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Disconnects, Alpha and the Open World

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Right now in Alpha its not fun when Big Ships look at the Matchmaking and Disconnects. Its alpha okay. have to deal with it.


But what about Open World Disconnect? What are the Mecanics you use to stop people disconnect? I hope that there will be some sort of punishment!

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I think that when this was last discussed, a countdown for folks to reconnect with the ship staying in the world was proposed (internet accidents happen) and thereafter possibly being removed to a safe location until you next log in where it would be popped back at its last known location (for better or for worse).


There were thoughts along the lines of "tough luck - the ship is free for anyone to board or loot or scuttle". There were thoughts along the lines of "if it gets sunk, you could just be given a replacement" but that would lead to gun and cargo duping.

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There should be a 2 minute disconnect timer.

This is pretty much the best idea as it gives time for pirates to loot and it also makes sure that the player gets a chance to not have his ship boarded if he looses internet for a couple of hours

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There should be a 2 minute disconnect timer.


Way to short. You hunt an enemy Vessel for half and hour and when you get close he disconnects.


I think the best is if you get "hooked" in a Fight from there on there should be penalty for disconnection. Maybe the Shipload should be lootable for the attacking faction. Like strike your colours. On the other hand we need stable Servers. But in Fifa15 after those penaltys for quitting the Match or disconnect i seen just 1-2 Disconnects in 100 Games. So most disconnects are excuses imho.

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So maybe we can see some more opinions on how to solve those problems regarding disconnect.


I thought again about it and want to know if there can be some kind of script showing if the Disconnect is user initiated or Server Problem? Maybe that should help alot?

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My opinion on disconnects is that AI takes control of your ship if you are in close proximity to enemy vessel (to deter "logers", people who log out on purpose to save their ship once outplayed) and if no hostile ship is in lets say 1 nautical mile (or less, subject of balance) ship just vanishes after 30 or so seconds as in other MMO-s.


My point is there has to be different loging procedures if you are engaged or not-engaged.

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