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Posts posted by beagleplease

  1. On 7/9/2018 at 1:55 AM, Christendom said:

    Current DLC model is fine.  They are premium ships that are significantly better than anything closely resembling counterparts and quite frankly they should be. 

    You really think that creating paywalls to compete is a good idea?  

    Crafted ships have to be comparable, I'm starting to wish I hadn't bought this DLC.  Basically if you enter the Nassau patrol in anything other than these ships you are next to useless.  The br ratings are a joke the herc is twice as good as a rattlesnake hvy and the requin is arguably even better. 

    Not to mention if pvp is dominated by dlc ships (future non shallow ships included).  That give pvp marks when they sink, just creates more net gain and makes the games currency mean even less. 

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  2. 31 minutes ago, admin said:

    Patrols already give this safety pill somewhat. You get rewarded if you do damage and dont need to win. 
    If we do this in battle - then it will breed a lot of exploits that are impossible to close. 

    Remember how it all started? You could attack anyone, you could turn a pirate, you could enter everyone battle or port battle, you could announce your intentions and start PB by placing a flag. It all went down the drain because not all use features the way they were intended in good faith. 

    What stops players sinking alts? 

    What stops Players on different nations agreeing to sink each other? 

    There is not really a way to stop this if they are sneaky enough about it. 

    As long as fighting creates a net gain it will be exploited.   Fighting should reward less than the ship sunks value.   The Conquest needs to be the way to gain.  You have to balance it so no one can get steamrollered but having more territory is better.  

    None of these problems the game has are simple they all intermingle with other parts of the game and you have to fix all of them at the root cause. 

    Applying small bandages to a mortal wound is not gonna do anything. 


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  3. On 6/17/2018 at 12:26 PM, victor said:

    Then you should have also re-grind your ship knowledge as anyone else.

    Everyone has its own concept of "fariness" here, and I do not see any objective reasons why to treat in one way ship knowledge "rewards" and other kind of rewards, since they both are "rewards" for time and effort spent in game.

    And to TBH getting rare skill books takes much more time and effort than grinding ship knowledge, so they should be higher than ship knowledge in the list of "saved" things.

    PS: keep in mind also that another hard-wipe (it would be the third or fourth, I do not remember) in the acutal situation really could bring with it the risk of killing the game population.


    Just a good example of how stupid and imbalanced the skill book system is more than anything.. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, Capt Aerobane said:

    US month/date system is based on a paper calendar, you first flip to the month then find the day within that month (iirc) it's honestly not even a huge deal, it would be best to just let people choose the layout they want.

    Do you think this is a serious discussion... 

    We were talking about flags on the moon a few posts ago lol. 

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  5. 9 minutes ago, admin said:

    Seasons idea was under consideration some time ago

    • Each season will have a map and server wipe
    • Each season will have a random selection of ships (so you might never see first rates in the Autumn 2018 Season)
    • Each season will give a unique special reward that could be used the next season
    • Each season will have randomized resources across the map
    • Player will be able to select a small set of items he will be using next season

    The problem with seasons is that players coming in the end of the season will have no chance to influence the map (some might argue that this is happening now anyway as new players meet geared veterans)

    I think it is worth consideration but be careful. Length of season and how long it takes to (I hate the word but) grind, is super crucial and random is dangerous, it needs to be balanced in some way. 

    Also how do the dlc ships fit into this.  Redeemable hers and requins off the bat will be silly op.  Even if you wipe xp.  

  6. 26 minutes ago, Borch said:

    I dont think that seasons is a good game mechanic (especially this game). Its like artificiall content that in fact is not a content at all, only same things you did 6 month ago. Better to develop more and real game activities.

    Well actually it can be used to create a cycle of varied gameplay.   Early game is a mix of light ship battles and a rush to lineships, in a well balanced way this can make all ships in the game useful rather than just sols.  Then you get you're mid game which is a war of attrition with sols until eventually you hit late game where one or two nations have come out of it with a first rate zerg. 

    Varied gameplay is good but implementation is hard.  Making this actually work is a nightmare, the losing nations may just quit until reset unless you come up with some reason for them to stay. 

  7. How is buffing the armour and guns on a hvy rattle time consuming?  You change a value in a line of code done.  At the moment a herc can rip half a. Roadside off a tough hvy rattle vs taking superficial dmg in return.   

    As for the requin.   I boarded 3 people in a 10 vs 5 then got away easily in a live oak white oak requin.   Tough as a medium frigate, only faster requin can hope to catch it then that requin is miles upwind from any help and the tougher requin can turn and batter it till it disengages.. Only the herc can even last a few rounds in boarding with my requin most shallow ships get 1-2 shot by me.

  8. As far as realism goes I think it's incredibly stupid to think that someone put in command of a vessel would be unable to figure out basic navigation methods like figuring out ones location. 

    If you want to add a bit of authenticity to it make an observation button or something, pointless if you ask me.  Everyone just uses the coordinates anyway, super realistic.  Also realism does not always make good gameplay. 

    It takes too long to sail anywhere in this game.  We shouldnt need a magic tow button to move ships around to compensate for how long it takes.  Its already unrealistic how would making it faster hurt.  If anyone wants to sail around this map in real time they are mad.  

  9. Yes, much better than your last suggestion I wish you led with this it would have gotten more attention then. 

    This would fix a lot of issues.  Some ideas here need work but overall great suggestions. 

    You should even change the name of the thread to fixing Conquest or something so people don't associate it with the other post. 

  10. 2 hours ago, z4ys said:

    No I broke so many bowsprit on the xebec. They don't reduce sail procenatge when lost. Sails are only connected to front main mizzen by 33%each mast.

    I stand corrected then. 

    Well on balance; I think the problem is with the sail force mod stacking rather than the ship itself,  it can't stand up to much in the way of gunnery although maybe it is a little bit too tough.. 

    People will get wise to being boarded by these quickly enough and just get downwind of them and smash its masts till it runs away or over stays its welcome. 

  11. I think this would be great. 

    However battles need to close after 10 minutes in these zones. 

    I had a one vs one against a trinco in my endy a few days back.   After 20 minutes I was pretty much dead, starting to take on water.  A bellona jumped in on my side at this moment.   The trinco having repped and being down on sails also fairly battered at this point had no chance at all.  I sank so he got that at least but he should have won and sailed away... Instead the bellona gets free pvp marks. 

    This kind of stuff happens constantly. 

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