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Posts posted by Anarcke

  1. From the mail i received regarding bonus ships:


    To receive this bonus you have to login into the game any time before 5am PST on the 21st of January and create a player for the nation of your choice. The process will take no more than 10 mins depending on your internet connection.

    This redeemable bonus is account based and one time use only.
    If you don't use them they will be available even if you delete the player, and will be available after creation of the new character.

  2. English is not my native language, i try my best to write it so people can understand what i'm trying to say.

    The last comments have been ad hominem attacks.

    What i say is that it could be good for some players to be able to create one character per server.

    They are already 2 servers, i hope there will be more in a short time, because of new players.

    How does it harm to allow players to create one character in the different servers?

  3. SKurj,


    You don't know my job, where i work, or why, plz think just 2 minutes before posting, it is 0012 here, and finding another job is not that simple.

    Find something else please.


    Oliver Perry,


    You're right, i managed to play the game without paying anything, because what i do is Pirating...

    Bite if you want.

    I'll just keep saying what i think could be good for the game, and also for my fun, i admit it.


    Response to your edit: If you think this is blackmail to write your opinion about a game you played on the tool at your disposal in that purpose in steam, i can't help you. And you can also write something good if you want. And i have never said I would do it, just that someone may do it.

    I'm not threatening anyone, just saying that the 1 character per account option can restrain the amount of potential players interested in the game, and giving a second option wich is one character per server...And again i have paid the said amount you paid to be able to test and give my opinion...


    Maybe i wrote it wrong speaking of my fun, i was talking of fun ingame, i don't see how it is trolling.

  4. @ Oliver Perry


    Well, let's try to clear it.

    What i think is that now, the majority of players are hardcore gamers, but tomorrow, that small community will have to share the game with EA players. Those new players may be more casuals gamers, not all of them of course, but (my guess) more than now.

    This amount of casual gamers should increase at release, and maybe they'll become the majority if the game satisfy them.

    If not, well, some can leave bad comments on steam for example, potential new players will read the bad comments, and decide not to buy that game.

    At this moment, the game will lose money indeed because if the gameplay was more "open" or "casual friendly", they would have paid for it.

  5. Elitist is the word in think of too.


    And did you think about the fact that more players like us will come, and if they are not satisfied may ask for refund, make bad comments, and prevent people from buying the game?

    And if they are not enough people playing, how long do you think the game will last?

    "il n'y a pas pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir"

    We are telling you things but as it doesn't suit to your vision, you just throw them away...

    Compromise plz, it won't harm you, you'll just have to tolerate another gameplay style.

  6. Certainly not Pirating, they are lots of games econ based in wich you can have more than one character, and i have to say i find it quite insulting as i paid the game my good sir, just like you.

    My opinion is as good as your, and for now nothing is set in stone, so if we stay silent, our opinion will not be heard.


    But i know the more vocals are listened to, because they don't give up, and, i hate doing that, but i have to do the same.


    What i wish to see is one character per server, and if possible 2 pvp servers. But right now, as stated above, it will be done if there is a demand for it, so i keep that demand visible, despite the fact that a lot of people just stick to the "1 character per account" for an unknown reason.


    I love you're "in the day"! You must be a wise elder!!

  7. And you know why i argue for split labor hours.


    If it is a shared account, when a player uses labor time to craft his ship (for a snow now it takes maybe 900-1000 hours, haven't done the maths), the other player on the other character, thinking during his way back from work "oh nice, this evening i can craft my snow", logs into the game, open the craft menu and...ooops, what happened!!?


    -Hey brother/ daughter/ whoever, what happened to the labor hours?

    -Nothing, i needed a Snow, i had enough labor ours and the mats, so i crafted it.

    -Thanks, i too needed a snow and i have the mats, so what now?

    -Well, just wait for your turn, don't play, sail to say you're doing something...

    Etc, etc...


    Plz take that kind of event in consideration, as it may well happen quite often with more players in the future.

  8. To be honest, I think it's pretty easy to play 10 characters. All I need from them is the crafting hours really. If I was unemployed, I could easily level one character and use the others for crafting materials. But even if I couldn't....

