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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. When you open a chest the contents do automatically stack, so if you already have a the item it will stack and not take up an new slot in the warehouse. This issue has been raised previously and someone suggested the best way to open chests if you want to know exactly what you got is to put them in the hold of a ship and open them there so you can see exactly what drops.

  2. Although I agree that tows should be limited, I also feel that redeeming of DLC ships should be limited as well, so they have to be redeemed in a port where the player has a shipyard otherwise they defeat the whole point of having limited tows. If DLC can be redeemed anywhere then tows should be unlimited too.

    • Like 2
  3. 12 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

    Combat Medals in my mind, are supposed to be the PvP-currency/-reward.

    If CM's are supposed to be the PvP only currency reward, where is the PvE only currency reward and the trading only currency reward? 

    If PvP'ers receive an exclusive reward that all need to get ships, books etc. then why shouldnt PvE'ers also receive an exclusive reward that all players need and traders receive similar.

    Maybe PvP should only give CM's, PvE gives doubloons and trading gives Reals, that way each group have their own reward and can exchange between themselves to get the ones they do not have.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Tomasso il Fortunato said:

    Learn to use coordinates and Naval Action Map . The Navigator perk is for new players .

    And what do they do when the F11 feature is removed and you do not get co-ordinates? They also plan to remove the trader tool so that will not help either.

    Some people are comfortable sailing without knowing their position or are able to estimate where they are, but others find getting lost at sea very frustrating and a waste of time. I personally use the sextant perk on my alts as they mainly trade and it is worth the perk points to know instantly where you are and allows you to take routes to avoid being intercepted.

    I think a lot of people will eventually realize how much they have grown to rely on ways of knowing their position once co-ordinates and trader tool are removed.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Complete-Disaster said:

    2. Impossible Nations, wipe them off the map and no more complaints, you have the players. just cordinate and orginize. how hard can it be?

    How can you wipe impossible nations off the map when you have freetowns? All you can do is push them back to the freetowns till they recuperate and capture a port again. The only thing they lose by being ported back to freetowns is access to admiralty and not being able to get better chance of higher quality crafted ships.


  6. 4 hours ago, Georg Fromm said:

    Because a game does not just live on big clans. Many people want to do it alone or with their best friends. Think about how the numbers in EvE, World Of Tanks, War Thunder, etc. would look like if you kick out all the players who do not want to join a big clan? Games where only big clans have sucsess will quickly go empty. Personal success is an important motivation in every game

    But in all those other games you mention if you are not in the big clans or work with the big clans you cannot access all content, so why should this game try and make all content accessible to small clans or solo players. You can still do plenty in this game solo or in small clans, about the only thing you cannot do is RvR and it would be ridiculous if they made it so 2 or 3 people could actively carry out RvR. Everything else is accessible and I know it because although I am part of what was once a big clan I still play mainly solo.

  7. 3 minutes ago, toblerone said:

    Incentive is irrelevant, mate, when you just do not have the numbers to face organized clans of populated nations. I have the feeling that this patch will make life easier for players belonging to nations that are already strong and more difficult for the others.

    And I did not even touch the problem of night flips in the new system …. 

    As I said previously, if a nation cannot field at port battle fleet then they are not viable as a nation and it is best to move on to another nation. They cannot keep designing the game so that nations with very few people in them can still play effectively. If everything is accessible easily to everyone then you end up completely removing the need for RvR and you may as well get rid of OW.

    I do not see the relevance of night flips in this conversation, you would have to be extremely unlucky to have all rare resources in ports that are not in your time zone, and even if that was the case all you need to organize is a couple of late or early sessions over a weekend or holiday to take a port and flip it to your time zone.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, toblerone said:

    May I ask you in which faction do you play? 

    I play GB, and yes I do understand that smaller nations who do not have as many ports do not have the same access that GB does, but as I explained above it gives you incentive to go and capture a port for the resources you need.

    GB owns about a quarter of the map, yet does not have a single Teak resource port. Once the wipes are done and people start playing properly again there will be incentive for people to capture the ports they need for resources.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Routan said:

    But you only get acces, because your clan is on the friend list, right? You think a player that only OW PvP will get on the clan list?

    If you are a good OW PvP player you will be known in your nation and I do not see why a clan who is on the friend list of the port owner would not allow you to join temporarily to give you access to the rare resources. But if you are a player that keeps himself to himself and basically wants to play an MMO game as a solo player then I guess no one will know who you are and then you may struggle.

