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Everything posted by Kevlarkent

  1. Finland så som det är idag menade jag ju.
  2. Finns inget Finland varken i spelet eller under denna tidsperiod.
  3. Kevlarkent


    Okey, now it worked, maybe i was aiming straight, but it didn't do anything since I dont have any front cannons.
  4. Kevlarkent


    Had it unplugged, uninstalled, didn't help.
  5. Kevlarkent


    I have a xbox360 controller so I'll try uninstalling that one.
  6. Kevlarkent


    It says fire 1, fire 2, fire 3 and jump which is what mousebutton 1, 2, middle and space is bound to, so I'm guessing that thats the functions that aims and fires and so on. There's 2 set-ups of those though which is wierd? I tried to rebind both first and secondary set-ups of keybinds for both of them to mousebuttons 1-4 but that didn't help.
  7. Kevlarkent


    As I said, it doesn't work for me.
  8. Kevlarkent


    Hello, I just got the game today and I can't make my ship enter "firing mode", mouse button 1-4 does nothing for me.
  9. It seemed to me that he believed that you can avoid pvp if you want since it's instanced for some reason.
  10. And what's keeping a pvper from attacking explorers/merchants?
  11. So you mean that battles will be instanced but people will still be able to enter and leave that instance while the battle is ongoing?
  12. Yea, I hope you're right. I might have to fall back on the sole principle!^^
  13. Well that's the main reason why I don't like this idea/solution, people who might be able to come help in the battle won't be able to because they're not in the instance.
  14. Yes, and maybe it won't be a problem at all, I'm just theorycrafting which is part of why the forums exicst no?
  15. Again, I'm not saying that people who are 10 miles or more away should be able to join the fight, but maybe 1 or 2 instead of just 800 yards or something. Also if the thing cuts at 1mile, and a boat is 1mile and 100 yards away, that is very ridiculous i think.
  16. I didn't mean "far and wide" just not only in ur immediate surrounding. A cannon would be heard from atleast an hour away at "real speeds", dunno how long that would be in "open world speed". Have u spent any time on the sea in real life?
  17. I have not played the game yet, just bought it today. A bell on the ocean, atleast when its somewhat calm, can be heard for miles upon miles, distances that with "normal speed" would take atleast 20min to travel.
  18. Both, and I'm not talking about battles between multiple ships. I'm going to be an explorer so I imagine that I will be spending atleast some time alone or in a small grp. Then it would be nice if I could ring my bell so ships that are close by can come and help me if I get jumped by one or multiple ships. That won't be possible with this system.
  19. So you have to hope that your friendlies are withing range. It would be much better if you could call out for help and friendlies could come to your help instead.
  20. That's not what I'm talking about, I mean battles usually last atleast 15min, that's enough time for help to arrive if you're close to some of your allies, but too far for them to reach before you get sucked into the instance.
  21. Why would that be rude? It's much easier to learn the basics in pve. I also believe that noone told him that he's not allowed to pvp before he's good, just suggesting that he pve until he learns the basics.
  22. what about my 2nd question? also i would prefer it that way
  23. Then why could ArcheAge do it? So you mean that the world is "real" size but the ships move at extreme speeds? how do you not crash into islands then? ArcheAge again.
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