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Lytse Pier

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Posts posted by Lytse Pier

  1. Kierrip, I know it is a broader spectrum, I think the talks have boiled down to a choice. Like Manta says above, only a few dots on the map have changed, it is not about that, nor peace or war, it is a choice that will shape the future relationship between our nations and the eastern side of the Caribbean.


    I could say it is a choice between a proud and strong France being a most valued partner in a great eastern block or an outcasted and more modest France where their flag is synonymous of sailing with the black for us; but I shall not. I know the choice is more difficult than such a black and white statement. I do then love the picture Tenakha Kan posted; I see no pirates nor vikings, I see Bretons and Gauls who believe in magic potions that can change the world into a much better place. It is that magic we need to get this going; we can believe too.


    The Swedish and Dutch have been clear in their intentions and direction they are willing to take this. Their resolve of maintaining article 5 of the defensive treaty is stronger than ever. It is France that has to make a (difficult) choice, but the longer it takes, the more the scales tip will towards a future of continuous turmoil instead of a most deserved prosperity for all in the east.

    No small burden rests on your council’s shoulders.

    • Like 2
  2. Making peace takes more courage and effort then making war, but let's not make it a Farce majeure, Kierrip. "a bit split", that is the same as a little bit pregnant.


    Do we understand correctly the French don't want peace? Surely, it is not the answer we seek, but we respect any choice made, however I'd like to stress out that if we are not able to broker a peace soon enough there might be long term effects for viable future talks between our nations. A situation I'd like to avoid at great personal cost

  3. What will happen if pirates are reduce to what you wish to reduce them to and another nations steamrolls ? You leave the game and start moaning to the devs to give that nation the same treatment ?


    Do you think for a second that IF a clan is displeased with a nation it won't change to another ? Wrong. They will and they will fight back just for the sake of proving a point :) after all is a game about war.


    It is a social game, wake up. There are no barriers you can erect that will stop players from changing allegiance, spying or backstabbing and even more importantly... organizing themselves to a war.


    Pirates are something that will change but they are not the problem. Problem is people giving up and not even showing to fight.


    Classic nation chat - "Someone should defend!" or "Anyone going to defend ?" syndromes


    Hethwill, the problem is that the winning conditions are player defined. This is not a problem if there is a safe hearth to go back to after a great deal of exertion and effort. See of it like you have a great game of soccer, you work hard, do some nasty stuff in the defence, have some nice tricks in the offensive gameplay and then the game ends with a result you deserved. After the showering you go to the clubhome and talk about what happened in the game, the things you liked, the things you could have done but didn't do; all under the enjoyment of some rest and a good drink. Then a few guys of the opposing team enter the clubhome also seeking some refreshments and some nice aftertalk chitchat about the great game you all had commences with a few rounds of ale that were all well deserved.


    It has nothing to do with people giving up, it has nothing do to with the shirt you wore during the game (even if it was black with a skull on it), it all has to do with the fact that from your safe clubhome you know that next week the field is there again with a round ball that can go either way and again opponents that made the experience great.


    With the last few weeks I have always felt there was no time to enter the clubhome after a shower, drink some ale with my friends and opponents; and wasn't sure which game everyone was playing, but it certainly felt I was a soccerplayer on a tenniscourt. This means the game needs more work in the RvR, not players with different attitudes like you are now suggesting. We all know it and it is perfectly acceptable that the developers, to continue the imagery I set, are still looking a bit around to see whether they set the rules for tennis or for soccer in their RvR game.


    Until then, my clubhouse will be in other games a bit.

    • Like 1
  4. I heard my name.


    Just want to make sure you know that I'm just a normal rice farmer and I prefer farming not fighting :lol:


    btw there are many better players than me so don't call me that or they will hunt me down... :ph34r:


    You're a totally different Nash, I meant the Nash that comes out during nighttime and eats French babies for breakfast wearing an orange headband of unsinkability whilst sailing his ships. Certainly not the nice rice farmer that you are. No, total mixup of persons, sure of it!  :)B)  ;)

    • Like 2
  5. 1: The word wase passed in french teamspeak and everybody agree on that. Sorry that you don't have reply it's not my work.

    2: That wase just for trial not a real fight. 

    3: We honnored an alliance, if you do the same with us and let the sweed alone maybe today we will on your side against the pirates.

    4: I know some "isolate case" the problem come from when you have a big player of a big clan who insult french. 


    You declare the war against us. Don't re-whrite history. 


    Ignorance is a bliss. And to the one in your signature, it's Nash, perhaps one of the best PvP-ers brawlers in game and the most creative battle commander in-game for sure. The manoeuvre we used many times for the past weeks is actually what I refer to as " the Nash Scuffle" where rudders are secured, hands put in front of our eyes and enemy lines are cut whilst underpants are browned and ears are deafened by cannon fire. Very effective, very chaotic, heaps of fun.

