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Posts posted by Lyric



    Dutch v French. We were outnumbered + outgunned but with a great opening tag + some great battle discipline, CORE led the way to an indecisive, but certain victory.  We were successful in capturing a 3rd rate in the first 10mins of the fight. I also personally captured an enemy frigate as I was sinking, sadly it made little difference! [You'll notice that some of the ship names were edited on, we were essentially trying to figure out what exactly we faced by using memory and some battle screenshots, we didn't manage to get all of them though! :(]





    CORE making a French Victory a Dutch Victory!  [iT WAS A COMMON ONE?!]




    CORE led, but the credit has to go to the fantastic effort from our Dutch Captains. Everyone pulled together and successfully sunk 6 French 1st rates & of course successfully captured the port.



    CORE led. Again big credit to the entire nation for pulling together + getting such a great result!


    • Like 3
  2. Gentlemen,


    We're very pleased to annouce that CORE is searching for active players of VlaggenKaptein [Flag Captain] and above to join our ranks!



    Core is a multinational guild of mature players from British, to German, Austrialin and of course Dutch who's main interest is to have fun!  [English is the primary language!]


    The Recruitment Process:

    We accept all members who are 18+ years of age and have a rank of Vlaggenkaptein and above.  Once you are given a 10minute interview which briefs you on exactly how we work, you will be accepted as a trial member for 2 weeks.  When the 2 weeks are up we decide whether to keep you or not to be blunt!  The recruitment process is very strict because we want to know exactly whom we're spending our nights with.  We have no time for ambitious individuals putting personal desires above the clan, nor grown men who can't handle a loss.  Also if you are inactive for more than a week without informing anyone, it doesn't matter whether you are an officer, core member or trial, you will be kicked.


    [We use a single, simple google document to manage everything from the roster to the ships order form + the economy. Not a website]


    Our Economy:

    CORE uses a very unqiue economic system designed by one of our members; Hugo van Grojt.  We are lucky to have more than 10 high level crafters, 5 of which are level 50.  Our economy is unique, effective and we currently find ourselves running out of slots to hold all our SOLs!!!  We also have a guild docks [seen in the picture below] which is where we store all of the enemy's captured ships ready to lend should our members require it!


    [had to hide the location for obvious reasons!]



    Officers + Progression:

    In CORE the most important skill required to be an officer is purely social.  We need officers who CAN admit they are wrong from time to time and know how to back down.  We have no time for stubbornness for the sake of it.  Listen to other ideas and present your own.  Everything else, game knowledge etc can be learnt and taught. 

    ALL of our officer positions are available to any member wishing to apply for the job.  If there is someone already filling the role which you'd like to take, there will be a guild vote during our weekly guild meeting.  You can be elected for EVERY job including guild leader if the majority votes gets you in.



    Our Goals:

    CORE is capped at a 50 member capacity.  The reason for that is because we want to keep it close knit, work together as a team, IMPROVE together as a team be and a formidable force in the Caribbean! We want to be able to recognise voices, and feel comfortable sailing with individuals whom eventually we KNOW can be completely relied on to follow orders eagerly and effectively.  In this, we become a valuble asset to the Dutch Nation in bringing destruction to those foolish enough to makes us our enemies!  Whilst we ARE very organised; we are still a very casual, laid-back and fun community of PvP players.


    Whilst priortising the guild and the nation, we also have great interest in sustaining the health of the game.   As a Nation we have grown a great reputation for being very courteous and polite.  This is a standard we hold dear to us, as we belive much more can be achieved through positive relationships.  Personally I live by the saying "Kill them with kindness"



    If this sounds good to you, hop on our teamspeak na.lynixgaming.com and ask for Monkeybullet [british], Flamigant [Dutch], Hugo Van Groijt [German], or just contact us in game!


    See you on the open seas!


    Safe Sailing

    • Like 3
  3. Speaking as Mr Hugo's clan leader, I can safely tell you this was intended as a joke.  I can assure you he will be met with the coldest disposition we can muster, and of course with strict disciplinery action.  We intend to go straight for his jugular and burn down his compass wood production industry.  This, side by side with the removal of his weekly cookie allowance, we hope, will bring down the menance that is HUGO REPUBLIC. 


