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Sir Madoc

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Posts posted by Sir Madoc

  1. Its clear to me that Madoc just likes arena style games and thats ok. NA originally talked about having an arena game followed by an OW if the players wanted it. In the end the vast majority wanted the OW so they switched gears to that. I imagine Madoc is just disappointed that his arena game is not around right now. I think thats the jist of it. All his arguments are there to simply say he wants an arena game.


    Its not worth the time trying to convince him of OW merits or even to speak toward his arguments. Your not gonna change his mind even if you show his arguments to be weak because its not about the arguments. Those are just there for rationalization. He simply wants an arena game. He is probably a casual player that doesn't want to immerse himself in a game. He probably wants to just log on and play a few rounds and call it a night or switch to another game. Open World MMO's are much more time consuming, they encourage dedication to a cause(at least an age of sail game does), requires that you build relationships with others to survive and thrive, etc. Madok probably doesn't want to be that involved with a game so he wants arena and thats OK.


    That's a LOT of assumptions you have just made. Just because I currently believe that Naval Action would do better as an Arena MMO does not mean I prefer them in general. From reading your post it doesn't seem like you read much of the topic before you decided to interject with those remarks...


    Nobody has demonstrated my arguments to be weak. If they have feel free to highlight some of them as all I've seen so far on this thread is blind optimism and that's OK because I want the game to be good just as much as they do. It also appears that 6 people have liked my OP and this thread has had 1000+ views and 75+ posts so what I have said must have resonated with some people...


    P.S: I know what Open World games are about, I've probably even played more than you. But it makes no sense to play one that is not enjoyable. I am definitely not the only one that felt the OW was an anticlimax compared to sea trials. When the game becomes fun again my views on the current game model may change.

  2. Not sure this thread has any purpose. I doubt the devs are going to give up their goals for a shallow arena game. I don't know if anyone noticed how the player number decreased before OW testing began.


    The thread is a discussion about the current development model.


    I didn't make it with an expectation that anything would come of it, but I think it's been interesting seeing peoples opinions on the pro's and cons of both models.


    I remember the end of Sea Trials clearly and the reason for the decline was because they added 4 new ships and forced people to unlock them all before being able to play with their original ship and also because people were waiting for the Open world, and (if i remember correctly) the Devs introduced ship loss or something.

  3. No, you're completely blinded to a factor. 


    Let me just say it right now.



    Gamer in this generation have very short-attention span thus by taking this game and scraping the whole idea of OW into a full Arena MMO (By the way, you can't really call it MMO when its really all lobby...) you will see the game decline in a matter of months. The only reason why LoL & DOTA 2 are still alive despite their arena-estique is simply because they're one of the first one to hype it and it's competitive and fast-paced. 


    Moreover, like what admin said before, they want to try to make a game that is on their vision unlike others; so scraping the OW idea to be a mere 1000th copy of Arena is not just a simply stupid but also very costly.


    Curious as to the logic behind mentioning LoL and Dota when they are completely different games? World of Warships and Robocraft are far better examples, but I beg to differ that the game would decline if it was Arena based combat MMO. Oh and talking about being first, Naval Action would be the first one to do it for the Age of Sail genre if Game-Labs decided to go that route. As TommyShelby pointed out earlier, there has not been an Arena based Age of Sail MMO game yet so it would not be an "1000th copy" and I also fail to see how it would be anymore costly than its current development model.


    TLDR: People will grind till Santi and will therefore quit afterwards leaving only a few behind leaving the game obsolete of activity.


    If you think that then obviously you haven't played an Arena game before. From my experience they are quite good at keeping players interested. "Grind to santi" doesn't really make sense because if this was to become an Arena MMO (which it currently is not) then there would need to be lots more ships, new game-modes and features added. You are painting a picture that it would be exactly just like the original Sea Trials which is not a fair comparison since Sea Trials was not a complete game.


    You have your opinions but don't try to force your ideals onto us; this is alpha. Unlike you, we can wait till it develop into something greater. If you have that low of a confidence then I think we'll need another tester to fill up the spot. That and there's other games for you.

    Please don't bring your rudeness to this thread. The discussion has managed to be civil so far and I would like to keep it that way.

    I don't think I've forced my ideals, I simply shared my opinion which is formed from my long experience in the gaming world and speculated a little.



    And lastly, Arena MMO, do you even know what you're saying now? Arena MMO, that's only deatmatch mode... (Thinking that Trafalgar is another mode is stupid, it's another deatmatch albeit scripted)

    Yes, but I don't think you do. Arena MMO's can be much more than "only deathmatch mode" (I only mentioned Trafalgar as an example btw).



    Make a poll as well, you should know the result already by the amount of users rejecting your idea.

    Funny you should say that. I remember the original poll for the Open World and I was one of the people who voted for it. But I actually think less people would be in favor for it now compared to last time due to the initial disappointment many people have expressed.

  4. No, I'd quit the game and so will others. Arena-deathmatch every single day would bore me to death.


    That's under the assumption that Arena-deathmatch would be the only game mode included if this was to be an Arena MMO.


    You're not really thinking in general view-point. Did you see the effect of ST anyways? It gets boring too fast; heck the thought of it bores me.

    I honestly believe that you need to look at this issue in the long run; not just for yourself but for the player-base as a whole.

    The main effect of ST that I saw was that everyone was having a whole load of fun. People only stopped playing it when they announced the OW was almost ready for release right after they added the new ships. ST was just one game-mode (or two if you count the battle of Trafalgar) and would still have needed a lot of work to become a fully fledged Arena game..

    • Like 1
  5. Also there was a open poll where the community voted very desicive for an OpenWorld to be developed ;)

    I'm aware of that. I wonder if there was another poll people would feel the same way though ;)


    Maybe you have a look at the next few iterations and check out what changed and improved. New content etc.

    Will do.


    What this small team is doing is really astonishing.

    And I have faith in the OW to become a success.

    Well I hope I'm wrong but just remember this thread if I'm not.

    • Like 2
  6. Compete against Wargaming's brand new World of Warships Arena game or compete against an MMO that came out in 2008 and is really only similar in that it's OW?  Hmm...


    I think you have missed the point completely. One is Age of Sail ships and the other is World War 2 ships. I don't think they would be in competition. If anything people would play both games and switch when they got bored.

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