.





  7. The kinds of players we need here? They would probably enjoy seeing the forum sparring because it looks like a healthy game with some real rivalries.


    The kind of player who shies away from rivalries probably won't last long in this game. You know the type I'm talking about? The type that come into sandbox PvP games and expect gentleman's fisticuffs. They will quit over any number of "unfair" setups (I once had someone accuse me of cheating because I was chainshotting their sails...they didn't think that was a very fair way to fight). Anyone that would quit over forum words is someone that's destined to quit anyway. Saving them is a waste of time.


    I'm not saying we should greenlight everything and turn into 4chan; it would be lovely if Lord Roberts could come across as something other than a very angry teenager on his 5th can of energy drink, but a little personal forum rivalry looks like a healthy PvP game to me.



    Show me a PvP game where there is no forum rivalry and I will show you a PvP game that has installed so much padding that their players don't even care who wins. That's a game that's not going to last. It's boring.


    Naval Action has a very healthy sense of PvP. The only thing really hurting this game is the "must be this high rank to enter" barrier to new players and the horrifying amount of bot farming required to join the fun stuff.


    Absolutely! I agree with you wholeheartedly, if you can't take a knock, this is probably not the game for you. I am just stating for my own opinion, vile base personal insults are probably not the best thing in the world for a healthy community. Regardless of rivalries.


    Using the mechanics in game, used to their actual effect I am all in favor of. You chain my sail...imma go reaaall slow.

    So yes, I see both sides of the coin, my post was my feeling, my opinions, and I thank you for your input. 





  8. I'd also ask that we refrain from hypocrisy.


    There is no hypocrisy here, I have made it firm that I speak for myself. I have yet to disrespect you or your opinions on the matter.


    What other players do is not in my control. I am making my position known, no more no less. People can either agree and we can start seeing some positivity creep back into this forum or we can be damned to the eternal eye for an eye.


    A good day to you,





    • Like 1
  9. Not according to the original post. Maybe you guys should take some of your own advice.




    I wholeheartedly support wholesome communication between all factions, I cannot speak for all. But I speak for myself. We can either agree it was fun all round, or continue to bicker. I for one will not be party to it.





    • Like 2
  10. From what I hear it was a glorious fight, on both sides, much like the last few engagements with the pirates. They are truly being dastardly and I salute them for their tenacity. I was there for many of the open sea battles, alas I missed the port ones.


    Dare I say it, the pirates are giving us the fight we so crave. Even in my lowly Trinc I am having a blast (GET IT?!) firing broadsides left and right while wholeheartedly accepting return fire.


    It would seem the French wish to see Haiti restored to its former French Empire, looks like the grind to Flag Captain just got that much more interesting, tis but a target rich environment.


    I will say this, at least they didn't flee like the Americans, would they not be pirates I would have invited them for tea.





    • Like 1
  11. My fellow Sailors,


    I for one, regardless of my fierce loyalty for SOB and for the British in particular, would love to see a healthier server population. The fights we are getting from the Pirates are what we have been hoping for, regardless of which nation those pirates originated from. In an essence it is what we have all been hoping for, open sea combat with other players, and we have had our fill over the last few days. Ultimately it has unified the British more and more, those that sail the eastern seas that is.

    I imagine if the players who quit had experienced some of this then we would probably see them sticking around. I cannot comment on what it must be like to be one or two port nations, limited allies and even fewer players to support you. But I can probably be right in saying if it were in reverse I would be making the best of my situation. Yes the arms race has been ongoing for some time, yes there have been major factions flip flopping from power to pauper. However the end goal is just this, open world, PVP and ports with actual ships in them.


    Was it a good set of fights between the Pirates and Britain, yes most definitely. Would I like see this continue? Of course, ships sunk on both sides, relatively fair language between them, however I must admit, seeing base insults does drive me to distraction, tis a game gentlemen, we will all win and lose battles, but to sink and be sunk with honour and grace is what makes any MMO player fun to interact with.

