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Catfish Quinn

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Posts posted by Catfish Quinn

  1. Greetings Captains,

    After getting my feet...wet...this weekend, I learned two things. I already love this game and I'm not as good as I thought I would be.

    Can you direct me, in written or video form, to a guide to combat for the layman.

    I'm particularly struggling with wind advantage and positioning tactics.

    For example, in the fore-aft riggers, when I find myself in the position of having the wind tilt my boat in the proper angle to actually shoot the other ship as opposed to the seagulls circling above, it is more an accident than by design. If I find myself shooting at the sky, I struggle to turn the situation around.

    This is just one example.

    Advice gentlemen?


  2. Exciting update. I just received an email that states keys will be delivered every Friday at 22 00. Which, if my time skills are correct, is in 40 minutes. There is hope! ;)


    Edit: key will be delivered after* 22 00


    Edit Edit: The bloody teases! Still waiting ;)

  3. Hello Captains and Admiralty,


    I am trying to be patient, but as it is now 8pm in Kiev and the weekend looms, I am a little worried I may yet have to wait for my key.


    I ordered through paypal last week, on the 21st, so I gather I was too late for that round of key dispersal. I figured I would get it today and have tried to be patient. Nothing yet.


    Should I wait it out a bit more or send them an email?




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  4. Hey seamen.

    So, as I wait in anticipation of receiving my key, I've spent a decent amount of time on these here forums trying to prepare myself as much as possible.

    Part of that is preparing for my duty as an alpha tester.

    As of yet, I have been unable to find a roadmap. I'd like to know what's planned, what's being considered, and what has been scrapped, so I can save myself and all of you some time telling the developers things they already know etc.

    Does such a thing exist and where would I find it, if you would be so kind?


    Catfish Quinn

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  5. Ello there Yanks,


    When I get my old girl ready to go (presumably next Friday) i would love to have a chat about joinin up with the Tattered Flags.

    I just gained access to the game, so I will be in need of some good advice and guidance, and this looks to be the place for any aspiring Americans out there.

    I did play PotBS quite a bit way back when, and am quite excited about the future for Naval Action. Only disappointment is that I've just recently heard about it.

    Please let me know how I should proceed to participate with the group.



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