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Leo Davis

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Everything posted by Leo Davis

  1. I had that bug yesterday too. And sent a bug report. The cargo is just invisible i was able to exchange the invisible items with items from my outposts warehouse, but they stayed invisible in the warehouse. After closing and restarting the game the cargo was visible again in my ship hold. So nothing was lost.
  2. Greetings Captain Collister, nice to see you here again, we have not forgotten you. It would be great if you could sail again with us.
  3. I also started building plastic models as a kid. Most of them are Planes, I still have most of them. My first wood model the much smaller HMS Peregrine was built in 2011 it took me only 3 Months to complete it. I have built it to get some experience with woodworking before I start a bigger ship. The HMS Prince kit was also bought in 2011. So it took quite a long time to get the hull finished, but only because I do not work on it on a regular schedule. I hope to finish it by the end of this year. The Prince was my first choice, because it is my favorite Ship in Pirates of the Burning Seas .
  4. The parts are sorted nicely in several bags that worked fine. The problem is the manual, it has a fairly good description with lots of photos. But sometimes they do not fit to the real model. I tried to do the planking exactly like in the manual described, But ended up with a different number of planks. That made the correct positioning of the gun ports very difficult. And at one point I found out that a working step at the beginning was changed at a later stage of building. therefore the instruction gave wrong advice, which could have lead to a construction error. Fortunately i saw that in time and could adapt to it.
  5. Thank you Mirones, the HMS Prince kit is nice, but it has some flaws in the documentry. At some points I had to find out that the photos of some building steps in the manual do not work on the real model parts. That caused some problems during building. I had to improvise several times to solve them.
  6. I am currently building the same set of the HMS Prince like Mirones. It is from Constructo. The hull is almost completed, now I am currently working on the masts and rigging. My first wood model was the HMS Peregrine.
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