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Armor Piercing and Doubling on Enemy

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You recommend yourself as ultra realistic cannon balls game. Doubling on enemy is suppose to be a tactic presumably since balls may entirely pierce through both and any sides of armor of ship, to which end making making damage cross over through all three layers or just one or the other would be ideal so that firing from both sides on a ship isn't a major waste of 2nd ship on your side.

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Ships don't have armor.. They have Wooden sides... The Center bar is ALL the various superstructure inside(Ribs, keel ect)...  Double Ball actually has less penetration then standard(or should) since it is using 2 cannon balls with basically same gunpowder load....


Double shot – Two round shot or other projectiles loaded in one gun and fired at the same time. Double-shotting lowered the effective range and accuracy of the gun, but could be devastating within pistol shot range—that is, when ships drew close enough for a pistol shot to reach between the two ships. To avoid bursting the gun, reduced powder charges were used. Guns sometimes were double-shotted with canister or grape on top of ball, or even triple-shotted with very small powder charges which still were enough to cause horrible wounds at close range


  Our double shot is still effective in this game out to about 250 yards....  It is far more effective then it should be..  Double Charge is about right increasing pen at all ranges allowing normal damage at ranges it would normally bounce.  Really wish we could do teh DOuble Ball and Grape for stern rakes:)


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