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Battle Instance and onboard Views

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I am not a fan of the spinney strange viewpoint changes while in combat and switching between guns...  I'd like to suggest an alternative...


  • change to 2 view points, deck level and top of mast - use 2 methods for switching between these points - keyed (perhaps pgup and pgdn) and using the scroll wheel, where the scroll wheel user can move up and down the mast to any height they wish not exceeding the predefined limits.
  • allow 360 degree views from those 2 points (as it is now)
  • add another option for switching to the gun views, keys.. for example Numpad 8 for front, 2 rear, 4 left, 6 right







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Apparently it's not a quick or simple feature, but it's under advisement.


If it were up to me:


Numpad 5: Maint'gallant mast head panorama view

Numpad 2: Helmsman. quarterdeck or poop deck view, depending on vessel

Numpad 8: Fore fighting top view


Make the bow chaser use a perspective from the forecastle and suddenly we don't need the current floating viewpoint anymore, except for a vanity camera.



This will be more immersive and mean that we spend more time on the deck of ships, instead of looking through or around them. 

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