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Cant use my ship, not selecting it..


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Hello there !


A month ago or so i bought a Traders Lynx from AI crafted in Cocuibacoa.. The ship was sold by AI (no name) for 120.000 It had a permanent Mastercrafted purple Speed trim on it..

Sailed like a charm..;) But.. Since last month it is bugged.. if i enter port u see the message u not on a ship.. if i click the traders lynx it select it but nothing happends.. i cant choose it.. still u not on any ship..

if i click other ship there like a reno.. im on the reno.. so that works..

if i click traders lynx again.. its not working and still on the reno.. Another strange thing is.. The Mastercraft Speed trim on my Traders Lynx has changed to a Green Barricades..:S so lost that aswell..

no need for a green barricades on my trader lynx ;)


So.. It is just bugged.. cant do anything with it.. i did 3 times an F11 and reported it for last weeks but still nothing has changed..


What should i do.. or what can u guys do for me..?


Thanks alot..


Love The game.. and the new content :)

Keep up the good work guys !


Waiting for an answer :)


Kind Regards THC_JOHN

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