    Viva l'Espagne!!!


    • Like 7
  4. This is our last last warning. Captains 


    Lord nelson was a 1st Duke of Bronte



    He got this for military achievements.

    We said in the first post that

    • If you don’t own land you can exhibit heroic feats – then you can become a lord and get land by lets say winning a lot in PVP

    As this is a very important topic captains who cannot read properly will be removed from forums in a friendly manner for 7 days (by withdrawing positng), because their feedback becomes useless if they cant understand what is being discussed.  This topic is very important and we don't want people who cant read giving us feedback. We apologize in advance but we want to only focus on things that are relevant in this discussion


    I completely understand your point here Admin. MY argument respectfully however, is by implementing this system it seems that guild will suffer a political disaster when the players gain more power + influence than their leaders.  Whilst that makes for an interesting piece of drama, I fear guilds will suffer a nightmare through disorganised + challenged hierarchy. 


    Guilds currently play a huge part in Naval Politics [which this seems to address for the most part] organised battles, Military tactics, training and most importantly...Economic strategic success.  It's a beautiful sandbox game which allows for organised playermade economy even with the most basic features.  In certain nations alone you have production companies consisting of 20+ guys dedicating their labour hours to certain materials, working side by side with their crafters.  In this annoucement, and I may be getting the wrong end of the stick here, but it seems like guilds are undervalued + underestimated, and are soon to be heavily impacted by these changes for the worse.


    Could the achievements of the players perhaps increase the reputational standing of guilds allowing them certain powers in the political system rather than give significant power to a group of certain individuals? 

    • Like 4
  5. I love the update, I am fairly amused NA is embracing the naturally occuring civil war thing that has evolved in alpha.  I'm willing to try it, but it seems a bit of a poison to the social unity that you guys seemed to want to implement pre open world release.


    I highly disagree with giving power to the most active. Guild leaders who have the social skilllset for leadership will be forced to appease or answer to their most active members [who may be irrational kids].



    Representation through Participation.

    If you have not captured land for your country - why should you vote?


    A lot of time is spent on guild administration by the leader + officers!

    • Like 8
  6. Whilst this is just one persons opinion and I'd argue there were more factors to eves success and potbs fails, it still raises good points.

    Player controlled history is also important to me, as whilst nations should be the foundation of the conquest mechanics, guilds should be significantly more important than they are at present.

    Port battles should still be significantly rarer than they are and for a guild to own a port should be an achievement in itself. The issue with that though is there are too many ports in relation to players. Meaning servers need a much larger capacity. But there is no point upgrading servers with only 2000 players, so we need more players, which will come at release.

    Long story short, this is alpha, it's not perfect we need to wait.

  7. A talk was actually just offered yesterday. It was declined. If you are not trying to deflect again then you are more than welcome to join and do just that - Talk



    • Like 1
  8. I have

    I understand the discontent against DRUNK, and perhaps I'm reading this thread since it was pruned by mods, but I've yet to see anywhere in this thread specifically where DRUNK has openly antagonized the various posters of malcontent. Purely as someone who is posting from an outside perspective, and who also has a great deal of respect for even said antagonists in this thread, I'd ask that people direct the insults to another thread or private messages. Obviously, I don't speak with the authority of a moderator, but I cannot help but feel sympathetic to someone who has gone through some considerable effort to create diary-esque images in order to record his dealings in-game with an air of roleplay, only to be ridiculed by many people in this thread for simply playing the game as he/she enjoys.

    I, for one, want to see more journal entries from both DRUNK Swedes as well as the Dutch in this thread who so eagerly want them to be wiped off the map.

    This is a post I can respect, and it certainly deserves a reply.

    My posts seen in this thread are not what you can usually expect from me however I see no wrong in stomping on every forum post made by a guild whose sole intention is to make the game less fun for other players, which consequently affects the game's community.

    The reason that "alliances, politics and diplomacy" won by a huge margin in the developers priorities, is because it's a big issue in the game. The guilds of almost every nation as a result have had to take matters in their own hands and group together to discuss solutions, this can involve spending several hours at a time jumping between team speak servers playing "naval politics". Personally I recorded a good 6-7 hours in 1 day playing naval politics trying to reach resolutions when a couple of tricky situations arose.

