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Sir Madoc

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Posts posted by Sir Madoc

  1. Bro, you see the future?  :blink:  What's tonight's winning lotto numbers?


    Whether this game becomes popular will absolutely depend on the quality of the end product.  A good, unique OW sandbox PvP AND Age of Sail experience doesn't exist in the market.


    They do that right and they'll get sooo much press.  People will absolutely flock to that because it hasn't been done well before...


    Arena games are old hat.  And if it doesn't have the budget or the brand like Wargaming AND it's competing against them, it's not going to even come close to cutting into that market.


    I'll ignore the sarcasm and just address your points.


    Like I said before I don't think this game will become popular with its current game model which is what this topic is about. An Arena Age of Sail game doesn't exist in the market either... They can choose either but the Arena model clearly makes the most logical sense. You say Arena games are old hat, well the same can be said about Open World games. As for budget you actually need a lot LESS budget for an Arena MMO game then you do for an Open World MMO. And no it's not competeing against Wargaming anymore than it would be competing against Pirates of the Burning Sea in its current form.


    Hey Madoc,

    I'm not if I agree or disagree with your logic and your argument. You may well be right that it would make more commercial sense to do something along the lines you are describing. I would however be desperately disappointed if that happened.

    Have you tried the Open World? I thought the same thing as you until I tried it.

  2. ST was more fun than OW, however ST arena also had a lot of churn. After the Santi grind only a select few die hards would continue to play. I really hope they can fuse these two elements together (or at least peaceful coexistence).


    That's why you add countries, ship tiers, tech trees, modules etc.. Do you realize how many more ships they could have added if it wasn't for the Open World?

  3. Here's the thing.  Arena was "better" only because OW isn't even close to finished.


    If this game goes Arena, it'll be just like any other game, and compete with World of Warships.  And will lose that competition, no doubt.


    This game has the chance to be a truly special and unique OW experience if done right.  It'll never be mass-market.  Age of Sail isn't mass market.  But OW done right?  It'll be a legendary game that will give Game-Labs so much industry cred that they could do whatever they want next...


    I think this "special unique OW experience" is a pipe dream. It will not happen and the game will have hardly any players. If it went Arena it could be very popular. As for competing with Word of Warships, it wouldn't have to. People would play both because Naval Action is age of sail and World of Warships is WW2. They would both offer a unique experience and would compliment each other. Trying to be a Pirates of the Burning Sea with better graphics is a bad strategy in my opinion. It will be very hard to do OW properly with a small team and no funding.

  4. I really haven't played much, but the Arena style gameplay did seem a lot more fun. Though I joined rather late and missed it, so I only saw videos. But I'll still agree with OP. 


    It was extremely fun, there was always a full lobby you could join. The game had a lot of hype, streamers were considering making it their main game etc. When the Open World failed to live up to expectations and was not even 5% as fun as Sea Trials Naval Action kinda became irrelevant and a lot of people forgot about it. I remember paying something like £40 for the game which is a lot of money for an early access, which I'm not really complaining about but I don't exacly feel like I really got my money's worth either considering I only had about 2 months to play before they stopped the Sea Trials.

  5. First and foremost I'd like to say this post may come across as pessimistic but please bare with me and consider the points I am about to make.
    I had high hopes for Naval Action when I bought the game during the Sea Trials period. It was really nice to be able to fight other age of sail ships and there was always enough people online to play consistent competitive matches that were really fun and the game was addicting. I was always aware that they were going to release some kind of "Open World" aspect to the game, but as I was having so much fun in Sea Trials I never really thought about what that could mean for the future of the game.
    Some people are probably going to disagree with what I'm about to say, but I believe it needs to be said.
    In it's current development model I don't think this game will succeed to become a popular MMO. I believe the Open World model is a mistake and think that Game-Labs should reconsider the model before it's to late (aka released on steam). I believe Naval Action as an Open World MMO is just too ambitious a project for the small team that's working on it. If they kept it as an Arena MMO it would actually be far more commercially successful on steam (just look at games like world of warships for example who follow this same model) and it would free up more time for the devs to work on adding new ships and other stuff.
    You might say that they have spent too much time on the Open World and it would be a waste for them to scrap it and revert back to an Arena MMO like Sea Trials was, in which I would disagree. Everything they have done to this point would not be wasted, they could use the scenery etc for Arena maps and the game would be far more closer to being finished. What they would lose is the GUI work and stuff. IMO Open World online games should be done properly or not at all. I've seen enough games that have tried to be Open world and really failed at this.
    I know the game is still in very early Alpha but I am not going to sugar coat it. When I first tried the Open World I was sadly disappointed and I think other people felt the same way (just look at the numerous disappointment threads the mods have locked). Yes you can say the full game will not be like it is now, but lets be honest it's not going to be completely different. There will be features added and improvements made but it will still essentially be the same. My prediction is if they follow the current model the game will not be commercially successful and the game won't have many players at all apart from a small group of really loyal forum users.
    Naval Action was a game I was really looking forward to but unless they scrap the Open World RPG stuff I think I will my Captain hat will be in World of Warships only (that game is alot of fun, just think what Naval Action could be like if it followed the same model). It's certainly not too late for NA to change its game model. I think its good that the Devs have ambitious ideas but commercially trying to make this an Open World RPG with a small dev team doesn't make much sense.
    The way I see it is like this Devs:
    A: Continue following the Pirates of the Burning Sea model and have the game be a commercial flop
    B: Follow the World of Warships/Robocraft model and have the game be a huge success.
    Mods feel free to move the topic if its the wrong section.

