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Posts posted by Herminator

  1. Oh GASP! You mean the Swedish nation was able to throw their 1 man at 10 of yours the WHOLE TIME!? Now I finally understand you! How unfair of the Swedes to be facing just one threat!


    I see not only Dutch favor the "10v1 or unfair" policy ^^'


    The Swedes had greater number than us on the EAST front when we were split up. The RUS had problems getting any offensive going.


    I guess the biggest problem for the Swedes are that their diplomacy failed. One of their 2 major clans tried to make a truce with us, and we offered them terms, reminding them that Denmark-Norway was not fully committed against them yet and spread out. They sacrificed their nation for the British. That is the cold hard truth. We were open that we wanted a Scandinavian Alliance, and our captiols being so close it's just stupid for us to keep fighting one another instead of watching each others backs. Unfortunately they did not listen to that.

    Let us be honest, Denmark-Norway is not a larger nation than the French. But for as long as the developers don't share such information we won't know.

    The one thing having to fight on 2 fronts have forced us to be is well organized. And we are.

    The "tax collection mission" towards the French yesterday would never have been possible had the French been a little organized as well. But guess that is what you get when you never need to fight on 2 fronts ;)

    • Like 1
  2. First off all, The Coordination between the Dutch and the Danish-Norwegians is not at all as planned as you might think. But sometimes it's amazing how it just plays out.

    We asked yesterday for a little help from the Dutch, we knew that British would be engaged elsewhere so for first time since wipe, the Vest Indiske Escadre were able to go on the full offensive with the RUS(and friends)on the east front! The Dutch, with Capt.Bubbles in charge led a interceptionfleet of 10 brave Dutch players to Plymouth. They started getting attention from Swedes and RUS attacked Basseterre. During this moment VIE was secretly hiding in Fort Baai. When Basseterre PB was going I asked the Dutch to move east/north east of Fort Baai. They were now reduced to 5. Here they intercepted the Swedish counter offensive heading for Fort Baai. The VIE set sail out of Fort Baai and joined our Dutch brothers capturing the flag carrier and taking the flag from him.

    During this time the battle for Basseterre was over and RUS moved on to attack Marigot. VIE then attacked Philipsburg and so the story continues. After intercepting the flag, the Dutch lead by Capt Bubbles went back to Dutch waters and they did their own thing and we tried to regain controll of the tax collection. We finally managed to stop it after 12 ports was taken and Denmark-Norway had increased it's number of ports by 50%. However we have no intention of keeping it all.

    Let us be honest, Silly timers set by us at 06-08 is up for grasp. I doubt we will defend it. This is what we have been facing from the French's allies all along. So some people whining about them before we had even set them just encouraged us more to do so.

    And for your information, The Danish-Norwegians have had to fight on minimum 2 fronts forever. Now finally we could focus one front, like the Swedes and the French have been able to for the entire time.

    Time to grow a pair!

    • Like 2
  3. Unless losing a lot of ships, sinking not many of ours and not distracting us from anything else was the main objective, i doubt it.

    I guess a bird told us that British would take part in a big offensive against the US. So placing a flag in Bani might force British to use a teleport or even drop an attack on the US.

    So, wheter or not it achieved it's mission, I can't realy say. But for some reason, everytime a flag is bought for Bani the SLRN happens to be there in force ;) But not for anything else in that area :P


    I wonder why :wub:

  4. Seems the danes got a bit drunk on success, what with the attempt on Bani. That one didn't go so well for them.

    Maybe, maybe not? ;)

    Maybe the main objective actually was achieved :P 

    I guess the British are the only ones that can give us an answer to that.

  5. Sadly thats exactly what the Danes are doing all the time since a few days already. Ganking swedish players doing missions around the capital in Renomenees that are  crafted for speed. And we cannot help these players because only enemies can join missions. And if they get caught in the OW then they just run because their Renos are the fastest ships. Even a Reno that is built the same cant catch them because the Reno has stern chaser guns but no bow chaser guns.


    Well TBH, you got attacked one time by British, Swedish and French forces. So your "many times against us" isnt true. And the times swedes and french attacked you together without brits it was still an even fight because you got many players and many 3rds.


    Most of the time you only fought sweden and you had a very big advantage there.


    Well.... We have experienced that kind of ganking from IKEA and HRE north of Amalienborg and west of The Settlement too ;) So saying that we are the only "bad ones" here is just not fair of you.


    We have been attacked 3 times by the British only in Higuey. And everytime, Sweden tries to plant a flag simultaneously on our East borders. So claiming it was only once is just false.


    This is the first offensive on the Swedish where VIE planned and coordinated it with good help from RUS.

    So in fact. It's our first ever fully committed offensive on you guys.


    • Like 1
  6. Well shame on the dutch, its easy to win if you go 2 vs 1. I kinda enjoyed the stallmate we had down in the south and had respect for the dutch for the good fights they put up, but I guess they choose the easy route in the end.


