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  1. Dada la gran cantidad de jugadores que preguntan si hay clanes españoles, he decidido hacer este simple tópico para resolver dudas. La idea es muy simple, iré poniendo los clanes de lengua española o mixta, tanto en la facción española como en otras : información interesante, sus lideres, a lo que se dedican, y su información de contacto. CLANES EN LA FACCION ESPAÑOLA Non Terrae Plus Ultra [VLTRA] RvR [PVP1-EU] Creado a partir de la unión de algunos de los más importantes clanes españoles: EI, CELTI, COSA, ARES. TS : Información de contacto:: Hidalgo de Cisneros, Pablo Frías, Jorge y Celtiberofrog Real Armada Española, (R.A.E): El primer clan español del NA, fundado en noviembre de 2014, tiene la intención de reunir a todos los jugadores, sean españoles o no, que sientan afinidad para defender los intereses de la corona. Dedicados a: PvP, PvE, comercio, construcción. Almirantazgo: Pepepotamo La Santa Hermandad (S.H) Dedicados a: perseguir herejes y enemigos de la corona. Almirantazgo: PRIAMO, Churruca. Reciente fusión del WTCOM como la Deutsch Order bajo la SH. [X] Xa Flottiglia MAS (La decima flota MAS) clan Hispano-Italiano. Nos dedicamos a velar por los intereses piratas y pvp. Almirantes: Enri el Largo y Tony. Diplomaticos: Zacarias Becen Caracortada y Caramon Maye Reclutadores : Donitz el Vasco y Ponce el Manco CLANES INACTIVOS. Stella Maris (SM): Dedicados a: crafteo, comercio, levear, defensa y ataque a puertos. Inactivos Armada Celtíbera (CELTI): Proceden de un clan que tradicionalmente se dedicaba a la saga Total War. Les gusta todo tipo de juegos históricos/ bélicos. Información de contacto: CeltíberoHSAT y en su pagina web: www.celtiberos.net. Inactivos Armada Española, (Ares): Dedicados a: PvP...¿...? Almirantazgo: Alex-SD Inactivos Bastardos sin Gloria. (B.S.G) Grupo de corsarios al servicio de la Corona española. Todos sus integrantes proceden del POTBS, con amplia experiencia en táctica como en producción. Pertenecientes a clanes como: BSG (Bastardos sin Gloria), CEIO (Compañía Española de las Indias Occidentales) y HC - Piratas (Hermanos de la costa) Dedicados: PvP, PvE, comercio, construcción. Almirantazgo: Alek de la Villa (Almirante en jefe), Gaizka (Embajador internacional), Blarney Durhake (Embajador nacional). Inactivos Escuadra de Indias (E.I) Dedicados a: P.v.P, P.v.E, construcción, defensa y ataque a puertos. Almirantazgo: ¿¿Empecinado (Fundador), Joryh (Fundador), Cosaco (Fundador), Luis (Fundador), Gravina (Almirante General)?? (ESPERANDO INFORMACIÓN DE LOS OTROS CLANES PARA ACTUALIZAR: QUE LOS REPRESENTANTES DE CADA CLAN ME ENVÍEN UN MENSAJE PRIVADO CON SU INFORMACIÓN/ AWAITING FOR INFORMATION ON OTHER GUILDS TO UPDATE, MAY ONE REPRESENTATIVE FROM EACH GUILD SEND ME A PM WITH HIS CLAN/GUILD INFO.) Gracias/ Thanks. Actualizado/ Updated on: 23/11/2016 Falta de datos
  2. The information below has been gathered into a single list in an effort to help identify all of the different Groups, Clans, Navies, and Armada that have posted in the forums stating that they plan to be active in Naval Action, listed in order of intention being posted. Please send me a message if you would like your group added or, if your group is listed below, information added, changed, or deleted. 12/22/14 - Added The Flying Dutchmen 12/29/14 - Added CBCna 12/31/14 - Added Napoleonics & Arms of Chaos - updated 1/9/15 010/6/15 - Added Messengers Of Death 01/27/15 - Added Trident & The Auld Alliance 01/30/15 - Added Royal British Fleet of Canada 02/04/15 - Added Northern Fleet - Северный Флот 02/10/15 - Changed United Polish Navy to Polska Flota Kaperska 02/13/15 - Added The Great White Fleet - Updated expanded Sea Lords - Added Outcast Rebel Gaming [OTRG] - Addded Polska Flota Kaperska website - Updated Canadian Brew Crew Website 02/14/15 - Added Lord Appa's Navy 02/16/15 - Added Storm Cloud Armada - Updated Real Armada Española 03/02/15 - Added Myrmidons 03/11/15 - Added Decmima Legione Gemina 04/01/15 - Added New Swedish Trading Company 04/10/15 - Updated