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Posts posted by Gatsu

  1. Please don't make the game too easy on people when it comes to PvP. When your out sailing it's not only about choosing your targets when hunting prey but also watching over your shoulder to not become an easy one. Please do not make the game too easy just because some can't handle doing this.

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  2. We simply just does not have enough players in the Swedish nation to compete. We might have just enough for one port battle if our biggest clans combine all their online players with ships big enough. In general the nation is undercrewed and naturally cant stop a force of 10x more BR.

  3. This is what happens in the Swedish territory, it is not what happens in all the other territories, with Iron so low you will have no problem to come to Plymouth or at Camp du Roy and sell it with still a good profit to French players since it cost twice this here, Oak is still empty everywhere after this patch for us, gold saw now his price increase in all cities, yeah it doesn't take long here to see the speculators at work with flawed contracts system ... and you are lucky to find 25 pieces of it at 206 per unit in producing cities already... 32% inflation compared to all days of the last week higher prices, just a few hours after massive injection of gold in many players pockets ... 


    I don't have much cash in my pocket right now, will change in a couple of days, but i will be more than happy to buy your the over produced iron you get at so low price, same for  oak and gold if you get some  ... and so will many French players on the PVP 1 server ... you will make profit and it will still be cheaper than what we can get around ... 

    Isn't this how it should be? Drive people towards port control for the resources? I don't see why this is a problem in the game that has to be fixed by spawning free resources in your cargos.


    I don't think the Oak overflow has taken effect yet since pleny probably have LH to use due to lack of Oak. Wait maybe 3 days and people will be sitting with 0 LH, not buying resources, letting Oak, Fir and Gold replenish in all ur ports.


    If I saw a reason to have a lot of gold in this game I'd actually bother going there selling you thousands of iron but now I don't so why bother.

  4. @Gatsu


    I was trying to count the number of time you participated in this topic... I stopped counting after 15 posts... With one post where you are saying that you give up...


    I am sure developers are listening. I have never seen developers reacting so fast to the players demands than in this game... And I am sure they got your point. You may need to keep your cool and read in your head others people answers and then see if you really need to add another post. ;)

    Look who's talking ;)

  5. which js why I said "ranting", but I see now this is getting nowhere.

    When Admin reads my posts I am getting what I want here...

    Gat is your typical wannabe hardcore player. Claims he wants it harder then if gets what he want leaves because it's to difficult.

    sure, whatever you say bro

  6. Abundant supplies have to be tested to properly judge the production buildings (mines, etc) effects and calculate their production capacity with real data. 

    You should really look at which resources makes people use how much LH from your current blueprints and set a LH value per resource for each crafting branch. You must also see which branch is the biggest money sink, which crafting branch has the most used consumables to get an accurate LH value/resource type. Use this value to balance rareness of resources.


    To have ports producing lots of resources that has high LH value will then be overflowing on the market while underproduced low LH value resources will be rare due to lots of usage, and balance whatever type of resource production system you choose to use in the different map regions. I don't think you have to ruin the current market allowing people extreme wealth when you eventually swap to another production system to get these data. It's not fair.


    No matter the current resource gain, whats crafted and used in which magnitudes will be relative. I'd even go and guess that overflowing market with resources will mess up your data as I now easily can afford any upgrades the shop has to offer along with whatever ships and meterials players has crafted since they now will be much more cheap. Being able to buy everything is not normal but being able to just buy and use up what you really need is the way to go. Reduce all productions and mission rewards and see what data your getting to calculate LH values of resources.


    Because without LH, resources are not usable at all. I also suggest that you find a way to alter resource productions based on gameservers player activity.


    How about this idea?

  7. But tahts only YOUR Opinion. You want to force the Dev to refert something soley on your Opinion? Tahts extremly arrogant...


    Tahts waht i mainly critcise: You dont want to test it. Tahts it. and tahts a wrong approach in a EA:


    Maybe your right and its wrong. So waht? The Dev change it bacl.


    Maybe the Dev's are right: And now were are actually able to buy Oak in ports were it gets Produced. Or, god forbit: I can place a Contract for Oak in Gustavia and  a Trader can sell it to me with profit after he bought it in Codrington for example. As of now, nobody was able to do taht. Because YOUR contracts in town wich produced Oak killed every change of a healthy good cycle.


