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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 1 hour ago, koltes said:

    Just normal Kill mission. When you killing higher rate than your ship you get bonus xp. This one was to kill 2nd rate in 4th rate

    That is great for experienced players, but how many new players can do this mission without getting wrecked.

    The game is not currently friendly to new players, most missions are harder than the level would suggest. Even if you go for the 1 star ones the minimum you face is 1 ship of the same rate and if you are unlucky it could be a stronger one than you are sailing. There is no real option of a slower but easier grind for inexperienced players. They can get easier kills in OW by choosing easy targets, but then they are farmed by experienced PvP players who camp the areas where they do that.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, --Privateer-- said:

    These pointless support and tribunal topics about the ROE are getting a bit repetitive. We should all know how it works by now, the Devs obviously know how it works. If people still feel the need to post/complain about the ROE, maybe move to the suggestions topic.

    • Battles close at 1:28:45 on the battle timer if the BR is within 13%.
    • Battles close after 20 minutes if the BR is not within 13%.
    • Pirates can join both sides of the same battle, if the battle was started between two nations that are not pirate.

    Easy enough to remember, it can all be written in 3 lines. In this specific case 1 - (600/700) = 14.2% > 13% hence battle is not closed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You may feel that it is simple, but there is no ready indication what the percentage difference in BR is without doing the calculation. There is no indication either in the battle what the status is of the battle in OW, is it still open and which side is it open to? Even the BR check they added when you press tab does not give the true value of the BR because as ships are sunk that BR changes in battle, but in OW it remains the same as when the battle started.

    So it is not so simple and it still causes confusion for many players.

  3. The battle would have closed to you after 3 minutes as your mate was on the side with the higher BR. The GB side would be locked to you as you cannot join against your own side. If I understand it correctly the Pirates have the option to join on either side but not sure if this applies when one side is also Pirate.

    Again another issue of unclear RoE.

  4. 2 hours ago, Tom Farseer said:

    I have been a GB player from when I started Jan 2018 until release and was very active in RvR and organisation thereof. Let me tell you, those that are still in GB will stay in GB even if they lose a couple of ports. We had worse times when our RvR fleet imploded and the Spano-Russian coalition kicked our butts for a while. We still fought, even held the Caymans for a while against far superior numbers and economy (there where no GB ports with rare woods at the time). GB may have to get used to no longer holding as much territory but I would not write them off just yet.

    The difference with the game now is the port bonuses, if you lose your upgraded ports it is almost impossible to recover. Previously even if you did not have ready access to rare woods you could still obtain some by using alts, capturing from traders or sealed bottles, it did not matter where you built ships as long as you got the woods and books you could be competitive. But now if you lose your upgraded port, too much investment is required to start over in a port that probably has less points for upgrade and even if you succeed in fully upgrading a 25 point port your ships will still be inferior to ships built in a 55 point port.

    There are people who will always remain in GB no matter what the situation, but they will be unable to be competitive in RvR as is the situation with some low population nations at the moment.

    The whole port bonus implementation is flawed because the port points are fixed and thus to rule the map all you have to do is control all the 45 and 55 point ports. There should be some way that a nation can increase the port points so that they can choose to make any port a 55 point port. There have been so many suggestions of ways to implement port upgrades but they have ignored them for this simplified version that will drive players from the game.

    Port bonuses has led to a situation where rather than generating RvR for the control of these ports it has become a case of nations holding back on their RvR for fear of destroying a nation and in the long run getting less RvR.

  5. The problem with a lot of these suggestions is that although they sound good in principle and many people like the general idea, they fall down when it comes to actual implementation and ways in which it can be abused.

    A few of the questions that spring to mind are:

    1. when can flags be pulled? are they at the same time as port timer, if not people will just raid ports during quiet periods when defenders are not around.

    2. So you raid a port and people say you should have access to the warehouses and can take just what you can carry, well many items have almost zero weight so I guess you steal all LH contracts, books etc. That would really mess up a nation or clan with warehouse there.

    3. If raids can only be done during the port timer, then whats the difference between a raid and a port battle apart from the instant action?

