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#Fleets4Life : How to addict people to Fleets

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#Fleets4Life or how to addict people to Lottery (drops).

Right now fleets (includes traders) drop:



Gold is not a drop, it's a Reward for completing the task. 

Now I will try to introduce categories that will start to shape the world of Drops:

Jewels - (Junk Loot) - Fill world of NA with Junk loot and you will never be in trouble again. These can be collected and exchanged with traders for Notes, Labor etc..  or just simply sold in the shop. This loot should include its own categories:


-Precious Stones

-Man made objects(paintings,sculptures)

-Display weapons with decorations

-Watches, bells, whistles, bracelets...etc

Books - (Collectibles) - Some collectors will be able to exchange these for some interesting items. Pick up a mission in XXXXX Port and start collecting. 

Artifacts - (Collectibles) - Tribes must be introduced to the game. Exchanging these with tribe Leaders will grant you reputation. Eventually granting you access to their resources and trade.  

Weapons - (Bound) - Rare Pistols and Swords. Add 2 slots to Captain Tab and introduce weapons that can be fitted there. ex. Pistol +2 Acc vs Crew, Sword +2 Attack vs Crew. Introduce the wide range of swords and Pistols that can drop from Fleets. We know that the new Avcom system is in development and this fits it right. 

Scraps - (Rare) - These scraps are extremely rare and contain Recipes that can be learned to improve Production, Upgrade structures and optimize output. 

Letters - (Mission) - Letters will have a story you have to follow. Adventures and Travel will be required with multiple stops at different ports. Final rewards should increase player Reputation and give away gold. 

Prisoners - (Mission) - Officers, Captains, Priests, Governors, Son, Daughter.. etc.. all can be returned to designated Location to get Reputation or sold to Pirates for gold. 

Parts - (Craftables) - In some cases Scraps will have mod recipe and will require parts. Collection parts that drop from Fleets will eventually enable you to craft a rare mod. 

Chests - (Loot) - These contain Ship Recipes, Parts, Treasure maps.

Keys - (Loot) - These should have a rare drop rate and will unlock Chests. 

Foundation explained:

Think like this, you can't simply get the best mod right from the start. You have to find the Recipe for it. Once you know the recipe you will need to look for parts. Once you get all required parts you can craft a Mod. These mods can't be lost and account bound. 

For exmple you need to find a scrap with recipe and parts before you can Make X structure 100% more efficient compared to the Default one. I do not like simple pay cash to upgrade what we have now. It doesn't belong in mmo world. 

Ship crafting needs this system badly. Learning recipes can produce Default ships, but by finding and learning ex. 'Advanced Ship Engineering Vol. I' will unlock better wood types and trims for specific set of ships 2-4, but not more. Collecting all these recipes will make crafter a much more educated and skilled person who will be able to craft the best ships.  

All this equals to players spend time playing Naval Action. Expand this and you will see the change in the wind. 

Please feel free to share ideas that can make PvE world a happy place. 


Work in Progress....

Edited by Ned Loe
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I love these ideas but don't see any of them happening until (or if) the Devs release something that builds a bigger player base and keeps the one we have. Most of these would ideas would take major version changes. But we can dream. It's the sort of play that I hoped to see when I bought the game. 

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