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Posts posted by beagleplease

  1. i just think for most people its still takes too long to sail anywhere so they just stay in one place get bored and quit.

    you are right about content no one can argue but i do worry that the underlying problem is the time investment.

    i came back recently and the game seems to have taken as many backward steps as forward. 

    are you sure they didn't just change the numbers lol.  It seems to take just as long as before to sail anywhere to me but i have been away for a while.

    If my current trade run took half the time i wouldn't mind doing it at a riskier time as it is i will not risk wasting that much time so no hunters are likely to see my trader.

  2. well they need to please one crowd or the other, and i suspect the crowd i'm with is larger considering how few people play this game now.

    Sailing around for days in an empty ocean might be the authentic experience but most people don't have time for that shit.

    what exactly is there to like about endless sailing exactly please explain? 

    everyone complains about empty oceans.  The world is too big.


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, oldcrankyman said:

    That's not workable.  The mods are rewards for battling.  It's beyond silly to give rewards to people who haven't earned them.

    whats beyond silly is giving the 100 or so players who spend the most time in game a huge advantage over the rest of the player base and potential player base, so those players leave. 

    • Like 5
  4. 2 hours ago, z4ys said:

    No I broke so many bowsprit on the xebec. They don't reduce sail procenatge when lost. Sails are only connected to front main mizzen by 33%each mast.

    I stand corrected then. 

    Well on balance; I think the problem is with the sail force mod stacking rather than the ship itself,  it can't stand up to much in the way of gunnery although maybe it is a little bit too tough.. 

    People will get wise to being boarded by these quickly enough and just get downwind of them and smash its masts till it runs away or over stays its welcome. 

  5. The game needs to make money and these ships are fairly priced imo. 

    I do see the problem with fleets of free ships running around.  Maybe every day is too frequent? 

    Also the hercules is perhaps too dominant in shallows compared to craftable ships.   Forcing players to buy one of these to compete in shallow pvp doesn't seem like a good idea to me. 

  6. The issue with making upgrades give a minor bonus is why even bother with them at all then? 

    There needs to be a level of customisation to allow for player expression, giving players real choices on how to fit their ships is great for a game like this. 

    The problem as others have pointed out is the overpowered rare mods and skills.  British gunners give 3% reload vs elite which gives 8% and - 5% dispersion.  Absolutely ridiculous advantage.  And if you have the skill on top of that too its even worse.  you can easily end up with 15% faster reload than someone running the obtainable versions with the various reloads skills.

    First of all level the playing field so we all have access to these mods.  Then it becomes easier to balance them since more people are using them. 

    • Like 2
  7. I think this would be great. 

    However battles need to close after 10 minutes in these zones. 

    I had a one vs one against a trinco in my endy a few days back.   After 20 minutes I was pretty much dead, starting to take on water.  A bellona jumped in on my side at this moment.   The trinco having repped and being down on sails also fairly battered at this point had no chance at all.  I sank so he got that at least but he should have won and sailed away... Instead the bellona gets free pvp marks. 

    This kind of stuff happens constantly. 

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    Maybe if you could not attack anyone for 30 minutes after logon at sea without first going into port then this may work. To an extent this may solve the revenge fleets and has the effect of stopping people continuously camping outside a capital or other area. 

    i think this is the solution tbh, right now i cant go hunting unless i have all day free and tbh i don't want to spend 5 hours running away from people who clearly dont value their time.

    i had like 15 plus spanish players chase me for around 4 hours, absolutely ridiculous tbh how do these people have nothing better to do?

    my only solace is that while thats 4 hours of my time it was a combined 60 or more for them..

    • Like 1
  9. Fixing 20% of annoyances will solve 80% of problems. There are 3-4 things that are lacking and will be addressed during 2016


    Lack of meaningful PVE content - which 50% of players require

    Lack of politics/alliances/war and peace mechanics - which will affect 10-30% of players

    Bad UI - will affect 100% of players

    Events and tournaments for people who want balanced competitive content (maybe)


    Once its done - the rest is just tuning and fixing bugs. The game will be somewhat complete and we will just have to add ships.


    Happy players just play and don't come to forums. People who come to forums come to complain - that is why forums feel somewhat negative - but even those who complain they love parts of the game and just want to make it better. Those who hate the game just uninstall and don't even register on forums.


    i would really like to see a revision of conquest somewhere in your goals, preferably with roles for frigates as well as shallow water ships and sols.

    A conquest system that promotes even fights over the current system that promotes very few fights at all.

  10.   A lot of players found a way to use the in game mechanics to enhance their enjoyment of the game and because you don't like it because you think its an "exploit", you spit your dummies out and start bawling.

    The fact is this: The game had a way of providing high end pve content, now thanks to some blowhards it's gone.


    For me i always hated the reinforcement mechanic and I'm glad its gone, however for the many players who have lost their content i am sorry we have such a rigidly intolerant and close minded community.

    The op has pointed out a lot of the things that are wrong with this game and all the majority of posters in this thread can do is throw personal attacks at him and shout SPLOIT!


    You guys are pathetic.

  11. They removed it because groups with 10+ 3rd rates and up were using it to create much needed pve content for themselves.

    Now there is nothing for large groups of players to do other than split into smaller groups which is great isn't it for a multiplayer game where 25 guys can gfight in battle together, oh wait no its actually shit.

  12. Using 25 ships to attack one, even now, is a massive misuse of resources, if that is the stated goal of the fleet. However, if those 25 stumble across 1 en route to something else... *shrugs*

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be possible it should just be undesirable to do so.  In a real life situation they would probably break off 1 or 2 support ships, they would not risk being late to their objective to chase it.

  13. Take ganking for example. Vanstabel convoy (100 ships) ganked at least 20 british vessels on its way to France from USA. USS Constitution escaped from the gank - the so-called Great Chase. Yet many people don't like it and they call ganking the reason they are leaving the game. Should we care for this? It was part of the real age of sail experience. Purists will say it should stay - but it bleeds players.

    Are you suggesting that using overwhelming force was always strategically sound?

     Because that is the way it is in naval action currently.  In the real age of sail committing 25 ships to attack 1 enemy ship would have been a massive misuse of strategic assets

    and would hardly make one look good at the admiralty.

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