    4. So you only hold the port for a couple of days as some suggest and then it goes into cool down for a few days after which you rinse and repeat again, making the port worthless due to the constant attacks.

    5. If its just instant action that people want then why does it have to be against a port, why not just have a raid system where you form a fleet and it is announced where you will go for a brawl. You still get your instant action and no one gets butthurt to find their stuff stolen when they logon due to a raid through the night.


    One thing is for sure and that is people will find some way to use a flag raid system to grief other players.

  6. On 6/11/2019 at 1:36 AM, Mascarino said:


    This was one of many battles that occurred in this region in the last few days of the server before wipe. Some battles were good, some were ganks, some the Brits won some the Spanish won, in general a lot of fun was had and in some ways this region was a good example of what can happen if frontlines are working properly as the waters between Mantua and Baja were a hot point for action. 

    I do hope they properly sort out the frontlines system so we can have areas like this around the map where you are almost always guaranteed to find some action.

    I would say though that people are not as keen to post battle results when they are on the losing side. Personally I always forget to take a screenshot at the end of a battle and I believe such single screenshots do not always tell the full story of a battle especially now with the 20 minute join for the lower BR side as the final screenshot may show even numbers and BR but if one side joined late with many players the battle may already be lost. I did not partake in this battle so I do not know the history.

    Anyway looking forward to release and resumption of hostilities.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, OjK said:

    Ok guys, please tell me one thing.

    How someone having a L'Ocean on PvE server affect the brand new player in Basic Cutter?

    What does new player gain or loose by the fact, someone else have better ship if there is no PvP?

    Its not the ships, as ships are going to be wiped anyway. I used the fact that people were giving away L'Oceans on PvE server to people from any nation to indicate how people on there were more co-operative than on PvP. 

    The difference on PvE will be that players who already have the rare books will give them away to other new players no matter which nation they are from unlike PvP where everyone will be after the rare books and even if people already have them they will only give them to people in their clan or nation and even then probably at a price.

    • Like 2
  8. 47 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    And once again you just describe exactly what clans do in war server.  Both servers are exactly the same when it comes to this aspect.  Clans pick up new players and help them out.  90% of the game play is PVE for most players on either sever.  Stop trying to act like they are different.  They only difference is on war you can loose your stuff to others players attack that is it.  We all have the same crafting and Econ system as each other.  If not war actually had more PVE aspect cause you have the port investment stuff to pay into if you own a port which takes more cooperation between clans and players of a nation.

    I'm really thinking you have no clue what goes on War server at all.  It takes a lot of cooperation and organization to run clans and wars and supply ships.  


    As for the wipe that isn’t my pref.  I would prefer to have redeemable of my cap and ship knowledge transferred to Peace server that I worked so hard to get over the years in case I don’t have time to play on war server. It would like to go out in a big ship and have an hour or two fun.

    I do think you are wrong on this. I do not play much on the PvE server but when I have been on there I have seen people advertising in global chat for ships and books to give away. How many times in PvP server have you seen people advertising to give away L'Oceans and expensive skill books to people in other nations. They may help clan mates or others in nation but not enemy players.

    On PvE having more players who already have the books will actually aid new players as it will mean more available for them, while although the same can be said on the PvP server it is not the same as players are in direct competition with each other so any imbalance creates issues for new players. This is the same reason why any sort of indirect PvP, as people have suggested, would also be bad for the PvE server.

    People suggesting that PvE be wiped like PvP are just exhibiting the worst of human nature by dragging everyone down to their level.

    Regarding linking the accounts between PvP and PvE, I would agree so that people could transfer their xp and knowledge to PvE before the wipe should they want to play there in future.

    The only way I would agree with PvE being wiped is if on launch they allowed the accounts to be linked so that you could level up on PvE server and then use your character on PvP. Personally I feel this would actually help the game as it would stop the complaints of new and inexperienced players being farmed and people on the PvP server would actually be there just for PvP. But for some reason many so called PvP players do not like this as it reduces the number of easy targets available for them. Why are so called PvP focused players so bothered if other players are experienced or have all the books and knowledge slots opened on their ships? surely that would make them more competitive in PvP. It is still a steep learning curve to switch from fighting AI to fighting other players so they would still be easy targets, but at least they would be there for PvP and not people that rage quit because someone interrupted their PvE battle. 

