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  1. A pesar de que este jueguito gustaba mucho, lamentablemente quedo desintalado de mi pc, porque estos rusos lo destruyeron en el ultimo reinicio de Ctas. Suerte a la gente que aun queda operativa.
  2. The solution could be simpler than we expected. My suggestion to developers: Option 1: free slots of harbor battles are filled with IA random ships with IA elite captains. It would be interesting if a human admiral (only one) could give orders to IA ships. Option 2: port battles with a system similar to battleratio balance of battles in the open world, with a maximum of 25 vs 25. Minimum of 1 or 2 players per side with a defined time to be able to enter the battle waiting list. If a player enters the other side, then you can enter. Timetable systems do not work, proof of this is the American server.
  3. Segun leo los comentarios veo que al fin paso aca, lo mismo que en el servidor americano, no habia balance y la jugabilidad se fue a la mier.... Por el bando español, simplemente no hay players suficientes en este lado del charco, nunca los hubo y parece que nunca no los habra. Por mi parte continuare apoyando las actividades de faccion hasta que nos quedemos solo con Habana. No estoy interesado en cambiarme de faccion para ir a un TS de gente de habla inglesa. Saludos
  4. ¿Que paso con España? España decidio entregar todo el golfo?. Nosotros somos pocos, pero cumplimos con presentarnos los estabamos disponibles.
  5. Bueno... entonces me compro un "loro".
  6. Ya que somos tan pocos, yo me ofresco para ayudarlos a capturar o defender algun puerto en los otros server. No me enojo si tambien gente de otros servidores hacen lo mismo con el nuestro. Creo que esa estrategia podria darnos alguna chance mientras los desarrolladores hacen algo para balancear esto. saludos
  7. Yo sobrevivo junto a un grupo de amigos en el PVP2, con "Cruz del Sur", Creo que aunque nos vamos todos, a un solo servidor, la diferencia en cantidad de players es abrumadora. Ya en varias ocaciones nos a tocado intentar defender puertos con 4 barcos vs 20 o mas enemigos, asi no hay por donde. Antes que todo, los desarrolladores deben solucionar eso. No hay balance y no hay reglas o incentivos que promuevan un equilibrio.
  8. Proposed solutions: 1. Keep the balance of players connected nation in real time, allowing only until an acceptable margin. Harmful to the game because the player will feel not allowed to play. 2. The fewer players registered have a nation, the greater the reward in gold and experience in fighting. In turn, players registered in a nation with a large population get very little gold and combat experience. Note: This alternative would not solve the problem by itself, because, what good is defending a port with 5 "Santisima Trinidad" vs 25 "Trincomale", "Constitution", etc? 3. create a system captured ports, where players from that nation, have the obligation to maintain a commercial logistics (deliver demanded products) to keep that port for your country, then the ports that do not receive such products, after "n" days becomes a neutral faction. Smaller nations = demand is small and "n" will be greater. Factions most populous = demand is higher and "n" will be smaller. Fix this problem is urgent for a balance in the open world, but some factions will be reduced to 1 port on the map soon. This should be a priority for you developers. Note: courtesy of google translator, so excuse my English
  9. 1741 Battle of Cartagena de Indias (now Colombia). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cartagena_de_Indias
  10. I suggest developers to add in future versions, support for "Oculus Rift". I am sure that 3D models will look spectacular with this device. regards
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