    So I make this challenge to you all, when a new player logs into the forum and sees personal attacks, do you think it is a game that they will want to play? Do you think it is something they will want to experience. I very much doubt it, we could be close to as vile as some of the larger scale games I have played, League and Dota among them. I would like to see new players actively getting involved without personal vendetta's, yes to be sure you will find your nemesis in this game, and words will be exchanged, but make those words topical to the events at hand, not an attack on a clan, a nation, simply belittling an entire player base will surely just see more and more players who cannot be bothered reading it over and over again to just leave. We want to talk mechanics, exploitation, zerging, nation bashing, and overall a game which has its problems, but welcome to Alpha gentlemen (and ladies). The devs have put together a game I could only dream of, battling in the age of sail in some of the ships I grew up around.

    I have been sunk by and have sunk Pirates, Americans (I believe I was called a seal clubber...alas I was without it that day), the odd Frenchman, and a very sassy Spaniard who called me a...'cheeky fellow'. I have held no personal grudges, no name calling was spouted, each was thanked for their participation or we have let silence hold and our cannons did the talking.


    The Moderators have put up locked topics around these observations, but I want to show them that there are players among us who completely agree. Be passionate and fierce, but in a manner that is both polite and constructive.

    So rejoice, we play the age of sail, we mark ourselves as gentlemen (yes even you, I am looking at you pirates, there is nothing more romantic then a gentleman pirate.) So let us conduct ourselves accordingly.


    My thoughts and musings,




    Ravenburg (PVP2, Britain)

    • Like 20
  12. This is a stupid decision until they fix the balance issues. The reason people on PVP flip flop like mad is because the US and UK zerg all the small nations to death while refusing to fight each other.


    Bold words, the Brits are already on the move against the US. Or have you missed the map turning less green alongside the pirates, you will need to do better I am afraid. Or is it because it has directly effected the Spanish that you feel this way? Cuba being decidedly more red as of late, I guess it is better then being green I suppose.

    See to your Captains, and we will see to ours. We already see a resurgence of Spanish players, and we are delighted, we have routinely come up against resistance, only for it to Nation hop just as it was getting good. Is Britain a large player base, yes, are we surprised, no. Or at least we should not be, when thinking of Naval powers in the era one must think of Nations such as Britain, France and Spain. It is the Spanish Captains turn to claim their place among the big three.

    Hopefully we shall see an influx of new players which can bolster your forces.


    Good Day.



  13. National pride in whichever nation you are supporting, or fighting for, as some would prefer to stay out of the firing lines of cannon and carronade, should be rewarded. Simply changing nations should be discouraged, an XP penalty and a level penalty would go towards alleviating this. After all, should I be against the wall with enemies at my door, I would feel fighting on is my only option.

  14. I suggest reaching out to the Pirate lords at Mortimer, they have no love for the Americans or British for obvious reasons and continue their efforts at regaining their own lawless ports in the Bahamas.


    If Spain wants war that is =P. They have a mutual ally against the US at this present point. Any faction which sides with the pirates will be dealt with accordingly, with all manner of remorseless steel.

    • Like 1
  15. They have been making gains again around Cuba, as a Brit actively fighting the US I applaud the Spanish navy. Let it be known that Lord Ravenburg of SOB supports your actions to establish yourselves as an honorable fighting nation.

    I will not harrass any Spanish Vessel that does not openly seek combat. But be warned, if my commanders order it, you will see me in the front lines defending Britain and its territories.

    You have my word as an Honourable Servant of His Majesty.


    Lord Ravenburg.

  16. currenlty we only have the victory.....dont get me wrong its nice and all but i want to see the Santi verymuch too.


    I believe our experiences of it would be from a vastly different perspective ;)......but congrats on the Victories! Love that ship very much.


    On a sadder note, I wont be on as much, maintenance window is now right in the middle of my evening, I guess it was the same for Aussies, but now I know their pain. =(

  17. For the Glory of England! Sons of Britain will never cower when our mettle is tested, we will be demonised, criticised and made pariah's. But let us tell you now, when the hungry wolves are at our doors we will be the stalwart gate and citadel, an unyielding force of iron and oak.


    For we are Lions!...any who would threaten Jamaica and Haiti will do well to remember that.

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