  6. Don't worry. We, french, are not like the dutch, we will not search to humiliate you like you want to humilated us when we have only 3-4 ports! We are not "suprême" we just want to gain our historical territory and we will can stop this war if you want.

    Or we can continue to beat you until you will accept our generous offer (and we will not change the term of the treaty on road like you do). 


    ps: i'm not involved in diplomatic things. i spoke in my name. but be shure that there is more radical than me in french faction. If you want have nervous crazy french at you door continue to act as now. If you want peace and be respected by french act like chevalier not like peasant. 


    And don't take my exemple of the WWII for a lake of respect, i just exposed an easy historical fact about a faction who win battle but not a war. 


    Sir, I shall never forget the outcome of the First French-Dutch war to test the RvR mechanisms after being flamed and raged (together with some other [DAS]/[bOAT] members) upon by all parties on all sides of the conflict. A firm voice of reason was called for after that Black Friday as your community lay in shambles and was greatly divided. Trinidad that was held by France soon after still counts as a firm token of respect, reason and willingness to forward a thought of a fun-for everyone attitude and self-imposed-aggressiveness-restraints towards using the unfinished RvR mechanics.


    This second war the same, although the reaction was more: "guys, we defeated them again, stuff is broken, whilst fun, let's see if we can talk stuff out and refocus and let's do something else, hopefully together with the French this time." It was also why the dutch council reached out many times and were puzzled by the French doubts ....unless they had turned towards a different point of view towards when someone is beaten or not. And you guys have. Your vocal presence says nothing otherwise. I weep for that change.


    Alas, the spirit of cooperative testing has gone under the tense of "kill-em all and demoralize the common players to claim a win", which is even fueled by remarks of the game developers themselves that you could always change nations or take a break.

    • Like 3
  7. Why

    The clan warehouse with just officer access makes its use too limited to be used utilized by the clan, especially with limited playtimes and with smaller clans which not always have officers online. Also theft is a concern for some people or a nightmare of user rights management screens to wade through when a clan warehouse is only implemented with access rights.



    The the clan warehouse could be improved into a clan warehouse combined with a simplified clan commodity market adding clan set buy and sell prices for the goods accepted through trading with the clan warehouse. This will not make the clan warehouse just useful for officers, but also for players in the same clan that are in different timezones or gaming schedules.


    The improvements suggested

    • Add a commoditywallet for the clanwarehouse which officers can add or detract from.
    • Let the officers set a buy and a sell price for each item moved through a clan warehouse.
    • (Optional, let the officers set the goods being accepted in the clan warehouse).
    • All members can move stuff freely in the warehouse getting the set buy price per item (unitl the warehouse is full or the warehousewallet is empty.
    • All members can retract stuff freely from the warehouse paying the set sell price per item (until the warehouse is empty for those goods)
    • the small profit margins are for the good of the clan and the transparency and easiness it is to exchange goods with your fellow clanmembers.

    Suggested way forward

    • use this system to have the clan invest in clan warehouse improvements
    • use this system to have the clan open more warehouses across the caribbean
    • use this system to further improve cooperative gameplay
    • use this system as an example to interact with the European market also at certain locations in the caribbean (like freeports).



    I intentionally kept the suggestion in a small scope for hopefully an earlier implementation. You may add further suggestions of course as always, but the things above would be something I'd love to have implemented as soon as possible.

    • Like 4
  8. Hî there,

    Is there still a dutch council?

    If yes does he represant all the society on the dutch nation?

    The communication become loudy for us when everyone is speaking differents things.

    Praefect seems to hate the French or at least me. He was really more smart when his ship was docking I'm front of FR.

    Maybe communication could be easier with new diplomats to represent both nation?

    I came on your ts yesterday on diplo channel. 20 people on ts, noone to speak...

    It's the perfect time to come on an agreement about how to finish this battles...





    Hi Kierrip,


    See link. RvR is mostly dead until changes come. "The war is over" (to quote an Alain Resnais film) for many of us already. The skeleton crew in the nation and Dutch Council is still regularly coming together and will come back to you for sure.


    On a sidenote: insinuating Praefect hates you (above) is perhaps just one of the miscommunication and cultural differences I was referring to in my linked post. Praefect is a very well respected member of the Dutch Council diplomatic core, his job is to bring a message loud and clear, regardless of his own opinions. He nails that perfectly every time even if that got him less sympathy with you.

    • Like 1
  9. We speak again about peace but we didn't get any answer... Is there still someone to speak in name of the dutch nation or have the friend to speak with 10 diplomat to have an idea about what is happening there?


