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Map improvement ideas

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As a trader I often try to make the beeline between two port to save time and avoid pirates. I regularly get confused on even get lost and have to teleport somewhere. Here are some idea I had that I think respect realism and improve imersion. These are a collection of tools all available to sailor of the time. I also think that it would reward good sailor versus people who rely sailing near the coast. Wo here are a collections of my ideas. Let me know what you think. I think 2 and 3 would be very simple to add (just a better map image) and would greatly help.



A compass on the open world view where you can aim and get the bearing of your aim:

  • press shift and aim at something like in combat view for the scope
  • example


Alignement lines on the map:

  • with wind roses as they had at the time
  • help a lot with guessing what bearing to take
  • example


Topographical data on the map:

  • position and height of main mountain on each island
  • other landmark data
  • the idea is to be able to recognize and island based on it's topographical feature from far away at take bearing and alignment measurement
  • example (see only the peaks?)


A captain's log with regular data input:

  • every 15 minutes the log inputs the time, the current bearing of the ship, the speed, the weather
  • reading back the log and looking at the map you can make a better estimation of your position


Possibility to take note on your own map:

  • with all the above, the possibility to draw lines and stuff on the map, so I can mark my position of where I think I am and make estimation based on it
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i think navigation as it is now...is perfect


I think this approach raises problems, really. Although you of course are entitled to your opinion, most of us are seasoned in this game. An approach to this issue is to envision what new players think of it, and how they will react. If new players drop out due to experiencing OS travel as unnecessary difficult to grasp to a start, that's really not beneficial. Topics like this wouldn't occur unless this was an issue.


Some of what you suggest is available externally, in the meantime:


Logging and drawing can be done with any diagramming or painting program you choose, if you are so inclined.


This as well I think supports my arguments. This map would'nt exist otherwise.

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Thank you Ampen.


I personally think that nothing is ever perfect and it is always possible to improve. Though then it is more about agreeing on what is actually an improvement and if it is worth the effort.


I also don't think it is just new players and making it easier. It is also about realism and immersion. The options I suggest were availble to sailor of the time. 

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That's right... I said "in the meantime". By which I meant to provide help to the OP, not to imply that such tools have no place in game.


I'm sorry if it came out the wrong way, did see it as a support for the argument and assumed nothing other than that.

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I think this approach raises problems, really. Although you of course are entitled to your opinion, most of us are seasoned in this game. An approach to this issue is to envision what new players think of it, and how they will react. If new players drop out due to experiencing OS travel as unnecessary difficult to grasp to a start, that's really not beneficial. Topics like this wouldn't occur unless this was an issue.



This as well I think supports my arguments. This map would'nt exist otherwise.

buddy i played world of pirates (sid meier pirates based mmo) for 5 years. It had a similar sized world but you always knew your position by checking them map. Navigation/travel was tedious.....adding navigation aids will spoil a very immersive aspect of this game. Be careful what you wish for matey.

Edited by SirLeggit
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buddy i played world of pirates (sid meier pirates based mmo) for 5 years. It had a similar sized world but you always knew your position by checking them map. Navigation/travel was tedious.....adding navigation aids will spoil a very immersive aspect of this game. Be careful what you wish for matey.


What I wish for is for as many of the new players in this game to stay in this game. As I said, most of us here are seasoned, so this doesn't really concern us that much since we've learnt to handle it. The issue as I see it is what effect it will have on new players. Will they consider it immersive, or will they consider it confusing?

One option of course is to have it as optional and then those who want the immersive experience can turn it off, but then the reply always is "others shouldn't have that advantage" (wich is sort of an odd reply though, since someone who claims to be able to navigate shouldn't be at a disadvantage then anyway), but this brings me to my conclusion:

In the same way as the early levels can hire henchmen NPC captains that follow you on missions, the very same early levels could also include navigational pointers, rulers, or whatever aid deemed necessary. All to get them into the game.

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I understand your concerns but I see really positive reviews on steam. Also haven't heard people complaining about the current setup in nation or global.....i think most people appreciate the simplicity and the challenge. You have a real sense of achievement when after an hour of open sea sailing the island you are hoping to see pops out exactly were you hoped it to be.

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