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Posts posted by drogoran

  1. the problem with a system like this is that you would have to provide insane bonuses to get people playing the smaller ships that are guaranteed to lose


    all this talk off not nerfing ships and keeping them historical seem to forget that ships irl dident have HP nor did they have any semblance of armor rating either


    whereas naval action ships do


    and it realy fk's tings upp


    imagine if a connie had similar HP to a trico how would that fight play out?


    or even more extreme imagine no HP at all and winning would have to be done by causing leaks and killing crew

  2. A beauty. Also still can't believe 17th century ships like this one are considered too old, if they are too old the constitution is too new. Damned double standards.


    i can understand it from a development standpoint unless you wana keep adding ships forever :P


    but from a gameplay standpoint calling a ship like this to old is bonkers

  3. PVP = Consequences

    Surrender means there was no fight.

    No fight = no damage = no XP

    But ...

    Surrender means that the loser lost. Cargo - lost. Durability - lost. Ego - takes a hit.

    PVP ... remember?

    it is in the loosers best interest to do as much dmg as possible before dying so as to recover as much as possible from the loss


    surrender is counter to this

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  4. Give us teleport to any of those un-capturable ports with ships (could be the same ports as current Neutral ports) (same cooldown as current teleport), a raid event instead of port battle with unique mechanics


    [fight though defender ships (if any) to reach a dock, start loot timer, grab stuff (player warehouses and dock stock) every X seconds like the boarding turns, survive and run away after looting as much as possible for example] 


    and watch us roam the seas looking for easy targets and stealing your stuff instead of conquest.




    exactly as pirates should be

  5. Planking imbalances on lower level vessels.

    We want to compact the planking integrity on unrated vessels bringing them closer to each other. This will increase variability and improve ship choices for shallow water combat. The difference in hp and survivability between a Navy brig-sloop and a privateer should not be as strong as it is now (almost 2.5x).


    is what the 1st content patch preview says, well the imbalance in deep port battles is even larger with a victory having more than 5x the durability of a cerberus/surprise and god knows how many times the firepower

  6. Yea, but the idea is to have a good spread of different ships with their own role to play in the game, so slashing the performance on ships of the line while retaining their huge cost doesn't really do that, it just moves another ship toward being the optimal choice.

    ofcourse multiple changes would have to be made regardles of how you go about changing it


    point is there are no different roles for ships in the game if you have any ideas how to make smaller ships relevant in a 25 v 25 arena setting then let us hear it


    By lowering the stats they don't become rare they become irralevant, and do we really want 25 irralevant vics or do we want 1 vic backed up by 3rd and 2nd rates and those backed up by frigs and mortars?


    and curently everything else is irelevant

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