    • Like 10
  6. No, it's not done by them. I'm not saying it's done by aliens but...


    I was not trolling. I was meaning to ask this question a couple of days ago when I was having doubts after discovering this guys profile when I bought Ultimate General: Gettysburg in the steam sale: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DARTIS


    EDIT: Call me a troll one more time Mr RAMJB and I'll ask steam for a refund.

  7. Game seems to be taking a long time to come to early access.




    Jan-May 2015.

    • Soft launch of early access on steam




    It's now June....


    People are waiting for this game. We had a lot of fun during the Sea Trials but for months now we have been playing other games and just waiting for Naval Action to be ready for steam early access so we can play in the open world.


    Can a Dev give an ETA on when that will be happening? I know Game-Labs is legit because they have one game already on steam called "Ultimate General: Gettysburg" but development for Naval Action seems to be taking a long time....

    • Like 2
  8. You could not be that rich and help humanity. The powers of this world would not let you.


    In fact all throughout history billionares have been trying to kill off humanity. A modern billionare by the name of Bill Gates actually funds one of the worlds leading global eugenics programs.


    People need to realise that "cancer research" is one of the biggest frauds in history. You could throw 30bill at it and they would still not find a cure, even though there are already hundreds of natural cures that already exist which the medical industry suppresses from the public. MMR vaccine also causes austim and was designed to lower the I.Q of the population.


    P.S Some of these responses are so predictable.

  9. Naval Action - Open World Blueprints


    I started making this topic a couple of months ago. It was a collection of ideas I had for the MMO part of the game. I am sure that the devs probably already have plans for many of these things but its always nice to have a collective of them in one place to reflect on. This document is still a work in progress but I have decided to post it now because I have seen that Game-Labs are currently making steady progress on the Open world.





    If this game had multiple shards like World of warcraft it would split the community up and mean less enemy ships you would encounter in your ventures. To counter this Naval Action really needs a single shard cloud setup like eve onlines Tranquility cloud server with a node assigned to each region. Another idea would be a hybrid system where the background simulation, political/economical information is on a server while the instancing with other players is handled via multiple P2P sessions I think elite dangerous has something similer to this. A piece of software Game-Labs may which to explore is called RakNet which is a Multiplayer game network engine.



    The World


    I suggest that the devs don't attempt to create whole coastlines of continents and countries but rather limit sailing to regions based around interesting geological locations, like ports, small islands, shipwrecks etc. This way game-labs can make the world as big or as small as they like. This would still be open world because players would not be limited to what region they travel to. For example when opening the map it should show water territories where you have the option to "set sail" to a region and your ship will then start sailing in that direction automatically with the option to cancel it and regain manual steering by pressing an WASD key. Gameplay wise traders will still have to plan journeys because some regions will be more dangerous to travel through than others.





    Fast travel should be limited between certain ports within your own nation and cost a travel fee. This makes sense because in those times the most accurate Nautical charts would be regions of a nations own waters. I also had an cool concept for teleportation to happen through "whirlpools" which would be the equivalent to eve onlines "warp gates".



    Ports and land


    Any land related activities should be a bonus to the core game focus which is ships. Actual controllable avatar characters are not necessary. Ports should be non-pvp areas where players can safely dock their ships. Ports should also be the market hubs of the game. Harbor entrances could be patrolled by NPC's or have artillery on the land that would blow up aggressive players outside of certain nation ports. Pirate ports should be have no such added protection.



    Clans and Fleets


    It would be awesome if clans form fleets and make ship doctrines to fight each other. So say there is 30 different type of ships... A clan may only choose to use 6 different ones in battles but bring multiples to a fight with the same kind of fittings. This will add organisation to a clans navy.





    There should be no skills or experience in Naval Action, this just makes things a grind fest and Naval Action should be as its name applies Action! The reward you gain from destroying another ship should be gold or equipment, these should need be looted from the water.





    Gold & Silver doubloons.



    Artificial Intelligence


    Random events just as Krakens, whales, schools of fish, dolphins are all things that would make the open world more interesting,

    • Like 1
  10. I don't see how you can compare Naval Action to Star Citizen? Maybe World of Tanks or POTBS would be a more accurate comparison?


    Star citizen is a true open world game.


    Naval Action has a separate view for the open world and battles, which are "instanced" with loading screens.


    Star Citizen battles are fought in the same map as the open world.


    Naval Actions open world ships become miniatures.


    The games are based on two entirely different models.


    Sure NA will be a good game but don't expect to be looking down your telescope spotting an enemy ship and engaging them like in Sea Trials. I assume the telescope will only be usable after you've past the loading screen and are in the battle.


    And if you don't believe this I am only going off things the admin said.

  11. do we know when this game will be purchasable again? I was going to buy it this Friday :(


    When it comes to steam so I should imagine that will be when the open world is released.

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