    So when all this gets trashed by some guilds who go against what these groups of people have being working hard to achieve because of personal ambition and the need to troll, THATs when I again, have no problems with staining whatever illusion they create to appear victimised and civil.

    I am counting the days till the relevant mechanics and features are introduced to end this discord for the health of the game and it's community, until then, any groups attempting to sabotage it, can expect to be met with a cold disposition, to look for a nicer phrase.

    • Like 4
  9. I have no moral obligation to jump off this post, after all I am not breaking any rules, a statement which you seem to value. However it would be polite to do so, but I doubt you even know the meaning of the word.

    Your guild goes directly against the wishes of the clans of your nation. If 90% of your nation forms a non aggression pact with the Danes, your priority is to attack the Danes the very next day. This is the definition of trolling. You then ask for THIS post to be unlocked so you can act like the victim, all of which is clearly visible through your transparent lack of *****

    I don't know why we should afford you any respect or courtesy whatsoever when there isn't an ounce of it in your being for anyone else

    EDIT: Apologies Bungee

    • Like 6
  10. The vast majority of your nation have labelled you to be a troll rogue guild. Here only to serve your own purpose and motives which consequently lower the quality of gameplay for all those around you, especially new players coming into the game. Thus the majority of NA player base does not care for, or condone your actions, which strike a close and convenient resemblance to the goons of Eve.

    But thanks for the update.

    • Like 13
  11.  I have a lot of love for you Hugo, but making a post dedicated to flame wars is helping take this community the opposite direction to chivalry, civilty and courtesy. 


    They're only using mechanics that the game allows them.  Enough said.


    EDIT: Though those timers are useful, thanks :D

    • Like 3
  12. The best way to fix the Pirates, or certainly a big step in fixing them, would be to make their ports have 4 hour windows rather than 2 hours. Also maybe by capping their nation population. AND also implementing multi-clan port battle restrictions. IE not allowing multiple clans to help each other in port battles, if one clan has entered a PB, they are the ONLY clan that can enter

    • Like 1
  13. Not to throw a spanner in the works but from those two screenshots I will note:



    brits: 25 = 1034 guns
    7 3rd rates = 518
    4 4th rates = 216
    8 5th rates = 220
    2 6th rates = 44
    3 7th rates = 36

    Pirates: 22  960 guns
    1 2nd rate 82
    3 3rd rates = 222
    4 4th rates = 216
    11 5th rates = 402
    2 6th rates = 38
    0 7th rates = 0


    Not only did you have more guns, you also had 7 SOLs to 4 SOLs, which is nearly always going to be a deciding factor in that battle.

    So I'm afraid your claim you were outgunned, is incorrect ;)

    Looks to be a great fight though!

    • Like 1
  14. Hello,


    I'm not sure if this belongs in tribunal, if not, my apologies, please could a mod move it to the relavant topic.


    This is more of  a question whether this is tribunal-worthy. 

    Essentially we view teamspeak as a necessary requirement for PBs, and we believe if we pay 600k for a flag, we should decide who goes in.  And the people in teamspeak obviously get priority.  If you politely ask a player to not join if he refuses to use teamspeak, but he joins anyway, is this tribunal offence?


    see conversation below where i tried to convince the player to not join our PBs if he refuses to use our teamspeak.  Thoughts, opinions?


  15. I'd say port investments definitely need tweaking yes, but the idea is good. Guild based port investments would continue your money sink suspicion, but be much more specific, relevant and important.

    As someone who has in the past fortnight spent 10+ hours playing naval diplomacy at least, I'd like to remark how, because people are still understanding what this game actually IS, they are getting so attached to ports. To the point they start big arguments on team speak.

    The admin's post here is 100% valid. There is no point of a reset until key features are tweaked and implemented. Also, specifically in Pvp1, the Dutch picked a fight with the swedes and we've found them to be much stronger than anticipated, and have since lost a significant amount of ports. Is this a problem? Well I suppose such a dramatic change DOES need some attention, but hell, we are getting fights! We aren't in any economic distress as of yet, so personally I'm enjoying it. I'm ever happier the swedes seem to have got their act together and are acting with clearer unity. Map reset? Nay I say!