    Ever heard of World of Warcraft? People hiring other people to level their characters? If I wanted, I could buy 10 accounts and pay some people to craft me stuff with all the characters. In the end it's all just time, money, or both. 

    Again; whatever number you pick, 1 char per account, 3, 5, 10, 100.... someone will win, someone will lose. 


    I have been playing WoW several years and i perfectly know what you're talking about, the matter with that example is that Blizzard volounterly let it happen in the beginning because it was hard to progress (overall in PvE since there was only 3 battlefields in vanilla, no arena, but a very good PvE content in raid, in wich there was no "difficulty selector" at this time), and they wanted to keep their players.

    When it became too game breaking, they started to give the option to report the ads, and they have been chasing the bots and chinese farmers more and more, but they have their share of responsability in it.

    If they is a system in place since the beginning to prevent that phenomenom, and it is achievable, it will never happen in NA.


    Someone always lose? If nobody is ready to make a compromise yes, if a compromise is reached, players just have to tolerate another style of gameplay than the one they like.

    And if you absolutely want someone to lose, why should we give up without defending our positions?

  9. Ironclaw,


    In my world a day is 24h. Correct me if I am wrong, but i think humans need to sleep, eat, take a shower, and , why not, have a life outside of the game. All that is time consuming.

    How many characters can you effectively play in 24h? I don't know. But with the travel time, the time needed to refill your labor hours reserve, the time spent fighting, i don't think you can reasonably play more than 3, maybe 4 characters effectively.


    I'm not sure there is so many people able to do that to the point it can unbalance the economy, overall if a vast majority (as i believe it will be) are playing in a fair way.

    Add to this that a player even with let's say 10 characters won't be able to compete with any organized clan of 10 people with the same goal (if he can i think there will be a game conception problem).

  10. Honestly, I can't understand why people can't see that if they want to be free to play as they want, they should let the others wich don't want to play the same way do it.


    It gives me the impression that it is their game, and they are keepers of the purity of the game. The only thing that will happen if you have to pay for another character is start some kind of pay to win system, in wich the ones respecting the rules won't be able to compete, overall if they don't have money to spend. (i would happily pay for another copy of the game, just to support a little bit more the devs, but i just can't)


    One thing i see, is that for now it is overall a small community of very passionate people, and i'm fine with it. But with EA coming soon, and at final release i hope there will be a lot more people, with a more casual gameplay, differents views, and those may even become the majority. I think more compromises from the hardcore gamers are needed, if not, i effectively think that the fact you can or can't do that or that is advised on the steam page of the game, wich in my opinion would be very negative.

    • Like 1
  11. Post from Barberouge (developper) in the French section:



    Posted Today, 06:36 PM

    Malheureusement au départ ce sera un personnage en tout, parce qu'il n'y avait pas assez de temps pour construire d'autres solutions. Par la suite il pourra y avoir d'autres options mises en œuvre (1 personnage sur le PvP et un sur le PvE, ou plusieurs personnages mais d'une même faction) - mais pas pour le lancement de l'accès anticipé.


    And my translation (may be inaccurate, feel free to correct):


    "Unfortunately, at start it will be one character only, because there was not enough time to build other solutions. Later, there could be other options set in place (1 character on PvP and one on PvE, or several characters but within a same faction) but not for the EA launch."


    He after stated regarding the "other options" that "yes, it will be done in function of the feedback and demands. The  goal here is to limit the cross-team possibilities and impact of neutral characters on the economy. For launch, the simpliest solution has been choosen, but also the most restrictive in other aspects".


    Edit: sorry for my english.

    • Like 1
  12. Ok, merci d'avoir pris le temps de répondre. Je me suis permis de reposter l'info sur le topic anglais concernant le même sujet, n'hésitez pas à rectifier si j'ai mal traduit.


    Edit: Quand on dit un seul personnage par compte, ça veut dire qu'il faut choisir si on veut etre sur le serveur PvP ou le serveur PvE, ou alors le personnage est "cloné" sur l'autre serveur aussi?


