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Posts posted by Mored

  1. Really sad topic here.

    Everyone in the pirate nation knows FTS for trolling sympathize with the brits. So they are on the ignore list for a lot of pirates.

    I dont know why they decided to play pirates, becasue they work against our "nation" and for the brits. Koto is engaging the brits so FTS is trying everything to stop them. And because they are not successful ingame they try it now in the forum....

    Lest see the facts on this one:

    It was unlucky but no rule was broken.

    So please close and think about punishment for trolls

    • Like 1
  2. Don't hardcode your making all of us sad :(

    Yeah sorry,  it was only a short example and to keep it simple i decided to hardcode the nations in there. Also the code to enter the data into the table is really bad but easy to read.

    In my version i use a array and write the data as a block.

    function print_data(shart,data){
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(shart);
  3. Ich wünsch euch viel Glück.



    Ich hoffe niemand ist so kurzsichtig und sieht das als Lösung. Solange das System nicht geändet wird, ist es nichts weiter als ein bestrafen der aktiven Spieler....



    Natürlich sieht es nicht gut aus, aber es liegt an Euch, das Beste draus zu machen. Rohstoffe sind zwar schön und nett, aber sie erleichtern nur den Nachschub an Statussymbolen.

    3rd Rates kann man unendlich viele von NPCs kapern. PvE gibt derzeit krass zu viel Geld, so dass auch ohne Probleme die European trader bemüht werden können, um Ressourcen für große Schiffe zu bekommen.

    Das einzige was ihr wirklich selber stellen müsst sind aktive Spieler. Wohl auch ein Problem der Briten gerade, die nahezu kampflos eine Stadt nach der anderen verlieren

  4. Because so many people have problems with the API i will give you a sample how to get all Ports.

    Result can be seen here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M-wUC6pK3eQL8rwNHGH4uoAqVE-UOkGhQdML6NFQYLA/edit#gid=1565570060)

    and this is the function (in Google Sheet open Tools->Scripteditor and copy this code)

    function getAllTowns(){
     var options = {
         "contentType" : "ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT",
    var url_ports = "http://storage.googleapis.com/nacleanopenworldprodshards/Ports_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json";
    eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url_ports,options).getContentText());// Ports
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Ports");
      sheet.getRange(1, 1, 368, 4).clearContent();
      sheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue("Id");
      sheet.getRange(1, 2).setValue("Name");
      sheet.getRange(1, 3).setValue("NationId");
      sheet.getRange(1, 4).setValue("Nation Name");
      sheet.getRange(1, 5).setValue("ConquestFlagTimeSlot");
      sheet.getRange(1, 6).setValue("LordProtector");
      var index = 0;
      var Nation = "not set";
      for(index = 0; index < Ports.length; index++){
          case 0: Nation = "Neutral";
          case 1: Nation = "Pirates";
          case 2: Nation = "Espana";
          case 3: Nation = "France";
          case 4: Nation = "Great Britain";
          case 5: Nation = "Verenigde Provincien";
          case 6: Nation = "Danmark-Norge";
          case 7: Nation = "Sverige";
          case 8: Nation = "United States";
          case 9: Nation = "Free Towns";
          default: Nation = "not set";
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 1).setValue(Ports[index].Id);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 2).setValue(Ports[index].Name);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 3).setValue(Ports[index].Nation);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 4).setValue(Nation);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 5).setValue(Ports[index].ConquestFlagTimeSlot);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 6).setValue(Ports[index].Capturer);
    • Like 3
  5. the only data i got is that here for example:

    "__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.RecipeTemplate, MegaChaka","Name":"Cordage and Oakum Blueprint","Id":242,"MaxStack":1,"ItemWeight":0,"BasePrice":-1,"SellPrice":{"x":0.0500000007450581,"y":0.5},"BuyPrice":{"x":0.150000005960464,"y":1.5},"PriceTierQuantity":100,"MaxQuantity":1000,"SortingGroup":"","SellableInShop":false,"SellPriceCoefficient":0.5,"ItemType":"Recipe","MongoID":"242"}.

    I have had not much time so its not really "finished" but for Prices of the Free Towns (i am afraid that Menues will not work for "viewers", so no other nation is selectable by some else than me atm, but i can share the source code if you want) you can have a look here:


  6. Blueprint and ship data is in ItemTemplates

    Sorry, but i guess my language is terrible to understand.

