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Some annoying things

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 These things i am about to list need to be addressed in an upcoming patch as they are very annoying/determential to gameplay


1. Infantry going after my arty units when they are cleary needed elsewhere, This is the most annoying out of what im listing as it seems like the AI isnt smart enough to realize that friendly units are needed. Say im attacking Oak Ridge on the first days battle and the Iron Birgade/Pauls Birgade (the units that tend to do it the most) will always go after Pegrams reserve arty when they arrive on the field, and this isnt even close to being historical and just plain frusterating, they usally take out all of Pegrams arty and then just sit there and do nothing if they would roll my flank up on Herrs Ridge then i wouldnt be complaining as much but since they just still there and do absoulutey NOTHING.


2. Units retreating towards enemy lines, this one pretty much describes itself.


3.  Morale dropping rapidly, This one is probably the least annoying thing on the list but it will still make me say WTF? Morale needs to last a little longer than it currently does, Yes this may result in higher casulites but i think that ultimatly this would improve gameplay as it would increase battle duration..



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1. Pegram's battery traveled to Gettysburg on the Chambersburg Pike. They were deployed to where they arrive on the UGG map based on the circumstances of July 1, 1863. Given that this is a game and the player should be in control the player should have the option of having these units arrive on the Chambersburg Pike or their historic position.

The game situation may be different than the situation that existed on July 1, 1863 so programming a gift that can be predictably exploited by the Union is annoying.

The bigger issue in my mind is how do you deal with the "edge of map issues" that include arrival or reinforcements, exit of routed units off of the map, and units trapped at the edge of the map waiting for the Phase to end.

2. Yup.

3. I don't agree with you on point 3. I've positioned troops that fight for the entire Phase in the same position. It doesn't give the player much to do if the battle is static due to "iron morale". My view is your proposal would detract from game play and make the game a "slow morale attrition fest". Civil War battles had an ebb and flow. If you take that away with "iron morale" then it also removes a key attribute of the historical situation.

The clock is the clock so I don't see how changing morale would "increase battle duration". If you mean it would increase the length of time units are in action in a Phase this may or may not be true depending on the pursuit of the routed unit.

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If you spam fall back you get a morale boost, then just send them back into the line. I just rotate my units like this as the AI does not do a good job of rotating in my opinion.


What I don't understand is how morale works in charges/melee battles, sometimes I have units that are engaged but suffer zero morale loss and the other side seems to be wiped out.

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