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Posts posted by TommyShelby

  1. The Admin even stated that we as testers shouldn't expect a large active playerbase and that we should expect the playerbase to drop to a very very small amount of players after a couple of weeks without patches. They are aware but have no intentions of making Sea Trials anything more than it is at the moment. Have patience instead and look forward to open world! 

    - Hahah fair enough Leviathan, sorry for duping your post :3

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  2. As open world gets closer for every minute that goes by i think they will be focusing on that mainly. 
    I like the thought of implementing the idea into open world in some way - I'm unsure how but the basic principle of the idea still stands: A place where players can practice on his or be teached by others in the different aspects of naval warfare.

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  3. there are currently only 7 storm instances running if you get them all the time you are just dame unlucky and aslong the cliping of the zone edge shows you all ships there is no point in adding more of it.

    Yeah that and the names popping up over the ships also ruins the otherwise awesome mist/fog. If that is fixed at some point it would be a nice addition for sure!

  4. If you watch carefully you will notice the victory starting to turn, shortly after you can on the minimap see that Maturin is starting his turn as well. This actually makes alot of sense and it's quite logic that the friendly Santi turn with the enemy Vic in this way. Noone ever "yelled" at you for sailing into him yet you began using "bad" words.. 
    Yes it happens, i ram people by incident too but i try to keep my calm and instead write "sorry". If someone rams me i usually don't say anything at all and if the person writes "sorry" i'll simply write "no worries", if i see nothing in the chat i just try to forget about the situation.

    My point is very short and simple, keep it civil ^^


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