    I dont mean the Meta data, i asked for the ship build data, how much "Ballast" (ID=2), "Gold Coins"(390) and so on, is needed to build a  "Victory" (Id=294) with the Victory Blueprint(Id=304).

    Something like:

    BlueprintId=304;resultId=294;amount=1; PartIDs={2,390};quantitys{71,65};

  7. you are trying to parse plain json and google serves it as jsonp

    Thx, now i got it, didnt know jsonp before, only programming c all the time :D


    btw, its ncie to have all the shop data(maybe too overpowered, because you can find cheap ressources if you are online after maintenance just by click), but will you also give us Blueprint and Ship data?


    I really like to get the Blueprint Data via API and also Shipdata, because its nasty to check after every patch if there was a change.

  8. Defacto kosten aber labour hours auch etwas, somit bezahlst du deutlich mehr wenn du selber herstellst....

    Eine Mid Crafting Note kostet 70k derzeit und wird weiter steigen, da man die für die meisten schiffe braucht und für alle upgrades.

    Wenn ich also eine Santissima bauen möchte und sagen wir mal 8 upgrades draufpacken möchte brauche ich: 8 Tage für die Santissima + 7 Tage für die upgrades = 15 Tage für ein Schiff. Mit eigener Produktion ca 30+ Tage.

    Wenn es dann richtig losgeht, verliert man deutlich mehr als überhaupt nachgebaut werden können. Also hat man als Crafter gar keine Chance überhaupt material abzubauen....

  9. Argumentum ad personam. How cute.


    Next time try to actually co-operate with your clan instead of asking for clutch mechanics. We have no problems setting up supply lines. And it's all human-made, not "I want to click the button and win the game" crap.

    guess you dont want to understand.

    But its your problem. i am fine , also with the mechanic like it is today. I builded alread 6 Victorys and i will build a lot more because i dont have a problem with ressources, even if its nasty and has nothing to do with fun or organizsation

  10. There is no difference between having your buildings do nothing for x amount of hours and than do the click and do the click and wait for x amount of hours.

    It is,


    You need to plan more and you can use multiple "lanes". Atm you just can asked around and will get instantly all mats for a victory in under 5 minutes. So i need a victory now, just ask in clan to craft all subparts and 10 minutes later i have a victory, so you can even switch if you decide to build a santissima instead. You cant do that by buildtime and its more natural.

    7 years ( victory ) scaled down to open world 1:4 scale...


    have fun.

    Yeah lets switch to pure realism, i will get back online in 7 years than if my victory is finished, oh wait its a game......

  11. The exact same as for 5 shipyards split to 5 crafters one a head. Except having 5 people power-level to lvl 50 crafting AND have supply lines is quite something, having one crafter with one support-circle is a joke.


    You are asking for any random clan having one and only one lvl 5 crafter to be able to spit out 3 Victories daily. Thx, no.


    I dislike this. Yet another idea fueled by "but I wanna wanna wanna!".


    I am in a random clan and we have 3 level 50 Crafter atm. The problem is the amount of labour hours for the parts, not for the ships. But you need to be a crafter to know this, sorry....

  12. This is some kind of extension to the remove labour hours.


    If you have 5 Buildings it should be possible to connect them to improve output or build production chains.

    For Example:

    Connect 2 Iron Mines to get a production Bonus (2% maybe).

    If you build a production site you should be able to place a "chain of tasks". And it build them as long as there are ressources available or until they are finished.

    For example you have iron and coal in your warehouse and you set a task of 1000 Iron Ingots and a second one with 400 Iron Fittings.

    Now every hour it produces iron ingots until it fullfied the order of 1000 or if there is no more iron or coal.

    If it stops because of mission ressources it should have a look if it can continue with the next task and do so until the missing ressource is available again.


    So in the end it should be possible to build up production chains and if you connect multiple buildings from the same type it should give a production bonus (2% sounds good because with 5 buildings you can get a maximum of 10%) for build time for every building in the line (if you have 5 Shipyards you can build 5 Ships and everyone with a bonus of 10% in build time).

    This will give you a nice possibility to spezialise.

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