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Posts posted by Kevlarkent

  1. Yes, I had a friend have similar troubles.  The solution was unplugging his Nostromo gamepad.  The keybindings don't seem to understand multiple input devices especially gamepads/controllers right now.


    Had it unplugged, uninstalled, didn't help.

  2. Try checking your controls? In the initial menu you get when you launch from Steam there should be a sub-menu for controls. I'd check that to make sure your controls are all in order.


    It says fire 1, fire 2, fire 3 and jump which is what mousebutton 1, 2, middle and space is bound to, so I'm guessing that thats the functions that aims and fires and so on. There's 2 set-ups of those though which is wierd?

    I tried to rebind both first and secondary set-ups of keybinds for both of them to mousebuttons 1-4 but that didn't help.

  3. Right now battles are open till the end to test (again) how potential reinforcements work and to stress test the instances servers and battle enter and exit packets flow.


    So you mean that battles will be instanced but people will still be able to enter and leave that instance while the battle is ongoing?

  4. That is where playtesting comes into play.  If 1 mile is determined to be far enough that they can't really be of help, then 1 mile it will be.  I personally think it will be at a distance that most players will find perfectly reasonable and "fun", which is what this is about.   :)


    Yea, I hope you're right. I might have to fall back on the sole principle!^^

  5. For a bit of info on who the ship was named after. ^_^


    Birger Jarl (c. 1200 – 21 October 1266), or Birger Magnusson, was a Swedish statesman, Jarl of Sweden and a member of the House of Bjelbo, who played a pivotal role in the consolidation of Sweden. Birger also led the Second Swedish Crusade, which established Swedish rule in Finland.

    Which they held until 1809 when russia took us away from our swedish brothers :'(

    Hemmema is also a ship I would like to try out in this game. While I probably wont be using it most of the time becuase of it's mediocre sailing capabilities (i'll be an explorer), it's still an awesome ship design.

    Btw, Wind or Eyeless, have you posted this in this: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4389-list-of-ships-and-plans-presented-so-far/ thread? Seems it would be a nice place to get some more recognition for this Swedish design?

  6. That said, the limit has to be the limit.  Where is the cutoff?  If you make it 1 mile and 100 yards, then isn't 1 mile and 101 yards ridiculous?  Where do you draw the line?  The cutoff distance is the cutoff distance, plain and simple.


    Well that's the main reason why I don't like this idea/solution, people who might be able to come help in the battle won't be able to because they're not in the instance.

  7. The problem with allowing a "pile on" situation in the Open World is that we know ships there are traveling at around 150kts or so (based on early screenshots by Admin).  6 minutes of sailing can take you nearly 15 miles.  If you allow people, a la PotBS, to "see" a battle that has formed, and head over to it, you'll have a giant pileup of ships coming from distances that would be ridiculous in real life.  I think if you aren't in fairly close proximity to a battle when it forms, you shouldn't be able to join that battle - based on the in-battle speeds (which appear to be far closer to reality), a boat that isn't pretty nearby in the Open World is going to be hours away at battle instance speeds.  Way too far to make a difference.


    Again, I'm not saying that people who are 10 miles or more away should be able to join the fight, but maybe 1 or 2 instead of just 800 yards or something.

    Also if the thing cuts at 1mile, and a boat is 1mile and 100 yards away, that is very ridiculous i think.

  8. That is something, that Ampaholic has pointed out, that is completely ahistorical.  If you want friends to be able to help you, you need to either have them in range to assist you, or hire an escort.  Allowing a mass rush from people far and wide to join a battle doesn't really appeal to me.  This both benefits the attacker who is carefully working to hit you at the correct time, and it benefits the attacked who doesn't have to worry about a dozen attackers that were over the horizon piling on against him.



    It would have to be dead calm, and if they were out of visual range, especially at the speed it seems that boats travel in the Open World, they'd be hours away, not minutes.  The best you could hope for in the real world was to fire a cannon. And even that wouldn't be heard if they were very far off upwind.


    I didn't mean "far and wide" just not only in ur immediate surrounding.


    A cannon would be heard from atleast an hour away at "real speeds", dunno how long that would be in "open world speed". Have u spent any time on the sea in real life?

  9. You might want to grab a swift ship if you are going to be alone a lot. Have you spent much time in the Brig or the Privateer?


    If you are in a group and the others can hear your bell - most likely they will be included in the instance with you anyway.


    I have not played the game yet, just bought it today.

    A bell on the ocean, atleast when its somewhat calm, can be heard for miles upon miles, distances that with "normal speed" would take atleast 20min to travel.

  10. By "much better" do you mean you think it will improve the "realism" of the game, or that you think it would just help you win the battle easier?


    IRL it was very uncommon for any aid to arrive during a fight between ships, Flotillas or even Fleets.


    Both, and I'm not talking about battles between multiple ships.

    I'm going to be an explorer so I imagine that I will be spending atleast some time alone or in a small grp. Then it would be nice if I could ring my bell so ships that are close by can come and help me if I get jumped by one or multiple ships.

    That won't be possible with this system.

  11. How far will established by gameplay, but all friendly vessels to the two combatants in a certain radius will end up in the instance.  If your friends are nearby enough, they'll be right there with you.


    So you have to hope that your friendlies are withing range. It would be much better if you could call out for help and friendlies could come to your help instead.

  12. This is very good. Your faction who are well outside of the distance they could sail at the speed you're sailing in the combat instance should NOT be able to sail halfway across the map to "come to your aid".  If you want help, you'll either need to hire escorts ahead of time, or ensure your mates are within the correct distance from you that they will be pulled into the instance when you're attacked.  This old PotBS way of having people able to rush across the map to help (or hinder) someone isn't good gameplay.   :)


    That's not what I'm talking about, I mean battles usually last atleast 15min, that's enough time for help to arrive if you're close to some of your allies, but too far for them to reach before you get sucked into the instance.

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