    City produces=Traders Buys =Trader sells for better price= my contracts in Gustavia are able to buy Oak=i build ships for Guild and market= People buy them= people lose their Ships=


    And back to start


    This didnt work before patch...

    And you don't think I'm allowed to share my opinion or what are you saying? I'm not trying to force anybody to do anything, I'm simply persuading my opinion with real constructive criticism. I explain with reasons why and this is probably what you missread as me trying to force them to change to my way.


    Thank you for confirming that my argument has strength and thank you for the personal insults towards me.


    We have already tested these types of changes and as my screenshots show you, iron is now worthless. It has no value anymore due to a similar patch. This patch will do the exact same thing to Oak, Fir and Gold. We should learn from previous mistakes.


    I was not the only person getting oak from cities but I was one of them who did. This because I focused a lot of time on trading. It wasn't a cakewalk, it took many hours of sailing around with a lot of valuables in my cargo which is yet another aspect of the game that dissapeared with this patch. All those hours I spent to get my resources made me deserve them compared with all who instead were out getting xp. If you people wanted oak you could have spend your time really trying to get it.


    There is no longer any trading for profit with iron, the same will happen with oak. It's because Marigot will have 2500 oak for sale at 75g each. It will then not be possible for traders to buy all that stock (from all the oak producing ports) which is the one thing preventing people from being able to sell for profit. As long as that other port has NPC prices for lower then what you want to sell for profit in Gustavia you won't be able to do it. I hope this clears up some of my concerns.


    I think it worked before patch since the people who spent an effort were the people able to reap the rewards from that effort.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh, and Gatsu, you do kown that prodcution will be Playerbased at release right???

    Yes but that is no reason to not judge the changes of the game based on its current state, right?

    if most people are like you, why are you the only one ranting here?

    read the thread and u'll find plenty of people disagreeing with most of the changes this patch brings...

  9. We never said that EA might not be for you. We are very careful with what we say.


    We said this




    You will always have problems with devs working and testing things - good things and mistakes always happen in all early access games. 

    Twisting the facts about our statements will get you in trouble here. Your opinions will not be taken seriously or will be just ignored by the community. 

    So what do you mean by saying that I am having "problems" with all EA games? Because I do have a problem with this patch, so you are directly saying that I am having problems with all EA games. I find this patch way too extreme and destructive to the game world, I think it's breaking the entire game.


    It's up to you if you want to listen to my complaints or not, nobody forced you or anybody in your team to do so...


    What I am giving is constructive criticism, if u cant read my posts in a calm tone in your own head that's not my problem. I don't know why it always have to be so hard to have a normal discussion online.

    • Like 1
  10. all right, if you are in for EA, why are you so against every change? Isnt the sole purpose of an EA to test exactly this stuff out?


    It is in my Eyes.

    I am absolutely not against every change but I am strongly against making the game WAY too easy because I want a challenge. As it is today I see no challenges in front of me except for forcing myself to do the repetitive xp grinding which makes the game feel like a job that I don't want. Currently the hardest things to do is to grind xp and wait for your LH to regenerate. There is no point in trading or doing PvP since ship loss no longer matter at all.


    This is the only patch I've complained about and I've played this game hundreds of hours since the first day it released. I just cant understand why you people don't see that this simply cant work. Every hour that this patch is active we're going towards total pointlessness of playing this game.


    You know, if I get attacked I might as well just take surrender as it won't change anything. It wont hurt me as much as it won't benefit my enemy enough for anybody to care. If I find that a match is a waste of time I'll just surrender and then go on with what I was doing without a care. This is now how casually carebeary I want this game to be.

    • Like 1
  11. Yep I got 20 oak from about 5 contracts placed over last 5 days. That was broken, maybe some are worried their ability to become a billionaire by hogging the market has just been taken from them if so good, maybe we all be billionaires lol. Test the patch for gods sake, its early access stop freaking out, do some yoga, have a kit kat but at least test it.

    if you placed only 5 contracts over last 5 days you did it wrong, I placed about 10 contracts each day and got about 150 oak daily (during my roughly 4 hours of daily playtime). Now I will be getting thousands of oak from doing absolutely nothing else then traveling to a port that produces it. If you cant trade better then others you've got to spend ur gold if u really want oak.