New Swedish Trading Co. Steam information 04/15/15 - Added Imminent Ruin Gaming 04/26/15 - Added West-Indische Compagnie 05/07/15 - Updated Imminent Ruin Gaming TS Info 05/25/15 - Updated Sea Lords 5/26/15 - Added The Swedish Fleet 5/29/15 - Added West Indies Squadron 1/18/16 - Seek and Destroy pvp Guild Seek and Destroy: American - world wide membership - Contact - Wind http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/970-wind/ - Website http://sndnavalaction.wix.com/sndna - Forum http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8433-snd-seek-and-destroy-american-pvp-guild/?p=158994 Tattered Flags Nation: American - Johny Reb http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/1305-johny-reb/ - Boris Quicksail http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/1318-boris-quicksail/ The Decatur Armada Nation: American - world wide membership - Admiral Of The Fleets Saintduiex http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/3967-saintduiex/ - Website http://decaturarmada.enjin.com Crimson Blade Nation: 1st American 2nd British - Jim Blusteel http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/4191-jim-bluesteel/ Sea Lords Virtual Fleet: Multi Guild Fleet - Official SLVF Forums http://forum.sealordsvf.org/ Royal Navy (UK/EU/US/CANADA) - Vice Admiral Charles Caldwell http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/5312-charles-caldwell/ - Commodore of the White (UK/EU) Edward Vernon http://forum.game-la...-edward-vernon/ North America Station RN (for US players in the RN) - Recruitment Officer Captain (US/CANADA) Captain Heneage Dundas http://forum.game-la...heneage-dundas/ The Marine Francaise ( for those All nationalities wishing to play France) - Contre-Amiral D'Orleans http://forum.game-la...10027-dorleans/ Polska Flota Kaperska - - Bart Smith http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/350-bart/ - Website www.polskaflotakaperska.pl The Flying Dutchmen - Netherlands or Belgium group - blokzeil1 http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/4801-blokzeil1/ - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tflyd Real Armada Española Nation: Spain - Comandante Gomez http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/5393-comandante-gómez/ - site www.escuadron69.net Canadian Brew Crew - Naval Action CBCna - Popaye ADML CBCna http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/6308-popaye-adml-cbcna/ - Website & Forum: http://cbcna.shivtr.com/ Napoleonics: France - Clinch Rifles http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/166-clinch-rifles/ - Website & Forums: http://www.Napoleonics.net Arms of Chaos: Independent/Pirate - Fancy Tom http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/2274-fancy-tom/ - Devante del Nero http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/5974-devante-del-nero/ - Website: http://michaelottenart.wix.com/armsofchaos - Forum: http://theblackmongoose.freeforums.net Messengers of Death - English Speaking, Euro/Aus based - Pirate/TBD - William Drummond - http://forum.game-la...liam-the-drake/ - Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/Modrogamecommunity - Website- http://www.mod-ro.com/home.html Trident: Independent - not recruiting - Inigo Balboa http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/4903-inigo-balboa/ - forum http://trident.rocks Name: Royal British Fleet of Canada - Contact: mcstgg http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/7889-mcstgg/ - Website:http://www.evolpcgam...ewtopic.php?p=4 Northern Fleet - Северный Флот - Russian society - contact - El_Compot http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/809-el-compot/ - website - http://www.nord-flot.org - forum - http://forum.nord-flot.org Name: Outcast Rebel Gaming [OTRG] - Defit77: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10622-defit77/ - Website: http://outcastrebel.com - Recruitment http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10622-defit77/ Lord Apa's Royal Navy - Contact: Lord Apa http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10704-apasmusa/ - Steam: http://steamcommunit.../groups/ Storm Cloud Armada - Contact: CryAxe http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10972-cryaxe/ - URL: http://forums.cloudclan.org/ MYRMIDONS-Australian/New Zealand community (but everyone is welcome!) - Contact- Skitzey http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10422-skitzey/ - Website - http://www.myrmidonsgaming.net/ Decmima Legione Gemina - Italy, only italians are accepted - Contact: TheJRT http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/6892-thejrt/ - Forum post: http://forum.game-la...legione-gemina/ - Forums: http://xalegion.foru.../ New Swedish Trading Company - Contact: Kapten Holm http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/6886-kapten-holm/ - Steam Site: http://steamcommunit...m/groups/nsvghf - Steam name: Kmdr 1.GR Holm Imminent Ruin Gaming : Pirate/US Sympathizers - Recruitment Contact: Voodeux http://forum.game-la...r/6487-voodeux/ - Website: http://iruingaming.com/ - Forum: http://iruingaming.com/ - Teamspeak: ts3.iruingaming.com West-Indische Compagnie:Trading Company - Contact: Usselincx http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/12457-usselincx/ - Steamgroup: http://steamcommunit...ups/WICompagnie The Swedish Fleet: - The SF is not a guild but rather home to anyone fighting for Sweden - Contact: -KM- http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/10048-km/ - Teamspeak: sharpless.se Name: West Indies Squadron - Exclusive Recruitment -Nation: Great Britain -Contact: William Roberts http://forum.game-la...illiam-roberts/ Arthur Brown http://forum.game-la...9-arthur-brown/ -Website: Work in Progress
  3. These men are death incarnate. They are the tendrils of evil and the arms of chaos. If you play dice with the devil and lose, it is they he calls upon to collect what he is due. Captain! Arms of Chaos is a group of free men who refuse to bare the crushing obligations of authority, law, and civil obedience. We are not bound by the words of kings, men who would send a navy to fight in their place. Authority, respect, and loyalty are things to be earned, not blindly bestowed by rank, wealth, or social status. A man may only rule another man if the latter permits him. This mindset has been the cornerstone of AoC membership since the group was first founded. As free men residing on the very fringe of modern society, we still believe in a man's authority over his own person! No one ruler or board of rulers should have equal or greater power over a man or group of men than they themselves do. The AoC Court consists of eight seated captains who act as spokesmen for the AoC. If nations or fleets wish to engage the entire AoC in 'civil' negotiations they may do so through the Court. Seated captains have no more power, influence or sway over the AoC than a common member, and common members reserve the right to treat seated captains as they would any other equal. Seats do come with a few perks however... Each seat has a unique banner which serves as the seated captain's personal pennant in-game. (When custom pennants are added). and Each seat comes with certain bragging rights. Any common member may challenge a seated captain for his place in the Court. Once the seated captain has been made aware of the challenge he reserves the right to choose the class of ship the duel is to be fought in. If the defending captain loses the duel he gives up his seat and pennant to the challenger. The first eight Captains to join AoC will automatically be granted a seat in the Court. Challenging seated captains may begin immediately upon entry into AoC. The Black Mongoose is a forum dedicated to the under-class of Naval Action. Pirates, beggars, thieves, and black hearted privateers welcome. No Gurlz Navy Allowed! Come be a part of the oldest independent fleet in the New World and live a short, free life with the rest of us! Website BM "We are death incarnate, the tendrils of evil, and the arms of chaos. If you play dice with the devil and lose, it is us upon whom he calls to collect his dues." - Jacques Belerose, The Cursed Captain of Isle de Hispaniolia
