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About Anarcke

  • Birthday 12/02/1985

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    Burgundy, France

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Able seaman

Able seaman (3/13)



  1. @Citoyen "Raiders pick 2 poorest ports in 2 random regions and try to take them back from players " Sauf qu'il est très clair que nos ports n'étaient pas les seuls dans ce cas là. D'où ma demande d'une réponse claire, nette et précise sur la mécanique de désignation des ports. Que les devs ne soient pas francophones, soit. Il y a en revanche des personnes en charge du canal francophone sur ce forum, qui sont supposées faire l'interface entre les joueurs francophones et les devs non francophones, afin d'apporter des réponses aux questions.
  2. Pas forcément le temps de développer les ports attaqués, San Andrés, attaqué au bout de deux semaines, St François, au bout de trois semaines, San Lazaro, 17 jours, et justement j'y étais presque arrivé ce matin même pour commencer à y investir, Mandinga, je crois que c'était au bout de 10 jours...Alors que d'autres ports dans le secteur ne rapportent rien eux non plus.
  3. Et encore un port attaqué aujourd'hui, et un autre demain, pour mon clan. Sinon, il serait possible d'avoir une réponse, accessoirement?
  4. Bonjour, Je suis membre du clan 7EC sur le serveur PVE, et nous, ainsi qu'un autre clan, CCGFR, voyons nos ports attaqués presque chaque jour (hier deux en même temps à 40 minutes d'intervalle), depuis un moment déjà. Pourtant, cela ne devrait pas être aussi récurrent, si l'on se fie aux déclarations des patchnotes. Serait-il possible d'avoir des informations claires, précises et détaillées quant au mode de désignation des ports attaqués par les "raiders", et une petite explication sur le fait que nos deux clans sont les cibles presque uniques de ces attaques pour la nation France? Parce que là, ça commence à être pénible. Merci d'avance.
  5. Hello, I have lost a gold l'Océan, live oak/ white oak, very sturdy with port bonuses, navy guns at the 3 upper decks, and 42pd bloomefieds in a battle due to a repair bug in port. I had a "D" for "damage" while in port, repaired "for 0 reals", then leaved the port. Once in battle, my ship was still half destroyed and i could'nt leave the battle. I would be very grateful if i could have it back, please. I don't have any specific screenshot of that ship, unfortunately, only an old screenshot that shows i owned a gold l'Océan.
  6. Hi, i'm not sure to understand correctly a thing: is it allowed for other nations players to enter a hostility order to help another clan taking a port against another clan? For exemple, a Swedish clan asking for help other nations to win a hostility order against a british clan?
  7. Ce message est surtout un coup de gueule contre votre système de loot. C'est insupportable, ce système pourri. En plus, les navires font obstruction pour qu'on loot pas les navires coulés, en entrant en collision si besoin. Franchement, c'est ultra gonflant, si le but est de nous faire perdre du temps, c'est réussi, bravo. Et c'est pas la "dérive" à venir pour le loot qui me rassure, clairement. Augmenter la zone dans laquelle on peut loot, c'est si dur? Ou nous laisser mettre une chaloupe à la mer? Et augmenter le temps durant lequel on peut loot. Sérieux...
  8. Can you please give a link to what admin said please? I haven't seen anything on the forums since last week. And if something new has been said on pvp 1, well, how are we suppose to know it if we don't play on pvp1 ?
  9. Pve Server. Maybe keep the race, but whith that title, so people trying to get a chest know it is a race. What i would really like to see is a teamwork event, maybe not having to do it with a big fleet, just 3-4 warships, with the possibility to take a chest for each player participating. And since it is not that easy to group in the pve server, maybe allow us to groupe with the current allies until a new vote renews or changes the allied country. It would really be nice, cause we are talking all together, no national competition.
  10. First, i must say i'm grateful for keeping us aware and sharing info again, things were getting tense before in both sides, and i hope it will release the pression. I'd like to know when we can hope to see more significant changes on the PvE server, because on that side it remains a race, with more possibility to get something, but still a race. Maybe some players will enjoy it, but i don't know if it will be that fun. To follow in that direction, do you have any idea of when we could see some pve things, at least pve oriented, maybe even PvE specific like npc being aggressive as before. i would like like that kind of things, because i enjoy the game, but being a pve player only, i feel something is missing sometimes.
  11. Do you have an estimated timeline for this, please? Just to know.
  12. I'm not sure if i understand correctly. Where will we see AI fleets? Because if it is when attacking a player, on the PvE server it is going to be a race again, with just a limitation on how many chests one player can carry. (sorry, i'm a pve player only, and tend to speak only about the pve server).
  13. You're right, the are not enough pure PVE threads, but i think this is mainly because the content of the game is the same for both pvp and pve, with just the pvp features deactivated on the pve server. My guess is, if there were some particular features for the pve server, we would react by creating some "PVE - title of the thread" kinf of threads. Since all changes applies on all servers, we react on threads regarding the changes on the already created threads to avoid flooding the forums, but doing so, our comments are lost in the ocean of pvp comments.
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