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Posts posted by Riubicki

  1. Could be exploited easily.

    For example, on one server a passage/port is blocked by enemy vessels... Okay, fine, then I just switch to the other server and sail through them without them being able to do anything about it.


    The server hopping is easily fixed with a timeout, if the game needs 2+ servers is because there is enough people in both servers to block the port, it would come to just who is more organized as it will be if it stays just 1 server.

  2. If you dont mind me asking, why? i am assuming the players with clans and friends will stick in pvp one, but if you have no ties you can now easily move to PVP EU mirror and continue where you left off, leaving everyone a bit happier.


    also Gatsu, i have spent as long as 1 hour in que, honestly i think the population is large enough for the extra servers.


    edit2: also a lot of people seem to still be missing the problem, if you have everything synchronised, what is to stop one dominating clan to go to a server where they arent dominating, and then start steam rolling there? or what about the people on one server usually defending, what if they dont hear about the attack on another server that might leave them to loose a port which they had no chance of defending.

    All data needs to be synchronized, you just wouldn't see the people in the other server while in OW (like ED), battles are in a separated server (if not, the game is already a goner lol).

    for example, if u attack someone in OW a "battle" is created and the position is sent to the other server so people in the other server would be able to see and enter.

  3. I thought the servers can hold up 3000 players. Why not opening another 400 slots on PVP1, to figure out, if its enough?


    Well You have the numbers of sold copies and I dont, so maybe it is a wise decission..... personally I dont like it, for several reasons. ;)


    You do have a the numbers (http://steamspy.com/app/311310).

    The problem of having to choose the server is that the community gonna start to get divided and after servers are going to die as people start to leave, its a solution for now, but they need to implement synchronization between servers on the clusters (NOT REGIONS).

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