    I have sold some rare woods for Reals when they first started clan missions, I sold them to someone in nation for a reasonable price, but next day I saw him advertising them in nation chat with a 50% mark-up. With the change to the rewards for delivery missions I stopped selling rare resources for Reals as it is now too easy to make Reals so there is no point selling for Reals, but I did advertise in nation chat offering rare woods for doubloons with a 10% mark up, i.e. 11 doubloons for a White Oak log that cost me 10 doubloons, but never had any takers. So there is availability of the rare resources if you really want to look for them.

    The only real time you will struggle to get rare resources that I can see is when you are in a small nation that does not have many ports and so has very few rare resources ports, but this is the motivation for them to find out where those resources are and engage in RvR to capture the ports, but of course the solo player who is not interested in nation will not be bothered helping out so why should he then expect access to the resources once others have captured them. If your nation is so small that it cannot support a RvR fleet then you are best changing nations. You have to remember that you do not need to hold the port to get the rare resources, you just need it long enough to complete the clan mission, so have your doubloons ready before you capture the port and build up your stock of rare resources while you can.

  10. 2 hours ago, toblerone said:

    Point is here you cannot even have top gear for solo playing (i.e. a good wood hunting ship) if you are a solo player on war server. That's not putting endgame behind the group play wall, it's putting solo gameplay behind that wall. So it's not the same as in other games.

    I can tell you that it is possible to get the good woods solo, it is a bit more time consuming now that they have made changes to the rewards for delivery missions, but personally I have solo collected 25k White Oak, 10k Live oak and 15k Sabicu, without any assistance from clan since the clan resource missions were introduced. I even had enough doubloons to exchange 40k doubloons for 40 Combat Medals. I have assisted in capturing and defending some ports so I have some VM's coming in. With the changes to PvE missions that also award CM's and chests I can get nearly everything, so what else do I need as a solo player?

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, toblerone said:

    You do not understand why a mmo game should be designed to accomodate more kind of players than just one kind?

    Well … make a guess.

    The game does accommodate solo and small clans, the issue is more that the solo players and small clans want to be able to do everything a large clan can, and this is not feasible. I have played many MMO's and there are none I have played where all content is available to a solo player. At some stage of the game, especially end game, people have to band together to partake.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, jodgi said:

    We haven't seen the new port features yet, but as I understand it clans can open up for friends investing (dubs, cash, marks?) in ports and production. Wouldn't it be weird to be taxed as an investor or partner?

    The thing is that it already costs you to extract resources, I think part of that extraction cost should go to the port owner as tax rather than it being an additional tax ontop of the present extraction cost. For example if it currently costs 40 Reals to extract 1 log then if the tax rate is 10% 4 Reals should go to the port owner, rather than it now costing 44 Reals to extract 1 log.

  13. 1 minute ago, Serk said:

    Should players that aren't members of that clan receive some kind of salary from the clan when they help defend or even capture the town? Or get a share of the revenus if they helped capture to town or raise the hostility?

    Well the ones that partake in the port battle do get victory marks, the question has always been how to reward screeners who can also play a very important part in the battle.

  14. 3 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    to me it looks like any port can become a money making port. only placement will make the difference

    Not entirely true, there are some ports that produce no trade goods and do not consume anything either, if I can remember correctly. For example Croata only produces Iron and Coal but drops no trade resources and consumes nothing so how is it supposed to become a money making port?

  15. 1 minute ago, toblerone said:

    Even more power to the (big) clans and more moneysinks (so basically more grind) for casual players and small clans just to be able to play the game?

    Aren't these proposals pushing the hardcore a bit too far?


    I do not understand why so many people have a thing about big clans and are so interested in the game being designed to accommodate solo players or small clans. The end game of the OW game is RvR and any clan that is big enough to take and hold a port on their own is a big clan and these are the ones that will drive RvR. If a group of smaller clans band together to take a port then that is no different than being a big clan. Small clans cannot carry out RvR on their own and if they could then the RvR would be very poor, imagine if 4 or 5 people in a group could raise hostility and take a port on their own, you would have so many changes of hands of ports that it would not be worth holding a port.

    I am not currently in a big clan, because most of the players have stopped playing, but the few members who are still playing do get involved where possible in nation RvR, helping other clans and this gives us access to friend list on ports for clan resources and Victory marks for those that participate in port battles. So I see no reason why small clans cannot be viable as long as they work together with other clans in nation.

  16. 1 minute ago, Anolytic said:

    I get your point, but I disagree. Making ports attractive to take (i.e. profitable) is the best way to entice and drive RVR without "RvR-Importance"-features (like rare woods/rare resources) that force RvR but also pushes a winner-takes-all mentality that drives players from the game when they can't catch up. Any clan that makes less reals from their ports can simply recruit a few more traders to stay afloat, while a strong clan can capture profitable ports to save time on trading. Rare woods and such features on the other hand puts strong clans/nations on a irrevocable long-term advantage over less successful clans, which is ruinous to motivation of both strong and weaker clans.

