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smuggler teleport disaster


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So I and Addisonik where going to do a trader smuggler tele port.  Addisonik was checked off as a Smuggler in a Snow and I attacked with my Victory setup for capping.  Addisonik surrendered at which point both Addisonik and Alcorn went straight to the battle screen with no ships listed for either Alcorn or Addisonik.  I had no choice but to click ok and both Alcorn and Addisonk went back to Port Royle with both ships gone from our inventories.


The Exceptional Victory is a very painful loss, I just put it together, it was live oak had 3 permanent slots and 5 regular slots with crew space and stiffness. 


It had mostly Exceptional mods for capping.  Permanent slots had:  Exceptional Barricades, Exceptional copper plating, and Fine Extra Planking.  The Regular slots was:  Exceptional Marines, Fine Boarding Parties, Exceptional Hammocks, Exceptional Grog Rations, and Exceptional Muskets and Pistols.



Can you give this back to me please?  I also sumbitted an F11 ticket in game with Alcorn

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Captain, according to the logs Victory used surrender option

To the best of my knowledge I only surrendered the snow, I own both accounts.  Why would I surrender both ships?  How can two opposing forces both surrender and vanish?  Player to player those ships have to go somewhere not admiralty right?  I have neither the snow nor the Victory in either Addisonik or Alcorn's accounts.  Addisonik is actually my daughter's account but I paid for it.  The victory and the snow diapered completly.  Addisonik's snow is gone and my Victory is gone.

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Captain, according to the logs Victory used surrender option

So I tried to reproduce this thinking I might have accidentally surrendered both accounts (surrendered Addisonik and Alcorn).  I bought a Lynx with Alcorn, took out a basic cutter with Addisonik checked as smuggler.  I sailed with Addisonik from KPR to just outside the green zone then took Alcorn and sailed out then attacked Adisonik.  In battle I sailed Addisonik up next to Alcorn then surrendered.  I then had Alcorn capture and put sailors on Addisonik's basic cutter.  After that I also surrendered Alcorn and then had Alcorn and Addisonik exit to the after battle results screens.  I did this scenario twice starting about 21:55 server time on 7/20/16.


The first time:  Addisonik's Basic cutter was not on the results screen, it was gone and not on Alcorn's results screen either.  Acorn's Lynx was still available, I reassinged crew and the lynx was put back in Port Royal after exiting the results screen.


The second time:  Addisonik retained the basic cutter, reassigned crew, ship was in Port Royal after exiting the results screen.  Alcorn's Lynx was the same as the first time I tried, reassinged crew, exit results screen, and the ship was back in Port Royal.


So know I ask, if I accidentally surrendered both ships wouldn't at least one go back to port Royal or is this a bug that could risk both ships?  If I did surrender the Victory wouldn't it be in Addisoniks account?  I'm telling you when this happened a snow disappeared from Addisonik and a Victory from Alcorn.  Both ships gone.  I don't think I surrendered the Victory but I was through the house and wondered if I host gotten mixed upso I ran the above scenario to see what would happen if both accounts surrendered to give it the benefit of a doubt.  If Alcorn surrendered then it would reason to be that the Victory would go to Addisonik, not vanish into thin air.  The mods on that Vic and the Vic it'self being a 3/5 where hard to come buy just to see it vanish.


I'm going to send an F11 ticket from Addisonik to prove to you that it's my account.  So if the Vic isn't in the log going to Addisonik where did it go it can't just disappear can it?  The snow I could care less about but it disappeared to.

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