    Dutchies, just keep in mind that the french beat you without outside help. :P

    You guys have done this many times against us, but never with the same devastating effect thu ;)

    Now you know how it's been being Danish-Norwegian having to fight Swedish, French and Brits....

    All you got was a piece of your own medicine.


    • Like 5
  7. I have noticed that some players, when they feel they are not happy with MatchMaking or they "screw" up early, has a tendency to just disconnect.


    Today, the game was pretty even with a Bellona on both teams, a Constitution on both and 2trincs vs 1, but 3surprise vs1 so evens out, and some Snow's and brigs and so forth.

    But our Constitution "screws" up, rams the bellona, and says "Shit" on chat(don't blame him), and then just disconnects..... Ruining the round for the 20 others playing.


    How can you report such unsportmanlike conduct and are there any "punishment" for being a douche?



    best regards



  8. Well, they may have been born in what is today Norway - But they spoke Danish, and they identified as Danes. The Norwegian nationality didn't really exist until the 1820's.


    As for Tre Kronor being our most famous ship, I would argue that it was the ship "Trefoldigheden" - Christian IV's flagship during the Battle of Kolberger Heide.


    The first written language in Norway was Danish, that is correct, but never the less they are considered Norwegians. The most used written language in Norway today is in fact a combination of Norwegian and Danish called Bokmål ;) That the Norwegian nationality did not exist until the 1820's is bullocks... Norway had it's pride in the period between 800-1100. Even the word Viking, means "En person fra Viken", or in english, "a person from the bay", referring to Viken in the Oslo fjord.

    When I say that "Tre Kronor" was the most famous ship, I ment by her era. The influence she had upon other nations when she was in service is undisputed. She showed the way for how they would build ships in other countries later on.

    However, she never saw any battle so she don't have much of a service record. If you look upon ships that served in battle she don't have any she cannot contest. But she was such an amazing ship of her time that even England tried to copy her.



    When it comes to Tordenskiold, the Royal Norwegian Navy has called it training and educational centre after him. KNM Tordenskiold is based at Norways main naval base at Haakonsvern in Bergen.



  9. Important fact... That some of those "Danish" admirals are Norwegians, since the country then were called "Dano-Norway". Norway were a part of an alliance with Denmark for a while then Sweden. Tordenskiold and Iver Huitfeldt is in fact Norwegian ;)

    We were actually called the "twin-kingdoms", or the "Dano-Norwegian" kingdom, and was a part of an alliance with Denmark for 434years between 1380-1814. This period is in Norwegian referred to as "the 400 year night".


    The most famous ship the "Dano-Norwegian" fleet had during this era, must have been the "Tre Kroner"(Three Crowns).   


    Since the Kalmarunion (when Sweden + Denmark-Norway was united since Margarete I, in the 1400:s) fell apart when Gustav Eriksson Vasa became king of Sweden in the 1520-ies, Denmark and Sweden had quarrelled and even had a war about who had the right to have the golden three crowns (tre kronor/tre kroner) on blue background as the national coat of arms. To give a ship the name of this controversial heraldic symbol, was a political action that both Swedes and Danes practised.
    The Danish ship tre Kronor (three crowns) was built in Flensburg (in todays Germany) by the Scotsman David Balfour. It was Christian IV finest ship and it was said to be decorated with gold and precious stones. A engraving from 1606 is maybe this ship. It was armed with 72 bronze-cannons. On the engraving you can see cannons also in the tops. You can see other interesting things in the engraving: The gallery has the Danish coat of arms. Above and below it, it has balconies. And on the sides it have small towers (turrets), which decorated with marine-paintings (of ships etc) and small balconies. You can also se that the rails are covered with red and white cloth with the king``s name-symbol (a C with a 4 inside). The 4th little mast behind the mizzenmast, is called bonaventura mast and was common on the 16th century ships, but disappeared in the beginning of the 1600. It is the first ship picture with a spritsail-topsail (originally a flag pole) far out on the bowsprit. It appeared in the beginning o the 1600 and disappeared in the end of the century. On almost all pictures from that time, the sail is belayed. So it had no other function, than being decorative.
    The Danish historian Probst mean that Tre Kronor was the ship that was a "model" for the British ship Prins Royal. If you compare the original drawing of Tre Kroner with the original drawing of Prince Royal, the similarities are obvious.


    It was one of the largest ship ever built back then and had a deplacement of maybe 2100t and a crew of approx 600men.

    It was said that in 1606 King Kristian IV went to England to visit his brother in law, Jakob I, and when sailing "Tre Kroner" up the Thames, people were incredibly impressed by the ship. The two kings decided to host great parties onboard the two flagships placed side by side during that hot summer. They even built a bridge between the two flagships. The English King Jakob I, was so impressed by the "Tre Kroner", that he ordered a simular ship. Since no English shipbuilder ever had tried to build such a large ship before, the job ended up in the hands of the not so experienced shipbuilder Phineas Pett, and to speed up the process he copied the "Tre Kroner". The result being "Prince Royal". The "Prince Royal" was launched in 1610, and is seen upon as the start of the "Ship of the line" era.

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