  4. Armada de Nueva Espana PvP 3 EU mirror Wir sind ein neu gegründeter Clan und unsere Loyalität gilt der Krone Spaniens und dem Vizekönigreich Neuspanien. Die Flotte Neuspaniens bietet interessierten und deutschsprachigen Spielern ein Zuhause und die Möglichkeit sein Blut und sein Leben zum Wohle Spaniens zu geben. Viva España! Viva el Rey! Wir bieten: - Eine Anlaufstelle für alle deutschsprachigen Spieler Spaniens, egal welchen Ranges - Eine freundliche und hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft - Einen Teamspeak-Server zur Kommunikation - Sobald von der Memberanzahl die Möglichkeit besteht, geplante Portbattles bzw. PvP-Aktionen Wir fordern: - Einen respektvollen und freundlichen Umgangston - Teamplay - Teamspeak und Headset für PvP-Aktionen Kontakt: Ingame: Amados Hombe Garcia Alvarez de Toledo Fernando Alvarez de Toledo Teamspeak: In Warteraum setzen und ein User mit dem Tag [Leader] hinter dem Namen anstupsen Steam-Gruppe: Armada de Nueva Espana - Öffentliches Forum Im öffentlichen Forum kurz was über euch schreiben und auf Kontaktaufnahme warten Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir euch gerne zur Verfügung!
  5. The Grey Armada - Brethren of the Coast Our history: In the 1796 A.D., crew of an british 88-gun line ship "Plymouth", which consisted partially of irish gunsmith, under leadership of an irish revolutioneer Irving Grey had risen a bloody revolt. Supported by revolutionary irish sailors over an squadron there started a sea battle, which lasted 11 hours. Rebels, rising black&green flags, took control over 4 ships, one of them, "Mercury" frigate was used as a brander against 2nd rank line ship "Predestination", which was sunk in a fire. Silver ingots, transferred by the British Fleet for financing a war against French Directory, had been captured by the rebels. Most men were lost in the upcoming storm, and due to heavy injuries. After a week of sail, rebel fleet entered docks of Tortuga. Captured british officers and sailors were set free. Rebel fleet, after negotiations, had joined Brethren of the Coast, swore to revenge British Navy on the land and water. The Grey Armada was hiring officers and captains from different nations: Irish, French, Dutch, American, who wished to join a war against monarchy. Under the grey sails, appearing out the fog, ships of Grey Armada had set a terror over British and Spanish fleet. The Grey Armada - a roleplaying PvP society had appeared in 2010 on the "Carribean" server in the game "Pirates of the Burning Sea" under a command of an irish artillery oficcer Arton Walshe, who was imprisoned later by the Spanish inquisition, tortured and killed. After server offline, the clan moved to "Antiqua" server, but after a year of duty, the clan was dismissed for a better times. But dozens of british and spanish officers had remembered grey-colored "Dauntless" frigates, appearing from the fog... TGA was a PvP-oriented quite closed society, with a high level of discipline, oriented to group battles. Fleet training, tactics and active PvP were always a main goal for the clan. And now, we're back again. The clan will be reorganized and set from the '0' point. But the source is still the same: codex, military discipline (on a pirate fleet, yeah!), and no fear under a black flag with crossed cannons and clover! Commodor Irving Grey Currently hiring! Tag: "TGA" Languages: EN/UA/RU Contact: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/user/16568-irving-grey/ RU/UA: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8399-the-grey-armada-%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0/
  6. Ahoy! I post here to announce that there is a new Spanish clan on naval action, we are called Armada del Mar del Sur. We are open to new alliances and to forge new friendships we all the other clans. We don't have a big fleet however we are a big family. Well guys! that's all! I wish you good wind and good sea! Harxel.
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