    But the other side is also true. The strong clans monopolize all the money making ports and the small clans are left with the loss making ports to have. With the recent changes to the game there were a lot of ports that became profitable as long as traders put the effort in to trade to and from those ports, but it was noticeable how many ports suddenly became loss makers when they introduced changes to the delivery missions so it was easier to make Reals by delivering passengers than by doing trading runs. With so many loss making ports now there will be little drive to capture them and we have yet to see how the new hostility system will work out. I get the impression that county capitals will become important again and there will not be much need for the lesser ports, but this has yet to be tested.

  17. This type of issue seems to be one of the constant conflicts as they are developing the game. On one hand they say they want more easy access PvP then on the other hand they restrict access to such PvP by hiding ships behind RNG permits, restricting access to rare woods and restricting tows so it is more difficult to get ships to where you need them. Then they add in DLC ships that circumvent most of those restrictions. 

    If you are a player who cannot afford DLC ships you are restricted to where you can craft ships as not many players will have multiple shipyards. So you set up your ship yard in some port and then you have to gather resources to build ships. So you build a ship you want to sail and off you go to battle at some area far away from your shipyard and you are unlucky and you lose that ship. To carry on fighting in that area you now have to go and craft another ship and get it to that area but you have probably already used your tow for the day, so you face a long sail to get there. Now on the other side the DLC player gets to the area he wants to fight in and magically summons his ship built in the exact woods he wants and he is ready to fight. Okay if he loses it he has to wait 24 hours to summon it again, but he has other options with other DLC ships and as more DLC ships are introduced the more options he has.

    This is why they need to bring back unlimited tows to the game, without a huge cost implication, so that people can get their ships to where the action is quickly just like the DLC owners can.

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  18. 11 hours ago, Koveras said:

    No you can't, clan missions are only available for members of the owning clan or clans that are on their friends list, effectively cutting off all casual players from getting access to fine woods and rare ressources.

    People constantly complain about this, but I personally do not see why a person who is active in their nation or part of a small clan who is active in their nation cannot just request for their clan to be temporarily added to the friend list or for the solo person to temporarily ask to join a clan to get access to the rare resource. Most big clans have a good idea who the enemy nation alts are and I do not see it as a bad thing restricting their access to rare resources. For genuine nation members I am sure one of the many clans on the friend list for that port would help if asked.

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  19. 13 hours ago, Routan said:

    Have I gotten it wrong? If I sail a tader in to an enemy port, can I not see what rare items that drops there. It is an honnest question? I havent tryed.

    Yes you have it wrong. If you enter an enemy port on a trader you can see if a rare resource drops by opening the port information tab on the top left of your screen, it will show what resources the port produces normally and below that it will indicate the clan resource if any. I am surprised at how many regular players still do not know this fact. I will admit when it was first introduced I too struggled to find this information especially after they patched it so that the clan missions did not display for non-nation members, but it has been general knowledge now for quite some time and anyone really interested in discovering the rare resources spawns should have found it by now.

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  20. 2 hours ago, Oli Garchy said:

    So many button Mashers closed important ports with all their ships they changed it. Sad really you would think the prompts would be enough

    The issue is more that you cannot see what is in that port without going to the port and so when you have used all your port slots and end up in a port and want to open a new outpost you have to try and remember what you had in the other ports so you can close an outpost. If you could remotely see what you had in the warehouse in a port then you would know if you wanted to shut that outpost or not.

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  21. 6 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

    Not necessarily, for example my steam name is Lord Admiral Privateer.

    So why would people think that the review was from you? 

    You have chosen a name that would be quite common in a naval game from this period and there is nothing to stop others using this name. So according to your logic anyone who posts using the name Lord, Admiral or Privateer are impersonating you and posting a fake review?

    • Like 1
  22. On 4/15/2019 at 10:20 AM, admin said:

    Every type of investment will require points and having limited points per port, clans will have to pick things they want to specialize their city in. Some cities (chokepoints or front line towns) will only have forts, some will become resource bases and some will become shipbuilding cities.

    Will the points be able to be reallocated as required? i.e. will you be able to change a port from a resource port to a fortified port and vice versa?

  23. 48 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

    Lastly, the grinding needed to be able to afford woods from the Clan-missions is unsustainable. 

    The grinding was not too bad until the change in the delivery mission rewards from doubloons to Reals. Playing solo I was able to extract 25k White oak, 10k Live Oak and 10k Sabicu just from doing delivery missions. But now you spend most of the time searching for delivery missions that reward 1k doubloons.

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