    Hey Kierrip,


    Most players in the Dutch Nation are hibernating. The goals were reached of pushing you guys back and most of us declared it done and over without your consent. You guys were beaten up enough. Most others that are still online will not test RvR further as the game time it demands to maintain a well deserved status quo after a victory is too great and the results after a few months fighting in RvR are good enough leads for the developers to see what they can add or change in future.


    So further diplomacy is not needed much, other than keep in touch and perhaps do a battle a few times just for the fun of it; or even watch you guys plough your way to Willemstad this time under much amusement that it took the loss of more than three quarters of our own active players for you guys to be able to get anywhere.


    I still have much respect for a lot of French players, good captains, great persons. For the diplomacy side I think it all a matter of trust, not respect that is the issue. Too many misunderstandings due to language and the obvious cultural differences of honour vs. pragmatism.


    Still love you guys and best regards,


    Lytse Pier

    • Like 5
  10. I am collecting Names of those who cry and don't have patience saying game is dead. Please don't, game means a lot to all of us. As I said many times before, if you feel you are the one who can't control your emotions just take a break until the end of Summer and please don't spread fault accusations. Game is Healthy and development is moving. After Summer I will list those names on Public board, so all can have a drink and talk about good times.  :)


    I have yet to spot anyone that says the game is dead, t.b.h. I'd say it is far from it and the future can be quite bright. Let's hope enough critical mass of players will be around to test the next evolutions of RvR the game brings. I thoroughly enjoy this game with more players about, that is for sure.

  11. Technically, you fail with France. Well, "you make a choice".

    But you are the good guys in this affair, so no problem.


    The funny things, for me, simple french player, its to see the blame against Spain, French, Danes... Pirates friends!

    Well, during the black friday, Britain ally dont move for us.

    When Spain was bullied by Britain, Holland dont move.

    When Britain attack France territory, Sweden dont move neither, and "dont want to do PB" (they attack Pirates and Danes after).


    When the Spanish need help, France come.

    When the France need help, Spain come.

    Danes always fight our opposant too.

    ...and yes, the Pirates play the same alliance game... and are better ally than Holland, Sweden or British.


    Still my humble point of view.

    We are all the bad guy of somebody.


    Yes, a diplomatic patch is necessary, and yes, the pirate nation need amelioration.

    But dont blame the game mecanic of an alpha game, just when you suddendly dont have the avantage anymore. Yesterday, it was the British Empire, today the Black Flag Empire. Tomorrow depend of you guys :)


    After two (enjoyable) wars against the French, I am actually looking forward to sail with you guys one day. However the cards seem to be dealt differently every time.   :(

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  12. That's a pretty lousy answer BTW. I am accustomed to more pertinent answers from an experienced and veteran player such as Hugo (mini-me)!


    The war the British find themselves in is their own choice.

    The war the Swedes find themselves in is their own choice.

    The war the Dutch find themselves in is their own choice.



    So by reducing France to 9 ports, you and the Swedes have down a remarkable job, congrats!


    And let me say that I'm not complaining the least bit here. In fact the game has never been better for us. A handful of ports to focus on, plenty of time to harass you guys with interception fleets, plenty of Smugglers to get the resources we need to build our ships, and so on ...


    Seems like the only ones complaining are those that once had 40+ ports and are now discovering how vulnerable they are when faced with a stronger nation than theirs.

    Like it or not, this is a fact ;)


    If you (or I for that matter) were representative for an entire playerbase / most players, we would have to wait for over an hour and in queues again to log in, dipping our nose in fun whenever we pressed "sail". The conclusion most people have drawn so far is that RvR is either boring or too demanding and is probably both in my eyes. Neither is satisfying in the longer run.

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  13. @Lytse Pier

    I don't think he's cranky, he has just a wicked and dry sense of humor.

    I often wonder, how I would react to many postings in here... guess, not so good.

    So let us keep a stiff upper lip, give feedback, have fun, enjoy what is enjoyable and endure what's not so ... I believe, it will be fixed (even this Lord Viscous :P ).

    Interwebz were made for porn, not for humour. ;-)

    I really hope the emphasis of everything in this early access will be focused again towards cooperation by the development team. Like Hugo stated above. The player base themselves is not capable nor balanced enough to be the party steering that.

    • Like 2
  14. They cannot close anything down now. The game has already been released in alpha.

    The time to do what you suggest would have been in closed alpha where we give feedback and they close the game while the changes are made then we come back to repeat the process. This is, in my oppinion, a less productive method.

    This game has made major improvements since sea trials and some may argue it is going through a rough patch but don't all games at one point?

    I have 100% trust in the devs that the finished game will be a shining glory and complaining about its current state will only delay this.