    Si il est cloné, avec son XP, il faut prévenir les gens qui veulent tester les deux de commencer par le serveur PvE, parce qu'autant progresser niveau XP en pvp ç'est faisable en ayant un rang supérieur et un cutter ou un yacht, autant progresser en PvE avec les mêmes navires mais un grade plus élevé que lieutenant de frégate, c'est impossible avec les missions vu les navires à affronter, et c'est décourageant/ lassant de faire la course aux marchands en boucle pour pouvoir obtenir un navire correspondant à son rang.


    Je sais pas si j'ai été très clair, désolé.

  13. Je sais pas si tu as testé le second serveur, mais ce que j'ai remarqué c'est que comme l'xp est conservée et que c'est un serveur PVE, c'est très embetant en l'état pour recommencer une progression.


    En effet les missions proposées le sont en fonction du rang, et on commence avec le cutter ou le yacht comme un nouveau joueur.

    Donc des missions avec des navires qui te détruisent en 2 bordées, ou alors la course au marchand qui est loin d'être évidente au début de jeu.

    Je n'ai pas vu d'informations sur les projets de séparation entre les persos PVE et PVP pour l'instant, mais il y en a peut-être.


    De plus je le répète, le sondage porte sur 1 perso par compte, ou 3 persos. C'est ça qui fait toute la différence.Que ma fille joue sur le PVE je préfère pour être franc, je pourrai pas toujours surveiller le contenu.


    Au niveau de l'exploit, il y a un facteur naturel limitant, c'est la durée d'une journée et les obligations IRL. Déjà à un moment il faut bien dormir, et puis même si il y a des no-life, j'éspère que c'est pas la majorité des joueurs (en même temps chacun sa vie). Ce que je trouverais injuste c'est de limiter la capacité d'un joueur seul a progresser par ses propres moyens par peur des dérives eventuelles d'une minorité de joueurs.


    En plus on voit bien IRL que même des règles drastiques permettent aux gens de tirer profit(s) de certaines situations, et d'ailleurs plus les règles sont drastiques, plus le profit qu'on en retire est grand, et plus l'avantage est important par rapport aux autres.


    Cela dit, du moment que je peux avoir deux persos bien distincts, je me plaindrai plus sur la gestion de compte. Et pour le reste j'ai pas à me plaindre pour l'instant, donc wait and see.

  14. En même temps un perso par serveur ça va, Et indépendants donc pas de partage des heures ça me va aussi. Le truc c'est que la proposition c'est un personnage par compte.

    De plus, je dis pas que faut rien faire pour limiter les exploits, mais si c'est au détriment d'un plus grand nombre de joueurs honnêtes que de joueurs malhonnêtes, alors la mesure devient injuste.

    C'est pas un monde de bisounours ok, faut pas oublier non plus que malgré tout ça reste un jeu, ou une experience vidéo-ludique.

  15. J'ai dit que j'arretais d'argumenter et donné ma position a plusieurs reprises KanonDQuartet.

    Tu dis vouloir l'égalité, moi aussi, on en a visiblement juste pas la même vision.

    C'est pas grave je demanderai un remboursement si ça se passe comme tu le souhaites, me passerai d'un jeu qui m'aurait bien plu et que j'aurais aimé soutenir davantage.

    Mais attention au jusqu'au-boutisme, ca risque de freiner de nouveaux joueurs qui peuvent s'avérer essentiels au bon fonctionnement de cette très précieuse économie.


    edit  ortho

  16. Je vais dire comme j'ai dit en anglais sur les autres topics.


    Maintenant je m'en fiche, si on peut même pas acheter un jeu et jouer en alternance sur le meme compte (sans faire d'exploit en plus) sans saboter le jeu du deuxieme joueur, c'est pas grave, comme le produit ne correspondra plus a mes attentes je demanderai un remboursement et problème réglé.

    Mais attention que ça ne dissuade de potentiels nouveaux joueurs, parce que si l'économie est si importante et qu'il y a pas assez de monde, bah ça sera bancal aussi...

    On verra bien.

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