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Catfish Quinn

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Posts posted by Catfish Quinn

  1. I don't think I'm using the Overlay. I have overwolf but Im not using it. I'm trying to find an indication that overlay is active and I dont see it in any of the settings. So, I just tabbed over here to write this response and when I went back to my Naval Action client it crashed on me again. Could be related.


    Oh wait, no...the reason it crashed was because I opened Teamspeak to check to see if I had the overlay... lol. Definitely caused by TS again.

  2. Greetings Captains,


    I'm encountering a pretty frustrating error.


    My game runs fine. Yeah. Beautiful sea, pretty lights in my Yacht's cabin etc etc.


    Except when I try to talk to my guildies on teamspeak. Then, it crashes. Instantly. Every time.


    If I have teamspeak running and I launch naval action, white screen then instant client.exe stopped responding. If I get all the way into game and then try to launch teamspeak... insta crash.


    I have verified files. I have reinstalled entirely. I have played around with my monitor settings (I am running surroundx or whatever the geforce multi monitor thing is called.) Completely going back to just a one monitor setup doesnt help.


    I'm not sure what else to try.


    I've sent the crash report via steam and everything.


    Any thoughts?



  3. Captains,


    Never been so exited to wipe.


    I get Error: Wrong Protocol Version when i try to log in. It said earlier that the server was down, so this is a different change. Is the server still being updated or is there a client or some other way I'm supposed to upgrade that I'm missing. I feel like before the game updated after launching. Could be wrong.


    Do I need to be patient or is there an update step I'm missing?



    Catfish Quinn

  4. Isn't there a space in between? Others have mentioned this sort of thing before. If there were more opportunities to create instances there would be more opportunities to "sail." Now, I'm not entirely sure what the instances would be. Docking? Exploring coastlines? Fishing perhaps? This would require the introduction of new game mechanics, so this is probably a little further down the line. Would be welcome, though.

    Speaking of welcome... I'd really like to just be able to drop into an instance. Practice manual sailing, test out some guns, whatever. Obviously, would have to put some sort of anti exploit measures in, but they wouldn't be too difficult to impliment.

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  5. Hello hello,

    So, while I highly doubt I am the first to bring this up, I would greatly enjoy the ability to one day customize the appearance of my favorite gal.

    Whether this is a free feature, pay for vanity items feature, or something else..

    So, what visual customization options do you want/feel are appropriate?

    I personally would love to have user created flags as an option.

    I would enjoy custom sails as well, but I'm not sure those are historically accurate, so maybe not on those.

    Also, custom ship nameplates.

    Your turn, go.

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