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Posts posted by Zeal

  1. 9 minutes ago, Aussie Pastor said:

    Oh no????

    You guys still playing....well done.

    God save the king still?

    I'm playing US, so it's God save the President, now for me!!!! LOL

    Still saving the King mate haha. We are just over 40 now, slowly growing

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, Slamz said:

    If I understand correctly, there seems like an easy way to ruin people's income, especially on PvP Global.

    I capture X. I am now getting paid.
    You arrange a port battle for X at 5am my time (or 3pm on a weekday, when I must be at work).
    You don't actually show up, but the battle is scheduled.
    Unless I log in and join the "defense", I will lose my pension?
    Whoever joins the defense will get the pension.

    So on PvP Global, the new meta will be to arrange off-hour fake attacks with the hope that instead of having 25 people getting paid, you end up with maybe 0-5 defenders getting paid because those 0-5 people were the only ones to show up.


    I'm imagining an Australian clan whose primary job is to arrange port battles. They never need to attend them (in fact, it is better if they don't). They just need to schedule it during Australian prime time so that most people can't defend and their pensions are lost.

    They are sort of a "spoiler" clan. They don't capture anything but they can spoil everyone else's income.

    Why do people always hate on AUS? Global server is for global community. If you cant handle it go/stay on PVP EU

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, chzypai said:

    Thought I might give this game another go. I'm Aus...ish timezone. Played mostly on the Euro server so unless there is character transfer thing, I'll be a pretty noobtown dude. Haven't played in quite a bit too, let us know if I'm fitting your brief.



    Hey mate, we take all skill levels. We originally played on EU as well. More than happy to help bring you back up to speed. Just jump on the discord or shout out in game and someone will get you sorted :)

  4. 5 hours ago, Seaman Stains said:


    Seaman Stains here. I was a member of your clan as the Australian Navy, before...err... lots of things changed. Are you chaps still active? I haven't played for a LOOOOOOONG time, and I checked yesterday, and there's been a wipe, as well as a (understandable) cleanout of inactive clan members. I might wish to rejoin if things are going well at work etc.


    Hi Stains! I remember you. We are playing on the PVP Global server now and would love to have you back. The discord server link will get you onto our comms where you can ask for some permissions. Ask for an AUSEZ officer when you are online and hopefully someone will pick you up. I'll keep my eye out for you when I log on later today!

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, PaladinFX said:
    5 minutes ago, Krumpf said:

    Will there be another wipe or is this it?  Sorry, have been lurking in the dark corners for a while and am not quite sure its safe to come out.  Looking at things from when I last played it religiously the game seems to have matured/polished quite a bit, well done!

    there will be a wipe at release.

    Nvm, just saw above... Is this officially confirmed?

  6. AUSEZ (Australian Colonial Navy)

    AUSEZ is recruiting on PVP Global for Great Britain

    We are recruiting Captains interested in all game aspects to swell our ranks (both new and old members are welcome)


    What We Require

    -Active players

    -Voice comms compulsory (we use discord)

    -Members willing to participate and contribute to the clans direction

    What We Offer

    -Numerous opportunities for PVP


    -Skilled group of players

    -Active members


    We operate in PVP GLOBAL and accept members from all time zones and locations.

    Feel free to drop into our Discord for a chat: https://discord.gg/UeB8cdf

    Talk to Fasti or Zealicus for recruitment or post here in this thread!

    Fair seas!


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