    Before you complain again remember:

    This game is NOT finished yet, we stil have way more improvements to come be they graphical or in game.


    Nonsense. I don't complain about the game or it's current state, been around before steam EA release and fully aware of the alpha state. It is a choice of the developer to do an early access development and setting the testing goals.


    I have a 110% trust in the devs delivering a good game. It is just the way the crankiness of the admin's responses to certain posts are not giving me the feeling that all opinions are welcome nor respected, how wrong they may even be in my own eyes.

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  15. What do you mean you have no idea when a patch will come? We provide updates every month its even stated in the first announcement on steam. 


    PS this would be the features if this was rust. 

    • Permadeath (you have to restart from 0 on death)
    • Ports are fully robbed on capture (all resources are looted, all ships taken, all buildings burnt)
    • Ships have 1 life
    • No teleports
    • Food, water requirements for you and your crew which dies if you don't have water after 3 days at sea. 
    • No NPC traders - all have to be player delivered
    • NO NPC ships - only players!

    Can you guys handle this like rust players? We can make an experiment one day. But we know what will happen. 


    An MMO-game (in any state, even early access) is mostly a vehicle to bring people together to have some (testing) fun. In EA the developer gets testing feedback the tester gets fun whilst giving his time doing it (and not something else) and even sometimes gets some nice extras. Win-win.


    Hence question number one should always be: is the testing audience still having fun whilst the development team is reaching their goals for testing? If that answer is still yes for the development team, all is good!


    It is your game, your development, your testing, your early access. If you don't want feedback, criticism or praise, stop early access, close down these forums and deliver when you think it is ready. Either way is probably fine by most players, no need to get cranky about it in posts like these.

    • Like 5
  16. Every post like that delays the pirate mechanics and diplomacy by a month :)

    Just by saying the game is dead - you have just delayed the fixes till august. Game have not yet launched - players are playing a testing alpha version. 


    I think I will add fishing first instead


    Yes, awesome! I like fishing!


    3 nations will be enough

    denmark pirate allied players are resting now waiting for politics. Best time to strike.

    All you need are 3 leaders to unite the nations for the cause.


    Now we first have to wait for the fishing expansion to be able decide who will be a fitting leader for our glorious new herring fleet and is the captain that can unite us all.  :(

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  17. Damage control at his best, the british empire is no more already   And swedish will be next


    Lord Vicious, sir, I absolutely agree that you guys are robbed of victories by the player inactivity within the various nations. You guys deserved better! Sorry.

    • Like 4
  18. Hahahaha how funny to read how every nation is eager to find an explanation for its past or future defeat.


    As much as some parties are trying to explain and claim their past or future victories with great contest?  ;)  :ph34r:


    "The lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside."

    • Like 2
  19. About as secret as babies not being delivered by storks


    Flamigant is still a fervent believer that his soon to be born kid will be delivered by the Pirates, because of their great relations with the Spanish Sinterklaas, and it will arrive soon. Never seen him more happy when the contract of delivery by [sORRY] was announced. He also got a lot of other kids in Willemstad excited now and await their arrival:




    Futuristic impression of the arrival of the [sORRY] Pirates bringing babies taken by the Spanish Sinterklaas back to Willemstad, pencil and waterpaint, unknown artist but probably Flamigant, ca. 1786.

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    1. Do you consider frigate battles fun (compared to older versions)?
    2. Do you consider ships of the line indecisive historical battles fun?
    3. Should marines be tweaked?



    1. Frigate battles are always fun! Cannot say they became more fun though. They are fun now in a different kind of way.

    2. I don't know what you mean, but how closer a battle, the more satisfied I was with the result, whether we lost or won.

    3. We need more retired marines.   ;)

  21. All this talk about join timers, exit zones, entry zones, 4 minute timers, 10 minute timers, no timers, flagtimers, porttimers ...


    ... One word, hideous! No, two, and spineless.


    It is why this game is getting worse, and more unplayable, because the developers are actually listening to uninspiring whiners like you are the lot; not letting them have a chance to turn this game into a sandbox with powerful ideas and concepts for a gamer too loose himself into; to feel the air, wind, trade, fighting, drinking, politics, romance and even cutthroat action of sailing around in the Age of Sail.


    Instead you all want to it to be a PvP fest with uninnovative mechanics for the number crunchers, treadmill grinders and metagamers without any imagination only to be able to boast with on the interwebz how you could sink a ship and cause grievance?


    Call me a sissy, call me irrelevant, call me a hopeless romantic, call me whatever you want, but if you find a PvP challenge in only tweaking these kind of already stupid mechanics instead of wanting to experience the spirit of what a sandbox the game should be, I'd be challenged to even be able to call you anything.


    Shame on you.

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