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3 Disconnected in one battle


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Dear Dev,

We got a problem tonight in a battle. 3 players disconnected in 3 min in our side. Our 2 ocean were DC in the 3rd minutes of the battle, impossible to fight and  i lost mine, a gold ocean :(.

I try to deal with Sekiro but, you can read his answer on the 2nd screen... May be NN guys could confirm to you what they saw !?

So i ask you, devs, a compensation for this lost. It's really frustrating to looze a ship by this way.

Apparently, a lot of other guys where DC in the game at this moment. Mb you have more information than me about this problem.

Sorry for my poor english.


I hope you could fixe this kind of unpleasantness.





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DC is a normal mechannic for you ?

i'm not complaining about losing my ship, i'm conplaining about being disconnected in a battle. We were a lot to crash last night.
Then indeed i'm asking a compensation for losing a good ship in a not intended maner.


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