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Posts posted by Urchin

  1. Full wipe,  good no problem with it, level playing field on release, it's just a game. 

    The real downside it opens the possibility of DLC's to reduce/eliminate the new grind paid for with real money.  

    DLC's for accelerated XP, unlock ship slots, provide in game gold/reals and rare books etc. 

    For over a year I've stated there is a risk the NA could enter same downward spiral as Heroes & Generals.   Either you pay up with real money or face an endless grind that takes thousands of hours.  

    Hopefully the devs don't take that path but at the end of the day it's a business venture.

    • Like 3
  2. 8 hours ago, Ink said:

    Anti cheat has no relation to alts. Please check this topic:


    Anti Cheat has every relation to alts! Using alt accounts is considered cheating in multiplayer gaming and AC can detect multiple accounts from one IP address and ban them. There is no good reason to allow alt accounts they wreck every game mechanic.


  3. 38 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Captain, economic warfare and spying by alts is allowed, thus the case is closed, but you can still provide suggestions to discuss like this


    It's allowed as part of game designed, or allowed because you have no means to successfully police/control alt accounts without expensive third party anti cheat.  I expect the later is the real reasoning for allowing them.

    • Like 1
  4. What made it more of a waste of time is that due to time zone (server +12 hours), real life family and work commitments the hours that I can participate in RVR are extremely minimal. The one time I was able to get involved it was all for nothing thanks to one Alt player.

    Latest experience vs Alt he used two ships in a battle one to stern camp and then the other a larger ship with more crew and mod stacked for boarding to board. 

    Now the latest cancer the Requin means why even bother logging on. 

  5. Months ago I took the extensive time to find and then risk to shadow a large Russian Port Battle fleet. I was giving location updates thinking I was helping the nation out only to find afterwards there was a British Alt sailing with them doing the same,  Alt having taken no time and no risk. Then the screening fleet after they successfully intercepted and sunk the enemy PB fleet thanked the Alt Player. 

    Only one person thanked me. That was the last time I've bothered to search for enemy PB fleets again or take part in screening. 

    Alts, Mod Stacking, DLC Ships especially the Requin are a cancer to the game.  

    • Like 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    lol u think new players play this game? the only new players in this game are alts. less than 10% of the people that bought this game still play this game. and the majority of the people that have left...left before the torllquins were released. 

    I get more sense out of my toddler than some of you on this forum who think yours is the only opinion that matters and everyone else is wrong in this cartoon world that no one really gives a shite about.

  7. 45 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    LOL not even close.... the real reason is...……. that the game is boring and takes to long to be able to do anything. and that the game has been out for 2 1/2 years on steam and still has no UI. anddd……. on top of that lets add in the fact that almost a year ago to date the developers decided to kill of the usa player base by forcing them onto a different server. only to bring them back 6 months later because there wasn't enough people left in the game to support two servers. most of vets that I knew have quit the game due to the safe zones. 

    now on to what you said...……..about me running of players by killing them...…………………if killing some one in a requin (a 6th rate with 24guns.) leads to them leaving the game perhaps their kind isn't needed in the game in the first place? cry babys that leave because they lost a ship?  the game is about sinking peoples ships...….. my point is simple. REAR ADMIRALS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN SAFEZONES. 

    Read some of the reviews, think of it from a new or casual player perspective instead of your own and get some sun. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    Honestly... majority of us noobishly leveled up to be ganked. Like in any OW PvP game.

    No safezone = No reason to stick all in one place = No reason for hunters to fish only capitols. The map is quite big. No one is required to be skilled. Being normally smart could help.

    And I hunted too, noobishly too sometimes, with what I can afford (usually poor HATING PvE farming - IN ANY GAME), both before and after super 1st rate reinforcements. Stressing but douable.

    Sidenote: SO the population dropped due to over fishing capitols... but Requin wasnt there. Interesting.

    I don't think you'll ever get it. 

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