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[Bug][]Shells auto hit ships that are near the target


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Category: Battle
Repro attempts: 3/3
Repro steps:
1. Enter custom battle menu
2. Design some fast ships for player and ships with heavy guns and minimal fire control for AI for best effect (example: any fast TBs versus BBs with only heavy guns)
3. Enter custom battle and find the enemy
4. Sail all your ships extremely close together and let the enemy shoot at them
5. Observe the enemy shells and thir aim status

Current behavior:
Enemy shells will have a very high chance of hitting other ships that are very close to the target. Oftentimes even when ladder aiming isn't complete and accuracy is 0%. In extreme cases, you can achieve 100% hit rate when hit chance is 0% when the bug kicks in.

Desired bahavior:
Only a very small portion of the missed shells should scatter onto other ships that are near the target, and not a vast majority of them.

Video evidence:


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This is a single player game not a multiplayer game and I couldn't care less if a single FPS has an aimbot, Fallout literally actually does have VATS which is an extremely abusable aimbot built into it as a game mechanic. I have a few friends who make stormtroopers look accurate and could probably use an aimbot lol. Also it becomes less relevant at longer ranges and doing campaigns close range is a big no torpedoes are scary things that cost lives, ships, and money and the AI spams them, but I guess I use torpedoes a lot too lol. And if you're shooting into a cluster of like 5+ ships all in close proximity you're almost certainly going to hit something anyways or the other time it's really relevant is if you've crossed the T of an enemy battle line where it's another case of firing indiscriminately into the middle of an enemy formation you're certain to hit something if your shots fall long or short.

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2 hours ago, Maygay said:

This is a single player game not a multiplayer game and I couldn't care less if a single FPS has an aimbot, Fallout literally actually does have VATS which is an extremely abusable aimbot built into it as a game mechanic. I have a few friends who make stormtroopers look accurate and could probably use an aimbot lol. Also it becomes less relevant at longer ranges and doing campaigns close range is a big no torpedoes are scary things that cost lives, ships, and money and the AI spams them, but I guess I use torpedoes a lot too lol. And if you're shooting into a cluster of like 5+ ships all in close proximity you're almost certainly going to hit something anyways or the other time it's really relevant is if you've crossed the T of an enemy battle line where it's another case of firing indiscriminately into the middle of an enemy formation you're certain to hit something if your shots fall long or short.

Sorry I don't think comparing this to fallout is a good analogy.

Fallout's VATS:
Built into the game as a core feature and provides balanced gameplay if you are not min maxing too much
Possible to exploit but the control is in player's hands, you can choose to use it or not

This bug:
Very likely a side effect of wonky code on ship accuracy, is not shown as a feature anywhere(no modifiers such as"+100% accuracy against adjacent target" shown)
Possible to exploit, but the control is mostly not in player's hands. Both player and AI can trigger it by accidently bunching up ships, even more so when the equally wonky formation AI is in charge. 

Shooting into a cluster of ships and getting big hits is ok, but it needs to be balanced and explicitly shown as a feature.
If this is really a bug, it needs to be removed as it affects the core gameplay.
If this is a "feature" now, it needs more work to make the player contextulize what is happening and give the player more tools to interact with it.

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It's a bug known forever, the other problem with it is that those shells do massive damage because they don't go into ricochet check and don't count angling/various layers of armor and the armor type ( it's like they are using iron armor), this makes  the bug devastating and exploitable 

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