  12. waht exactly is the sense of THIS post? expet whining and insulting?

    Admin told me that EA might not be for me so I explained to him, with example, why he is wrong. I am not insulting anybody but I sure am complaining about the actions of the devs and questioning their intent with this EA title.

  13. You might want to reread my post again. I did provide information. I pointed out a time pre-EA when they did this exact same thing to address a resource scarcity and it SOLVED rather than caused problems.


    GrapeShot, a.k.a. A Loudmouth Carebear


    We had a few ships here and there crafted in higher quality in my nation which is great. Now we can expect all ships to only be exceptional. Only if you have 0 friends in this game you might be stuck with crafting lower tier ships due to the LH cost of crafting notes. Yet another way the game got ruined, theres no value in anything atm except for LH and XP. Gold resource will be cheap while gold income will be massive. This patch is WAY too extreme towards its goal.


    re-reading your post of a totally different situation wont change whats happened in todays game world. stick to relevant facts.

  14. Players already have millions

    On the oak and fir there was no supply at all whatsoever. For iron you can actually buy it in some ports now.. but half of the ports is empty - providing trading opportunities. 


    You cannot make something without breaking something. Many things will break a lot in the future as well.  if this is a problem for you all EA games will be a problem for you Captain.

    I have over 1800 hours in Entropy which is an EA game. The explanation would be that I still see the potential in that game but making patches like these are way too much and so NA is losing my respect.


    there will always be a few with too much riches, now half of the games population will have that, do you see a difference there?

  15. You're being a hysterical alarmist.

    Peior to EA they had the same problem with an artificial shortage of gold ore. They solved it by bumping the amount of gold ore produced. It did not create the sorts of problems you fear.

    I think you need to calm down a bit.

    when you feel the need to insult people in your posts instead of providing any shred of useful information you might wanna calm down...

    If tahts your View, you have no place in a EA anyway Goodbye

    why most people are like me is why games die during EA, you cant deny it...

  16. Jesus youre a Negative one...


    I havent seen Oak in TEN DAYS: It was sold out everywere, all times.

    and i did run 5 Contracts for it.


    Tahts actually true. But only for low tier ships.

    so only because you didn't know how to get oak, you went to the forums complaining about it making them do this patch to ruin it for everybody that knew? yeah makes sense that they should follow your suggestions. and 7 days of this patch is all u need for the hardcore games to have earned millions and crafted lots of high end ships by todays standards at basicly no cost at all.

  17. Folks, just lets test it for a Week and see how it goes? Jesus...


    Sure, when the damage basicly is irreversable without an asset and crafting exp wipe.

    There was literlally noe Oak at all or 600 Gold per unit

    we used to have something to spend gold on, now we dont.




    And if you want to be historically accurate I think that oak should be rare... (as far as I know)

  18. Early access is for testing and fixing. Economy is not in its final state and what you see right now does not represent what will happen once port investments and port production is implemented.

    You as a game dev should be aware of the importance of how your game develops during the EA. How many games haven't already died during EA due to a wrong turn in the development process? It's not only about reporting bugs and if today is the day that you learned this, then I'm sorry.


    I think that this patch was such an obvious failure that I lost any confidence in any future patches. How can this not be predicted?

  19. All that said, I personally am not amused at all this negativity - talk of massive playerbase leaving - etc.. Threats (which is what they are) like that are not the way you will change the game, constructive feedback is what you want to provide.


    I've already gotten discouraged to play tonight after reading these patch notes. I'll probably wait for the next few patches from now to see if they are ready to get serious about making this game already. But then I've most likely found something more pleasing to spend my time on, that's how things go for me and a lot of other players, and it's also how "Early Access" is proven not to be only for players wanting to contribute with bug reports.


    I give up on trying to give any feedback now, I think it's pointless. Bye.

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  20. There's only one such person being so loud in this thread.

    The development team is amongst the most flexible I've seen. Quick to rectify errors, and willing to change.

    You must remember, this is a project of passion. They love their game as well.

    L'etat c'est moi.


    Loud because the game is getting too easy, which is the straight opposit of a carebears opinion, that is correct and thank you for recognising the importance of these long term destructive changes they are implementing.

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