    • Like 1
  16. Like a lot of these ideas, I'll just pick out one giant fault with the last suggestion. Allowing guilds to choose a new nation every week, every month, or at all ruins the game. A classic example of this is guild wars 2. World v World was ruined by top EU guilds deciding they wanted to all play on a single server and bring it up from bronze to gold league. Whilst that was in one way quite useful, you tended to find a good 2 or 3 servers then became dead servers and lost players.

  17. Enjoyed reading the story, very entertaining. 


    Stepping slightly aside from the RP briefly, I would like to plead you to think differently on behalf of the Dutch Antilles Squadron [DAS]


    The game mechanics are flawed in the sense of us having the capability of reducing another nation to economic instability.  In the interests of restoring this, the Dutch + Danes + Swedes + French have agreed a non aggression pact, allowing for some open world PvP.  EVERY nation without fail wants to unite, to hear the opinion of each man, and for that man's voice to be heard.  We do not have any sort of mechanic that allows this to happen as of yet, so the most efficient way we've found of dicussing politics is through the national guild council. 


    I appreciate that many will feel aggreived they had no say in the matter, but I would ask you, no, implore you to resist the urge of rebelling the wish of a few big guilds, but instead make effort to get in contact with them, and help unite your nation. 


    If you wish to, as a Nation, end the treaty as you believe that to be your best option, then we will be happy to accept your declaration of war and engage you once more.  We just ask that you unite as a Nation, and decide as a nation instead of a small rogue group of players.


    Kind Regards



    • Like 5
  18. So the solution to aid a crippled nation is to force them to grind 5 million moneys? 

    And all this does is just providing a more convenient way to trade already existing ships than right click -> trade in port? 

    No way I'd throw that kind of money away for basically nothing. 


    You know what they say: Prevention is better than cure.  You buy it when you are economically stable and CAN afford 5 million as a precaution incase you get roflstomped.

  19. Hello!


    So recently [in diplomatic talks] we've been talking a lot about struggling Nations.  Nations that have taken a huge economic blow and whose crafting abilities are been hampered.  My solution for this is the Guild Shipyard.


    Guild shipyards should cost about 5,000,000 to create, and are available to make at any nation owned ports.  They would have 25 ship slots for the guild to store ships donated by its members available to borrow / take should their nation sustain mass ship / port losses.


    How that should work is for all members to see the guild shipyard and use the UI to request a ship to which an Officer can accept or refuse.  A history log of the ships entering in and out would be great too to keep track of anyone misusing it.


    This would give another great reason to join a guild, and would ensure a guild keeps it's members fully prepared and efficient as they can be!



    • Like 5
  20. OR, it will significantly impact the quanity of people playing on your nation.  You've already lost players.


    As for operating out of freeports, you do realise the economic pit you are currently in right? You have lost the power completely to craft big ships. You will eventually lose all capability to field anything bigger than a constitution.


    You will lose all your big ships in an effort to take ports back, thus being unable to capture 1 dura 3rd rates or connies, thus standing no chance in deep water port battles.



    EDIT: Calling Danish leaders incompetant because they are concerned about the wellbeing of an enemy nation's community?  I'm at a lost for words how you can justify that comment.  That says a lot about your character, and for me, removes all value of your opinion.  I'm not sure why I wasted time responding.

    • Like 8
  21. So sea nettle, you believe that Sweden should stay as a 1 port nation, and we should just make the game unplayable for the 50+ active players on that nation?


    The Dutch / Dane Alliance won against the Swedes + French.  [The Brits were only involved on paper]  The Swedes [except for a few trolls] accept that, and so do the French.  Our interest at the moment is making the game fun for everyone.  Because the Devs cannot immeditely sort this out, we took it into our own hands to. 


    Keeping Sweden as a 1 port nation and ruining the game for their community is just evil.  I really don't understand why you'd even download the game with the intention of ruining the game for somone, nevermind an ENTIRE nation.  What if the shoe were on the other foot? What if it were the Danes down to 1 port instead?  You'd be furious.  You'd be upset.  You'd be even angrier when the pompus nation refusing to be nice and give territories back for the sake of your community, gives you the middle finger.


    Think about what you're saying, and the consequences of what you say before you say it man.  Because your statement is just unfathomably illogical and malicious.

    • Like 10
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