    • Like 8
  9. 2 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    You did the right thing with in game reporting and this tribunal and I hope you get a satisfactory result.

    This here is the biggest problem and why these sort of incidents still continue. How many of the people who have raised issues via tribunal or via in game report button ever seen any result from their report? at most you may get a comment that appropriate action has been taken, but has it really? If people cannot see what the repercussions of their actions are what is to deter them from doing it. In many of the chats you see reported the response from the perpetrator when told they will be reported is "go ahead, it will make no difference".  

  10. 19 minutes ago, Tom Farseer said:

    Of course... some idiots cannot help themselves and go for a round of personal standards limbo, so let's cut what is a great feature for everyone else completely out of the game....

    Well people will not learn and the game does not have enough people to police these issues as there seems to be no action taken against the perpetrators, so easiest solution is to get rid of the medium to do such things.

  11. 1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

    I am all for that. How will Impossible nations do it then ? I mean, conquest ?

    Think before you write. Mechanics must fit all nations.

    At the worst you'd make the only free town with Hostility to be Shroud Cay. And personally i'm fine with that.

    I'd also remove tows for frontlines to work ;) 

    I did think before I wrote, please read and understand fully what I said before replying.

    If a nation has no ports they can take hostility in a free town, but once they have captured a port further hostility from free towns is locked. 

    So "impossible" nations must decide where they want to capture first and start their expansion from that port. This way you get proper front lines and "impossible" nations can be pushed back and restricted by front lines the same as any other nation.

    • Like 4
  12. Maybe they should remove the ability to take hostility missions from free towns.

    To cater for the "so called" impossible nations they should only be allowed to take hostility from a free town if their nation holds no other ports, so once they capture a port, that port becomes their capital and hostility missions from free towns are locked to them unless they lose all their ports.

    This way free ports can still be used for hunters and raiders but not for RvR, so we can have proper front lines.

    • Like 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    That is correct Archaos. All you can do is conquer it and deny it.

    Now that we know it, we should prepare for it.

    War is coming.

    The issue is you cannot conquer a free town so you have a permanent front line around free ports, which basically negates the whole point of having front lines when they cannot shift in certain areas.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Not really. If 1 region limit, then Impossible nations will have to carve their presence against all the non Impossible ones, as all have the same mechanic and can also do it. Is not exclusive to Impossible nations. What is exclusive to them is "no starting region" that is unconquerable.

    So, given you know a strike from a freetown is possible, setup proper defense against it, including escorting your traders with the vital supplies for the ports.

    I definitely agree with the 1 region limit, and this being said by playing in a Impossible nation.

    My comment had nothing to do with the so called impossible nations, but the fact that any region linked to a freetown will always be a front line and there is nothing the defender can do about it as you cannot push that front line back.

    • Like 1
  15. Front lines will never work properly as long as you can raise hostility from freetowns. It does not matter how far you push your borders out to create a safer area when the enemy can just set up in a freetown and launch a strike into the heart of your territory.

    • Like 3
  16. On 5/25/2019 at 4:05 PM, Andrei said:

    A recommendation to solve this problem would be to lock boarding vessels together for the duration of the boarding procedure (i.e. replicating the effect grapples would have).

    The issue with this suggestion is that it would also affect players who wish to be aided in disengaging from boarding. We have all experienced that instance when fighting an NPC when you let yourself get too close and you speed drops to below 3.5kts and he insta-boards you and you need help to disengage.

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  17. The flaw with such a system, if I understand it correctly, is that you end up with almost the same situation as you have now with the current bonuses.

    Currently, because of the bonuses, the people who are more successful in PvP end up with their ships kitted out with the most powerful upgrades and bonuses which helps to make them even more successful. With what you propose only people who are successful will get the crafting permit points and as such will be able to craft the bigger ships and become unbeatable.

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